Loose skin?

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Loose skin?

Postby irishgirl » February 16th, 2005, 10:53 am

I am contemplating trying Medifast. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I am concerned about loose skin due to the rapid weight loss. Has anyone who has lost substantial weight found that to be a problem?
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Postby explorthis » February 16th, 2005, 12:15 pm

Yup, however define “problem”... Each person sees a problem as something different.

Remember everyone’s skin elasticity is different. Some will some won’t


Lose S-L-O-W in hopes of not gaining “loose” skin?

Loose fast in hopes of the same?

Loose fast, and be happy/euphoric that 100+ pounds (which I did) of burdensome weight is gone forever, miraculously changing every aspect, every waking moment of your life, and live with the possibility of loose skin, or the reality of it (I faced the reality part)?

I would not change for a nano-second where I am now, with some loose skin, for where I was 1-1/2 years ago.

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby cplantho » February 16th, 2005, 2:33 pm

I understand your concern. I have lost large amounts of weight in the past, so I have an idea what to expect from my body. Every body is different. Whether or not you have a large (or any) amount of excess skin will depend on factors such as age, rate of loss, amount of loss, body composition and genetics. It is possible that you may find yourself developing excess skin that bothers you. That said, you won't know unless you lose the weight. Don't let your concern over excess skin deter you. If you later find it too disruptive, some plastic surgery can be an option. As Mike says, you may not mind it too much when you realize how wonderful being thin is. :mrgreen:


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