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wow...this tuff is too good to be true...

Postby gracey » June 22nd, 2005, 7:19 pm

I've been looking about this site all last night and this evening. I just had to connect! I've been desperate for awhile and looking for an answer to my chub problem. :oops:
Any advice from other users' personal experience would be appreciating in heklping me to make this decision.
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Postby mytime » June 23rd, 2005, 4:51 am

Gracey - I just received my first box of MF and am planning to start Monday... so I don't have any personal experience advice yet. But I will say everyone is very supportive - this is a safe place and you are amoung friends. Reading all of the posts and looking at the Studio did it for me. It took me four days of reading just to make my first post. We hide ourselves. I say give it a go. We will be here to support you. YOu can do this. Mytime.
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Postby kassilou » June 23rd, 2005, 5:41 am

I found this website after already ordering medifast. I, too, was desperate to find something I could stick to. I found this forum the day I started my program. I believe being able to come here has made all the difference in my being able to lose weight.

The program itself is simple...open a packet and eat every 2-4 hours. Coming here to share ups and downs, being encouraged and motivated to keep at it, and having it come from people who truly understand what it is you are going through, has enabled me to stick to this program.

I had told myself when I ordered that I was going to stick to it no matter how bad the food tasted. Luckily, that has not been a problem. I don't even "feel" like I'm on a diet. I don't dream about food like I have in the past while dieting. Most "real food" is off limits for now, but not for always. I have a limited variety of shakes, puddings, oatmeal and bars to choose from, as well as a variety of sugarfree flavored syrups to add to my shakes for different tastes.

I cannot say enough good things about the program. The weight comes off, the self-esteem returns. Do it. :mrgreen:
To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
~Ben Franklin
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Postby Emma » June 23rd, 2005, 6:24 am

Kassilou pretty much said it all.

For me, I have been a professional dieter for years and years. My problem is food! I can't have "just one bite" - it's torture. With Medifest, there's no option - you can have the supplements and the lean/green, and that's it! This is huge for me and I CAN'T believe I'm still going strong after 5 weeks. Normally I would have cheated in the second week (from starvation). On Medifast, I'm not starving and everytime I turn around it's time for another shake.

You honestly have nothing to lose except weight - try it for 2 weeks solid and I bet you'll be feeling so good you'll want to keep going.

Keep coming to this forum - everyone here is in the same boat and we all care.

Started MF: 5/18/05

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Postby TEEZS2K » June 23rd, 2005, 7:02 am

Gracey, All I can say is none of us are paid to say great things about this diet, we are all passionate about it because we can see results. I must have read for a week before I decided, okay these people are seeing result. Weight Watchers work for some people, but for me it is too slow and not rigid enough for me. I cheated, didn't count the littel bites here and there and when I followed a recipie, I never really knew if I was calculating right. OH and 2 hours shopping was just crazy! I need something just like this...SIMPLE, EASY, with RESULTS. I got up this morning looked in the mirror and said wow I can see the difference but I can really FEEL it all over. I am just toning up, and getting there. You will like some products and others may not appeal to you. I look forward to my oatmeal for breakfast, and my chili for lunch with crushed crackers in it. ALL I can say is if your mentally ready to commit to a new you then go out there and BUY IT, DO IT! If you don't like it you can always sell your stuff on-line at e-bay or keep looking at it in your cupboard until you are ready!!!!! :lol:
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week 1 - 8#loss
week 2 - 4#loss

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Postby grace » June 23rd, 2005, 4:58 pm

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. I believe I will do this, I just have to wait until pay day! ;) Reading all of these posts is sooo inspiring and encouraging. I can't to see the same results everyone else is experiencing.

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