Lizabette wrote:MARY, long time no see thee! Bet your're doing all that wonderful traveling and planning for another cruise soon.
MerryMary wrote:The only traveling I'm doing is Dallas/Chicago/Dallas to visit with my Mom. I've been going monthly. I did have a cruise booked (Egypt, Turkey, Greece) but cancelled it. It was too far out and my life is unpredictable right now. But thanks for asking. You are so sweet.
Congrats on renewing your exercise efforts! You must be well on the mend!
ChynnaDoll wrote:Checking on you sweetpea:+)..hope you are doing ok and getting much stronger.
You said you did the two mile walk tape the other day?..i'm assuming it was the Leslie Sasone..if so, was it the one with her and Florine?...i just LOVE that one cuz Florine adds so much extra joy to the class:+))))..i could do that one forever!Take GOOD care of you my queen.
Love you bunches
your Chi~
Lauren wrote:Hey, Little Lizabette! I just wanted to drop a line to say hello and wish you well! I have been a lowsy forum chick lately, but my thoughts are always with you and the other fab folks here!
Hope life is good! Lauren
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