Little vs. Alot

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Little vs. Alot

Postby ScottsMom » March 15th, 2006, 8:33 pm

Hey, everyone.
I spent some time reading posts tonight. First, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement. I read alot of posts, but don't post much. I try to keep up with everyones' losses and all the happenings. Anyway, I was just catching up on all the posts related to Holly. I feel compelled to write. Holly and I are at about the same place with our weight loss journey. My highest weight probably would crush her, though (198lbs). :oops: At any rate, we started MF at about the same weight and are currently about the same weight.
I have kept quiet about what I weigh because I was afraid that I would offend some of you. I know I don't have as much to lose as most of you, but I assure you that my extra weight is just as real a concern for me as your weight is. You may recall me talking about my family. My parents and one of my brothers are morbidly obese. Bad genes... heart disease, diabetes, weight induced arthritic pain, etc.
My highest weight was the day before my son was born. I lost about 30 pounds on my own, but was stuck. I was so uncomfortable in my body. I felt horrible. I had no energy. I was so scared that I was on the road to morbid obesity, like I was going to fulfill my genetic fate. I DO consider MF to be drastic. I know that it was designed for the truly obese and is an alternative to more drastic measures like surgery. I really needed something drastic.
I am really not sure why I am telling you this.... now that I have written so much :? . I guess I just felt like I should confess that I am not too overweight. I don't want that to change your feelings toward me, though. I don't feel like the weight I need to lose is just for vanity. I think that I have to fight to keep myself healthy. My goal is to be healthy!
At any rate, I think that MF is a godsend. It has been so wonderful. I feel SO MUCH better. I have energy. I feel more attractive. Heck, I wore my prepregnancy jeans yesterday!!! Granted, they were a little snug, but my hubby said they were just fine.
I am a slow loser. I think I can blame myself, though, not MF. I don't drink enough water. Sometimes I will have "just a bite" of something (Scott's peanut butter sandwiches are the devil!) But, I am thrilled with the success I have had... THRILLED!!!
I just wanted to write this and thank everyone. Please understand that I need your support for my last 20 or so pounds as though they were 120 pounds. Thanks for listening. You guys truly are an inspiration. I can tell that your hearts are so big!!
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Postby falisamarie » March 15th, 2006, 8:45 pm


Let me assure and I think I speak for all of us....You have our support 100%!!!!!!! We are all here to lose weight and I think what people were trying to say to Holly is that Medifast is for people who are serious about losing weight which you apparently are.

NO worries honey we are here for you till you get to goal so face are stuck with us!!

Lisa :heart:
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Postby Jan » March 15th, 2006, 8:50 pm

Hi Lora,
Weight Loss is Weight Loss. It's just as hard to part with 10 - 20 pounds as a great deal more. It's attitude and compliance that make the difference. The first three days don't discriminate. :cry: It's generally hard for everyone. ( A few are lucky and sail through :D ). The fact that you have less to lose than some only means that you caught on quicker than the rest of us. :mrgreen: None of us gained all our weight overnight. We just watched it coming on and on and hoped it would fall off -- hopefully overnight. It doesn't. :mrgreen: It just took us longer to hollar "enough" and do something about it. You are doing great. Feel proud that you didn't let your weight get tooooo out of control. :D And remember parting with as few as 20 pounds greatly decreases your change of getting weight related illnesses.
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Postby ScottsMom » March 15th, 2006, 8:51 pm

I love your posts! I can tell that you are an amazing person. You have the greatest attitude and are so willing to open your heart! You are incredibly supportive, always having a kind word. Thank you, thank you.
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Postby lauradr » March 15th, 2006, 9:01 pm

Lori, I agree with Lisa 100% and we are here for you no matter how much you have to lose. :bighug: :goteam:
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby ScottsMom » March 15th, 2006, 9:04 pm

Thanks, Jan and Laura. Ya'll are great!
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Postby DogMa » March 15th, 2006, 9:17 pm

I agree with the others, of course. We're here to support anyone who's serious about losing weight - and most importantly, serious about being healthy. Losing 20 pounds is just as important as losing 120; the fact is, if most of us had done this program when we were only 20 pounds overweight, we wouldn't have gotten so much past that.

As long as your goal weight is reasonable and you're not, say, 5-foot-8 trying to diet down to 100 pounds, I'm right behind you.

Small cheats happen, and I think we can all understand them and support people through them. Big binges every other day can happen, too - but they require more help than I think we're qualified to give.

