I've lost my WILL and I want it back!!!!!!!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby doglover » June 14th, 2005, 12:26 pm

Donica - Like Christi was trying to figure out what to say. We can all be supportive (and we are) but only you can do this.

I have the same problem as you. I begin a program gung ho - then once I have some results and begin to feel better about myself I revert back to old habits. I almost ran into that block w/ this program too. I was at my 150 goal and just feeling great. But I decided I could feel, look and be better so set the new goal. Now I am 1 lb from that and really struggling to decide if I should transition or go for 5 more. But...the difference w/ the last 10 lbs was that I feel NO urge to revert back to terrible eating habits. Did I want pizza this weekend? Yes. But could I have settled w/ one piece - YES! I didn't want to eat the entire box this time. AND...I was able to say no. So, you need to get your body and your mind in sync before you give up. You need to be mentally ready to return to "regular" food before you stop MF. Have I cheated - oh heck yes - PB is the nasty culprit in my life. But...I did not stop using MF.

Here is something my hubby used to say when I was just so sick and tired of nursing my babies. He'd ask me to give it one more day, or week or whatever I thought I could give. If I still felt the same about it after that time frame then I should wean. Well, guess what? I always chose nursing after that time frame.

So make a deal with yourself. Forget about pounds. How about time. Tell yourself that you will do EVERYTHING in your power to stay on MF for one more day, one mroe week, whatever. And at the end re-evaluate. Do you still want to continue? If the answer is yes, you will have the strength to move on. Just set a realistic time frame and force yourself to meet it. Put notes on the fridge, cabinets, computer, everywhere.

Last thing - when my schedule eases up I too struggle w/ the program. My problem is I forget to eat on time. I think when we are rushed (for you that means in school) it is easier bec. you are on automatic pilot. That's natural. Your mind has more time and freedom to wander.

Thanks for coming here. You are a good friend and a good MF buddy. Let us know how you are doing.
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Postby ljm498 » June 14th, 2005, 12:28 pm

I think it is HARD all the time.

Every dang day, makin' the right choices that lead to the pathway to optimal health.

We can get good at doing hard things though, can't we?

Nancy, absolutely. I just know in my experience there are "hard" days and there are HARD days. But you are absolutely right, it is hard on some levels all of the time. I in no way meant to say this is easy at all. I guess I didn't quite get across exactly what I meant.

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Postby kassilou » June 14th, 2005, 12:40 pm

Not much I can add to what you've already been told. We all know that being able to stay compliant to the program, any program, is all in our head. Our thought processes are all mucked up regarding food, and I know for me the slightest comment from someone or the tiniest slip on my diet could send me out of control. Last night my dd practically sat on my lap and ate 2.5 grilled cheese sandwiches. Man, they smelled good!!! But I just added that to my mental list of things I will be able to have someday, in moderation.

I try to remind myself that this is a season of my life, a time to improve my health, my appearance, and my self-esteem. The day will come when I will be able to have the things that I want, tho perhaps not as much as I might want :mrgreen: , provided I plan ahead. I will always have to monitor myself in this area, and continuing to come here to this forum as you did is a great way to stay accountable.

I hope you are able to get back on track.
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Postby shirley » June 14th, 2005, 1:06 pm

Everyone thanks for sharing all of your ups and downs. I have loved all of your thoughts and it has gave me new energy to keep those shakes a shaking.....love shirley :-P
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Postby Jan » June 14th, 2005, 2:11 pm

Hi Donica.
As I deal with people I hear many say "I just didn't feel like..." You know feelings are real but we can't let them rule our lives. As long as we give in to how we feel it is very difficult to succeed. Sometimes we just have to tell ourselves I'm doing it whether I feel like it or not. The more we overcome the stonger we get. So if you "feel" like cheating --don't. If you "feel" like you've done this long enough -check the consequences. Are you where you want to be?? I guess I'm telling you get back in gear --do it no matter how you "feel" and we'll all continue to cheer for you. No matter we all have so many ups and downs if we use feelings to lead our lives -- we are all up and down sometimes -- we just have to realize it and not give in.
You've taken step one -- reality check -- and telling us all -- now take step 2 and pick yourself up and get going!! You can do it!!
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Postby monkeymom » June 14th, 2005, 2:21 pm


By this point there's really not much left to say, everyone has given you such great advice. Read this thread, then read it again......mark it so you can easily come back to it whenever you feel like you are losing it again, then realize you slipped, it's done, and move on. You can't change what you've done in the past, how you've dieted in the past.......all you can do now is change how you eat from this day on.

You can do it.......you just have to start.
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Postby DonicaB » June 14th, 2005, 3:28 pm

Wow! I so appreciate everyone's encouragement. I will tell you this much, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

Christi~~I need a firm hand once in awhile and I do need to get my butt in gear and get back to it.

LeeannNH~~I am just one bite away from cheating. I guess you're right, we all are. I don't like cheaters much, so I guess I had better quit being one.

I don't even want to blame the change in my routine. Only I am to blame and only I can change this. I know in my mind if I can just make it 3 days I can keep going.

Nancy, I think I will try planning like you said. That might be very good for me since I am so used to following a plan every day.

Thank you each and every one. You all are so wonderful......what would I do without you.

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Postby Nancy » June 14th, 2005, 4:40 pm

what would I do without you

:shock: Oh, man!

:shock: We don't even wanna think about it!

Sheesh! Donica, without us and without Medifast products and our great TSFL Program you would be where you were before you met us... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby Seaside » June 14th, 2005, 4:40 pm

Donica, Thanks for giving me the chance to finally "give back" to you after all your encouragement in my difficult early days on MF. I don't have much more to add to the wonderful things that others have said, but you DESERVE to feel and look better -- you DESERVE to be healthy -- nothing should hold you back! I been on the receiving end of your warm support, and know how much you have to offer. You can do it and we are here to walk with you, even when the road gets bumpy. :stroll:
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