Long term use of MF

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Long term use of MF

Postby mtomto » March 5th, 2006, 11:04 am

The more I read here, it seems many people have been maintaining still using MF as part of their diet. My consultation ended with the start of the 5/1 plan and to not worry about transition and long term yet..just stay focused.

Other than folks who have a large amount of weight to lose, do you use MF dialy on a limited basis once you make you goal during maintenance. DO we ever go back to all food diet, minus everything thats bad for you?
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Postby DogMa » March 5th, 2006, 11:45 am

I'm not there yet, but I asked the same questions when I started. Most successful maintainers do seem to still use the products. I plan to continue using them, just adding more "real" food each day (maybe two real meals instead of just the one) and see how it goes.

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Postby Jan » March 5th, 2006, 2:16 pm

My Goodness,
I seem to be following Robin around on the forum today. And you know what -- she's right on again. Boy oh boy she is getting to be a real expert on the MF program. Plus, she is parting right along with the pesky pounds too. Yea!!!!! :D
That's exactly what we all do--- incorporate a couple of MF products in our daily lives every day. For example when we head out to coffee instead of being tempted by one of those goodies in the case -- we take a bar. When we want a quick breakfast -- it's a shake. None of those egg Mc things for us. Fast food?? We use healthy fast food -- otherwise known as MF. :D
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