Losing slowly

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Losing slowly

Postby muffin » February 16th, 2004, 3:00 pm

Hi all ! This is day 21 for me and I'm only down 11 pounds so far. Although I have had a couple cheats in between I doubt it was enough to slow me down . I only say this because I work full time packing cloths all day, It just doesn't add up. I calculated this loss to be about 1.9# a week. And I know the first couple was water anyway. This is stressing me out. I will admit I am getting use to the plan more. I stiil want food now & then ,but I have felt better at work with enough energy to do my job. I don't want to give up yet. Maybe I should drink more water, but I have no time at work to go every half hour. Plus I've been on the full fast. I thought I might not be getting enough calories but that does'nt sound right either ??? This is "MediFast" not medislow.
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Postby moutoncove » February 16th, 2004, 3:22 pm

Hi Muffin,

How much water do you drink? Is there any way you can bring a bottle of water to your work station with you. I drink 4 - 33.8 oz bottle of water a day. I make sure I drink 2 before lunch and 2 more before bedtime - that's 135.2 oz of water, double what they recommend. Do you measure the water you drink. Sometimes people think they're drinking enough but may not be if they don't measure it. It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow that I'm on the program and I've lost 19# and I'm on the full fast. Maybe drinking all this water is helping me - I don't know but I'm not quitting to find out. Are you on any kind of medication - sometimes that will affect your weight loss also.

Please don't quit - this program works. You just need to find out what's stopping you from losing. Cheating once is a while may be the reason. Try staying strict with it for a week and see if it doesn't make a difference. Maybe if you write down the times and what you eat in a day someone might be able to suggest to you how to change things to get it moving.

These are only suggestions! I hate to see you so stressed with this. There's nothing else that works out there. You can't quit. Hang in there! Make a few changes. DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK.

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Re: Losing slowly

Postby explorthis » February 16th, 2004, 3:26 pm

muffin wrote:Hi all ! This is day 21 for me and I'm only down 11 pounds so far. Although I have had a couple cheats in between I doubt it was enough to slow me down .

It just doesn't add up. I calculated this loss to be about 1.9# a week.

I don't want to give up yet.

Plus I've been on the full fast.

This is "MediFast" not medislow.

Howdy.... Please dont take any of my comments here in a derogatory way.

I disagree with your comment completely, about Medifast being slow.

(Medifast not Medislow)

Fasting is abstinance from food. Your comparing apples and oranges, and this is not fair to the program.

I want to know from your 100% honest point of view what "a couple of cheats are" before you decide to give up. I am not accusing you of anything, but I feel I need to tread lightly with you, so you do not go offensive on me.

What exactly are you eating? You additionally said you are on the "full fast" This confuses me.

Muffin, you can succeed at this, I do not want to see you giving this up. It is a good program, bar none. Please be patient with this. The support is A+ Where else can you go and see/share your feelings and understand what others like yourself are feeling?

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Postby muffin » February 16th, 2004, 7:34 pm

Thanx for all the support here guys. When I say cheats , I don't mean to say that I eat every night. I do think I should be drinking more water but It feels like such a chore for me since I have a packing average I have to make each month and I can't be slowed down by potty breaks. I do sip water through out the day. I make it a point to stop at the water cooler after each break. Soooo, I get home at 4pm and I could chug chug chug till bedtime. Does it hurt any to drink alot at one time or do I have to space water out ? Do you think it's to early to start toning or or doing cardio after work ?
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