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Postby Lizabette » June 21st, 2007, 4:12 pm

Y' Welcome, BIKI,
You are just so close to goal, nothing must stop you now!
Wish I could just take you by the hand and lead you gently on...:heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Lizabette » June 21st, 2007, 4:39 pm

I wanted to get in a little more in my journal.
After my first 4-mile walk yesterday, I wondered if I might feel it some today.
Really, no I didn't!
My weight resistance instructor said today, that we can do so much more than we think we can, if we just trust ourselves to do it.
Today I did the 1-mile with the other class members, and then we spent about an hour working with upper and lower body weight resistance moves. Plus the stretches, etc.
I am upping my weights and though I really feel it at the time, it feels so right afterword.
NANCY said last night that the Medifast HA's are being challenged to do the 4-mile walks, so I feel I am getting up there with the"biggies."
I'm hoping to do them several times a week.
Everything in marathons for me yet!

My health and fitness benefits just so far outweighs the numbers on the scale, that I will not worry about that... so long as I remain focused on the steps it takes to promote them.
That is my new mantra now.
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby holberry » June 21st, 2007, 7:04 pm

Oh my goodness Lizabette!
I just listened to part of the phone program..
You and Nancy are truely an inspiration. Thank you
WE can do anything, yep, yep :hug:
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Postby Lizabette » June 21st, 2007, 8:40 pm

holberry wrote:Oh my goodness Lizabette!
I just listened to part of the phone program..
You and Nancy are truely an inspiration. Thank you
WE can do anything, yep, yep :hug:
hugs hol

Yep, yep we can, HD!
Thanks for listening and glad you liked it. :heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby nickieluv » June 22nd, 2007, 6:07 am

It was nice to 'meet' you on the phone call playback last night, Lizabette! I could not believe it when you said how old you were. From your avatar photo I had guessed 15-20 years younger!!! You're going to make it to 110, lady!
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Postby Lizabette » June 22nd, 2007, 7:19 am

nickieluv wrote:It was nice to 'meet' you on the phone call playback last night, Lizabette! I could not believe it when you said how old you were. From your avatar photo I had guessed 15-20 years younger!!! You're going to make it to 110, lady!

I'm so glad we got to 'meet' on the call playback.
YAY, 100! (Not to be piggish!)
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby holberry » June 22nd, 2007, 10:09 am

thanks for the sweet post in my journal Lizbette.
going to the gym right now to sweat, just like you!
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Postby Lizabette » June 22nd, 2007, 1:36 pm

JUNE 22, 2007 - 131.1# 8)

HB, you're an angel, just like your avatar! Thanks.

Hey, this morning, I did a measly little mile walk at the Y track, simply because I was with a friend. I feel cheated!
Actually, I am beginning to enjoy my indoor walking tape better. But I think it is the variety that I like most.
Two days at a structured weight training, and the other days, Y track, or indoor walking. The warmer weather is conducive to indoors.
The idea is to do something.
Of course, exercise also keeps us more aware that we make better choices in our eating plan. It works that way in maintenance as well as on plan.
It just soon becomes a way of life, and not a sacrifice at all!
HB, you're doing great! Just a smidgen away from the 50# Club. WTG!
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby HappyHomeMaker » June 22nd, 2007, 4:40 pm

Lizabette wrote:JUNE 22, 2007 - 131.1# 8)

HB, you're an angel, just like your avatar! Thanks.

Hey, this morning, I did a measly little mile walk at the Y track, simply because I was with a friend. I feel cheated!
Actually, I am beginning to enjoy my indoor walking tape better. But I think it is the variety that I like most.
Two days at a structured weight training, and the other days, Y track, or indoor walking. The warmer weather is conducive to indoors.
The idea is to do something.
Of course, exercise also keeps us more aware that we make better choices in our eating plan. It works that way in maintenance as well as on plan.
[b]It just soon becomes a way of life, and not a sacrifice at all!
HB, you're doing great! Just a smidgen away from the 50# Club. WTG!

You are very right about exercise. When I was younger and was a fitness instructor , I Loved exercise!! I'm hoping to get back into that habit again.

