by Lizabette » June 27th, 2006, 9:03 pm
JUNE 27, 2006
SMARTIPANTZ gave us some 'Words To Live By' in her post today. It was:
"Don't sacrifice the thing you want the most for something you want at the moment."
She also said " Our goal weight is what we want the most..... the temptations are all something we want at the moment.
Those temptations come and go and compromise our success in reaching our goal."
SMARTI, that is so appropriate for each one of us here on the Medifast forum. If I may, I'd like to paraphrase it just a little differently to bring it closer to home:
"I will not sacrifice the thing I want the most for something I want at the moment"
Now that is something to tatoo backwards on our foreheads to see when we look in the mirror, as DEDE suggested...
Or on our refrigerator as MELLOWMOM and KETURA plan to do.
JAN said we should implant it in our brains by constantly repeating it to ourselves.
Wouldn't that statement give us pause, as we reach into the refrigerator or pantry for that certain something which would give us a single moment's pleasure?
What if we applied that slogan to everything else we do? How much more successful would we be in attaining those speciific goals we are all striving for in our day-to-day lives?
Thank you Smarti, for sharing your insight with us. And for giving us another tool for making Medifast work for us even more powerfully.
And as some others of you have said...
195/135 - Reached goal, Aug. 31, '06