Lite NonDairy Creamer in the AHwa & Shay

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Lite NonDairy Creamer in the AHwa & Shay

Postby StrivingSister » March 5th, 2006, 4:41 am

"AHwa" means coffee and "Shay" means tea in Arabic! ;)

The Quick Guide States "You may use skim milk or small amounts of half-and-half in your coffee or tea..."

Today I had a cup of coffee with 3 tsp of lite non-dairy creamer (and Splenda). Per Teaspoon, the Creamer has 10 calories, <.5 grams of fat, and 2 carbs (with absolutely no other nutritional value whatsoever!)

I decided today that I would replace my daily bar with a shake or other meal supplement to "make up" for those extra calories and carbs in the coffee.

1. Is it ok to use the lite-nondairy creamer? (I prefer this taste to milk in my coffee/ tea).
2. Would it be okay to have a bar on the days I drink coffee/tea with creamer? (I probably have a cup of coffee/tea 3-4 times per week).
3. Or shall I stick with replacing the bar with a lower calorie meal?
4. Should I cut out or allow the snack for today?
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Postby Nancy » March 5th, 2006, 10:27 am

Striving Sister ~

I would not be concerned about using the creamer if it is something that you enjoy - most powdered creamers, flavored non-dairy creamers and the plain non-dairy creamers have a small amount of corn syrup added. There are some of us that prefer to eliminate corn syrup from our meal plans and yet the Medifast bars also contain high fructose corn syrup in them - it is not that Medifast is trying to give us sugar but in order to make the soy in a solid form that people enjoy eating, that ingredient is needed.

I also don't feel like it is necessary to cut out your bars on the days you have coffee. The amount of creamer you are using is approx the same amount of calories and carbs found in the Medfast snack crackers.

If anything, you may want to omit your snack that day or keep it to something very low carb and low cal.

My training is not in nutrition so it may be best to check with the Medifast nutritonist for the final word on it.

I do use a small amount (about 1 Tablespoon) of milk or half and half in my coffee when I go out for coffee - at home I buy the Fat Free - it has 20 cals/3 carbs/0 fat/2 sugars per 2 Tablespoon.

If your weight loss has been consistent and you're using the non-dairy creamer and had a bar on 'creamer' days, it's probably working fine for you.

We're happy for you weight loss success, Sister!
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Postby Marseilles » March 6th, 2006, 6:18 am

Hiya Sister!

With regards to the nondairy cream in the coffee question, I must fess up. Not that I would recommend this to everyone but for me, the creamer in my coffee is the one thing I have not given up while doing medifast. I use the international delight, reduced sugar flavored coffee creamers. The nutritional values are: 30 cal, 2g fat, 3g of carbs/tbsp and I limit myself to 1/2 tablespoon of the creamer. So far, as far as I know, it has not hurt my weightloss. I'm assuming though, as I do not weigh myself but I used it before and it never hurt.

I think that is your non-dairy creamer is your worst deviation from the program you will do just fine.

Your willingness to skip a bar on coffee days is indicative of how badly you wish to make this the last time you have to battle being overweight. Im confident you will succeed for sure!

Keep up the great work Sister! :)
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Postby Nancy » March 6th, 2006, 4:23 pm


My visits to Starbuck's for coffee with Half and Half keeps me semi-sane. :mrgreen:
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