I got your encouraging words in my Journal and I wanted the say "Thank you". You are very wise, inspirational and encouraging. You are a very gifted woman.
God Bless,
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Postby Lizabette » June 22nd, 2007, 7:35 pm

Thank you, HAPPY!
It's odd how we stray away from the good habits we had in our younger days,
and then later, we realize how valuable it was and try to get them back again.
It takes us years to gain weight, putting our health in jeopardy, and then we kind of expect that we should lose it all in a few weeks or months time.
It doesn't quite work that way does it?
But you know, I did lose faster on M/F than on any other diet even with my slow, slow metabolism. 60# in 7 1/2 months.
If I'm not mistaken NANCY lost twice that much during that period of time.
So how fortunate we are to have found a way to accomplish our goals once again.
But I think how sad to have wasted those years...
Interesting that you were once a fitness instructor. I know you can give us all some good advice about exercise.
Some of our medibuddies have questions about whether to exercise or not.
Thanks again, HAPPY LAURA, for visiting my journal.
Come back again anytime. :heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby Patty » June 23rd, 2007, 3:16 am

Hello Lizabette -

Just wanted to pop in and say :wavie: and wanted to thankyou so much for all you do here - you are terrific!

Back on track - 11/23/07

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Postby nickieluv » June 23rd, 2007, 5:29 am

Lizabette, just was thinking of you because last night I went to the website of our local Y and checked out all the classes they have. They have a lot, and some swim and gymnastics classes for my baby's age group, as well as free child care for members while you exercise! Definitely looking into that more - I think I'm ready to do SOMETHING but I need structure.
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Postby Lizabette » June 23rd, 2007, 7:19 am

JUNE 23, 2007 - 131.7# 8)

NICKS, Structure is good. I believe that is why MF worked for me when other plans failed.
I need it spelled out for me and a plan to be accountable.
Exercise works that way also. Not that we can't do it on our own, but most of the times, we won't, right?
I believe that you will really be motivated once you get into it, knowing that it is doing something good for our bodies.
I actually have never been that gung ho about exercise, being a laid back sort of person---love to read and write, slow things you know.
Like talk to my buddies like you... :heart:
But now I look forward to what I am going to do each day.
Which reminds me...


PATTY,Thanks for popping in. Love hearing from you and knowing how well you are doing.
You are pretty terrific yourself, and again I want to tell you what a beautiful person (avatar) you are.
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby holberry » June 23rd, 2007, 9:44 am

Hi Lizabette,
I did not finish the your phone conversation the other night, cause I got cut off! I will tho.

But in the mean time, are you still wearing a C-PAP to sleep?
I have one, but my airway is small due to heridity. My mother, skinney mini, size 2-4, 5'5", had sleep apnea, and my bro does too. I could get surgery, but not my idea of fun :shock:

I was thinking perhaps you do not have it now, if yours was caused by weight, What an excellent benefit that must be!!

Thinkiing of you :D
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Postby Lizabette » June 23rd, 2007, 11:42 am

Hi HB,
About the C-PAP. I'm happy to report that I no longer need the 'thing'.
I believe I mentioned that at the call, along with some other health benefits of losing weight.
I hope it will help yours, too, cause it ain't fun! Having to take the machine along on trips was inconvenient, but necessary.
Thanks for asking.

Hey, I did my in home 4-mile fast walking this morning. My second time!
I'd like to do that 2-3 times a week.
I thought it was interesting that the Medifast HA's are challenged to walk 4 miles a day (10,000 steps)
Tomorrow, I'm taking a break and letting my 'bones' rest.

'Course, we almost always take the 'girls' walking each evening for about 15 minutes.
They start stalking us about that time of evening and go ape when they see their leash coming out of the drawer.
So what else can we do?
They have a fenced back yard and get lots of exercise with each other, but does that satisfy them? What do you think...?
How's your birds doing?

We're getting some thunder and rain this afternoon.
I do always enjoy the rain when I can stay indoors.
Keep up the good work, HB. I'm in your cheering section. :cheerleader:
Lizabette :heart:
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