Little things I want to do once I reach goal....

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Postby ladyhawke » September 10th, 2005, 2:43 pm

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Postby MamaD » September 10th, 2005, 6:45 pm

The first thing I am going to do as I descend into thinville.... is get rid of my fat clothes... they got to go... Dr. Phil is right.

Then cause I am going to be :lol: :lol: :lol: I want to get me teeth all whitened!! I mean... if I am going to be grinning...I want to be sparkley!!

I want to travel and go and go and go. Right now I am almost too tired to go to the mailbox!!!

Then I want to do the kayak thing. I have always wanted to do one... just paddle along!! I am afraid that if I stuck my behind in one now...that I would be stuck in there forever!!

I look forward to being healthy...
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    Postby Nancy » September 10th, 2005, 8:31 pm

    Hi there, Mama D ~

    You have some great goals there and I believe in you - you will attain them and have a blast kayaking. Where will you go?

    P.S. I'd be getting rid of the fat clothes all along the way - pass them on to someone else - then as you are thinnin' away your closet will become more empty and you'll have room for new thin clothes!

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    Postby LuzInIt » September 11th, 2005, 4:28 am

    Hey Mama D - Don't wait to ditch the fat clothes. The last time I wear something that is really getting too baggy (I have to trust those around me to tell me when, since I love floating around inside lots of loose material that used to bind), rather than toss it in the laundry - since I'm sure I'd probably wear it again - I toss it in the trash. I've thrown out at least half of my wardrob on my journey to thinnieville - takes quite a leap of faith to believe I'm never going back where I was - but BELIEVE! By committing fully to Medifast and getting thin and healthy, there's no way we'll fail :D .
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    Postby MamaD » September 11th, 2005, 4:46 am

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh LInda you are so right about that!! There is nothing in this world more gratifing to a fat girl then baggy clothes. Who cares if they look bad.....the are BAGGY!!!!!

    I figure that I can pitch my stuff too. At first I felt guilty about it, what with Katrina, and goodwill and all that.... but I think it really makes a statement when you can just chuck them in the bind.... far as kayaking goes.......... we have the wonderful Savanna river here and a little place that will take you and a boat down there....give you a couple of lessons...and then come back and pick you up. AND---OR==== I am working on my DH for a cruise to alaska. I am not quite sure about going on a cruise where I have to wear a sweater, but I am sure that there will be paddling opportunities there too!
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    Postby ladyhawke » September 11th, 2005, 4:47 am

    My MIL lost 18 lbs and she said no one noticed until she bought all new clothes.
    I'm wearing my fat clothes until I reach goal, then I will blow it on new skinny clothes, I don't have the money to spend on in-between-clothes.
    Luckily, I wear a uniform to work and living in Florida the only thing I get dressed for is church every Sunday.
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    Postby MamaD » September 11th, 2005, 5:12 am

    WEll I am a long way from the pitching process as I am just restarting again for the 514 time. I also sew...and I have taken stuff in...and that makes a difference also. the very first thing I will replace are my size 20w jeans....the minute those babys get baggy they are gone. Anyone want them??? We could start our own Traveling pants adventure!!
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    Postby Nancy » September 11th, 2005, 8:02 am

    Mama D ~

    Yeah, the Swap N Shop Web room is for passing on clothing to others in the thinnin' process, too.

    Very few people have put clothes there but that's a place for it.

    I have some very nice handknit 'teacher's' sweaters I need to put on there. They have calendars, cutesy wootsey things such as pencil buttons and bus buttons - I used to wear them when I taught elementary school and when I was the Kids' Pastor.

    Hey - far as kayaking goes.......... we have the wonderful Savanna river here and a little place that will take you and a boat down there....give you a couple of lessons...and then come back and pick you up. AND---OR==== I am working on my DH for a cruise to alaska.

    :secret: Hunny, the Savanna River sounds marvy but lemme tell ya, kayaking a cruise ship would take some major pecs and might get pretty buff kayaking up the Savanna but I doubt that you could handle paddling the USS Vision of the Sea through the Shumagin Islands...
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