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Postby Dayna » March 15th, 2006, 9:49 pm

We're all in this journey together, regardless of the numbers on the scale. I know that for me, my primary concern for Holly is that her posts seem to indicate a pattern of behavior that may ultimately be dangerous to her physical and emotional health, irrespective of how many pounds she wants or needs to lose. We come to this board for support during our weightloss journey, and sometimes being supported means having problems (or potential problems) pointed out to us in a loving but firm way.

Please, please don't think that our opinion of you, or our respect for your challenges and successes, is in any way impacted by numbers on a scale. A smoker who's been smoking for 2 years may face just as many hurdles in quitting as a smoker who's been going at it for 20 years. When it comes to breaking addictions (which most of us on this program are probably trying to do), I say an addiction is an addiction is an addiction. We're not just shedding pounds in this process, we're fixing our heads, and I think the head-fixing process is probably fairly similar for foodies of all sizes. And really, when you get down to it, that's the most important part of this journey, because that's what will allow us to live happy, healthy, slender lives once we reach goal.

Feel the love! Group hug! Go, team! And all that other stuff! :woohoo:

- Dayna
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Re: Little vs. Alot

Postby BerkshireGrl » March 15th, 2006, 9:56 pm

ScottsMom wrote:... I have kept quiet about what I weigh because I was afraid that I would offend some of you. I know I don't have as much to lose as most of you ... I don't want that to change your feelings toward me, though ... Please understand that I need your support for my last 20 or so pounds as though they were 120 pounds.


Girl, don't sweat it! Offend us?! Puh-lease! :D We don't care how much you need to lose! We will support you down to the last single fat cell gasping its dying breath! :lol: (Now there's an image for ya!)

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Postby Carrie » March 16th, 2006, 5:51 am

Look at it this way Lora....if you don't address it now and lose those last 20 pounds you'll have a 30, 40, 50 pound problem later.

Catching it before it snowballs into umpteen-beaucoup pounds is the quintessential definition of 'healthy lifestyle'.

Yes. There is a tendency for those of us who have lots and lots of weight to lose to look at those with less to lose and think 'I'd KILL to be that weight' - it's just human nature and doesn't in any way minimize your struggle and effort.

Girl, you got nothin' to apologize for.........besides we're all still gonna be here getting and giving support when we're closer to our goals too.....

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Postby Marseilles » March 16th, 2006, 6:06 am

I totally agree with everyone else that has offered their opinions or advice. You have our unconditional support, guaranteed. As a few others said, my ONLY concern about Holly is that she is further hurting herself. Unfortunately what she is doing is an exercise in futility and it hurts me to think what she is going to be going through down the road. I really hope for her sake that she has great success and finds the program that is right for her. Everyone has a very personal goal for their weightloss and each and every goal is as valid as the next. regardless of whether or not we are 25lbs overweight or 250lbs overweight, we all struggle daily. We are all required to make the right choices in order for this to be successful!

My wish for each and every person here is that they reach a safe, healthy goal by using medifast the way it was meant to be used.

I sure didnt mean to open Pandora's box by responding to Holly and there was not an ounce of ill will towards her. Please, noone think I was being judgemental or mean, I sure didnt mean to be either! I AM worried about her, I hope she gets the help she needs.

Best of luck to EVERYONE here, Im rooting for all of us!
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Postby ToyDiva » March 16th, 2006, 6:35 am

I also agree, pounds to lose are pounds to lose, no matter the amount. I have found this board to be extremly supportive and that very much includes being honest.

From reading Holly's posts, Holly has more serious issues than weight loss to deal with at this time. Her state of mind needs to be healed before she can consider and be successful at any weight loss program.

We're all behind you Lora!
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Postby JustLynda » March 16th, 2006, 6:40 am

I sure didnt mean to open Pandora's box by responding to Holly and there was not an ounce of ill will towards her. Please, noone think I was being judgemental or mean, I sure didnt mean to be either! I AM worried about her, I hope she gets the help she needs.


I think you just said what a lot of us were thinking--and were too chicken to say ourselves for fear of offending someone. Yes, we all need support and a little encouragement. But we all also need a little reality check every now and then. I sure do hope that if any of you notice me exhibiting a pattern of behavior that causes you concern that you will speak up. Will I like it? Probably not. Will I appreciate it? You bet!

[justLynda is now stepping off her soap-box]

You have a great attitude and we all enjoy having you here and hearing what you have to say. So, maybe we're all a bit jealous that you don't have as much to lose. But, it kind of inspires me a little to really buckle down so that I, too, can be where you are now.

No worries. We luv ya!
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Postby Lauren » March 16th, 2006, 7:01 am


I won't even attempt say anything better then all the wonderful folks who've already responded to you.

I'll just say Ditto!

We're all pushing towards the same goal!

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Postby ScottsMom » March 16th, 2006, 8:12 am

You guys are awesome!!!
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