by Sojourner » May 8th, 2007, 8:56 pm
Hey, Lizabette ~ it takes about a month for duck eggs to hatch. Technically, 28-30 days. There is a certain type of duck that takes a few days longer, but your little squatter looks like a Mallard hen to me.
Not only is DH a duck-man, my college campus is full of ducks (mostly Mallards, but some wood ducks, too) and canada geese. It's very cool. I saw the first goosling of the season just yesterday...and I thought of you! So, yes, the hatching season is here. Last year, there was a duck family with 13 ducklings! They were absolutely adorable! I've never seen more than 6 or 7 ducklings before that. I might have a pic somewhere, 'cause I know I took one. I'll post it for you when I find it. Just so you can see what you have to look forward to! It sounds as though you have little more than a week to wait...
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Shake it gone, babeee!!!