Losing my mind

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Losing my mind

Postby want2Bskinny » June 28th, 2006, 10:38 am

I guess I'm not thinking straight. I posted a new message, but it's under guest....anyway this is what it said.

You all have been so great. I'm still trying to get my meals in, and I refuse to give up or give in to temptation.

I look forward to happier, thinner days. I know that in a week or two, I'll feel better and the scale will move again. I just need to get through this emotinal crap. Your responses were VERY helpful. He will be sorry one of these days. But, of course, by then I won't even care.

Have a good day everyone.

So far....2 shakes and 1 soup....which is progress I suppose.
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Postby TheShadow » June 28th, 2006, 11:24 am

Please keep trying...you've got to eat to keep up your strength. At least these meals are nothing to prepare. Do you have a friend or family member that you feel you can vent to? I know that helps. There's probably nothing they can do except hold on and tell you that everything is going to be okay. But you need to hear that so....GIRL, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}
He is so not worthy of you. Now go drink a shake, I mean it!!!!!!!
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Postby dede4wd » June 28th, 2006, 8:54 pm

Dang right, he'll be SO sorry, and daing right, by then you won't even care!!!!

You're doing great! This emotional crap will pass! Post/PM ANYTIME!

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