by Lizabette » April 14th, 2007, 8:44 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007 - 130.1#
Can you believe how my weight is fluctuating this week!
Up and down from 130.1# to 130.8#, up and down, up and down...
Can't persuade the scale to stay the same or even go lower than 130#.
Maybe it needs to stabilyze there before it can go down. We'll hope!
Yesterday was a good day of exercise at my little gym. I found the CD's do actually help to keep going until 'just the next song!', don't cha know?
BIKI, "Crazy" is my favorite Patsy song! What does that say about us?
I did two sessions when I found I had a little extra time.
Last night, I fixed DH and me a BIG green salad, with canned white chicken/ tomatoes/ff cheese with balsamic dressing./ WASA cracker/ 1/2 baked sweet potato/buttermilk. (Remember, maintenance!) Wow, a lot of good stuff there!
I have done similar salads with canned salmon.
HB, Hot Springs is so charming and unique! Gambling has been outlawed here for some time, although it gets back on the ballots almost every year.
Some slots did get back recently at Oaklawn race track and a few select places in Arkansas.
You know of course that HS was a hang out for Al Capone and many other 'gangsters' at one time. Lots of not-so-good stuff happening!
Yeah, Hot Springs is a very unique and artsy town!
There are numerous other attractions now including the GARVAN Botanical Gardens, BASS fishing competitions, Documentary Film Festival, and oh, so much more.
You'll just have to come back.
Well, SUZY. Thank you.That is so sweet of you to read through my journal. I'm so glad it is of interest in whatever way to you and others.
Thank you for the congrats on DH and my looooooooog marriage of 60+ years.Where did all the years go?
You deserve congrats on 20 years. That's a heap! And believe me, time quickly passes 'when you're having fun!"
Biker Babe funny, huh? If you could've seen me riding a scooter-bike in Bermuda on one of our trips...'course driving on the wrong side of the road,
I took a curve too fast and ended up one banged-up biker babe! I wore dark glasses for awhile so it didn't look like DH had beat me up!
You'll be amazed that your daily weight loss journey will soon be done, as you make it fun and exciting, just like our daily lives are speeding along.
And then comes the joy of maintaining and being healthy and fit...
..plan for forever!
Hey, Sunday Roll Call is tomorow. See ya there!
195/135 - Reached goal, Aug. 31, '06