a liquid question

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a liquid question

Postby flamingogal » January 22nd, 2006, 7:37 am

1. coffee- I drink about 4-5 cups of black coffee daily. Does that amount of caffeine hinder this program? It's that wonderfully strong Louisiana bayou coffee! Really gets my motor running.

2. carbonated water- It's the sodium and calorie free variety. I call it my Walmart water. Does it count towards the daily required intake, or is it just extra intake? I do drink probably 70-80 oz of regular water anyway.

3. adult beverage- I belong to a silly group here in Baton Rouge called the
Aquarian Ladies who not only celebrate our birthdays, but we throw Mardi Gras in as well. A really cause for a good night out on the town, can I tell you. Well, if I stick to my MF program that day, and if I have a couple of adult beverages (specifically Martinis, my fave), how far does that throw me off the losing path? This particular evening is still about 3 weeks away. Maybe all the crazy dancing that night will burn these extra carbs, huh?

Thanks for your answers. I just love, love, love this forum!
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Postby Susynne » January 22nd, 2006, 9:14 am

Nancy always says alcohol is a NO NO NO! :x
But I think all it will really do to you is knock you out of ketosis, take you a few days to get back. Kind of like losing a week. I'd drink soda, but I don't want to lose any time :? .....guess it's up to you. Just be sure you won't lose control and ruin all of your hard dieting work. :lol: ;)

Oh, and I think water is water, if it's not sweetened or flavored it counts...but thats just my take....I think a little fake sweet and flavor is okay. And Caffeine is a a dehydrant, if thats a word, and not so good for you unless in moderation. If you can't resist drink two or three extra glasses of water for each thick bayou coffee....but what do I know?, that's just what I'd do. Nancy or someone will undoubtably be along to correct us both. ;)
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Postby Dayna » January 22nd, 2006, 11:25 am

I read (I think it was in the "Success in a Shaker Jar" book) that another reason not to imbibe whilst medifasting is that our sensitivity to alcohol is very much increased by our (1) not having much solid food in our stomachs to soak up some of the alcohol, (2) probably not having had any for awhile, and (3)[this is my guess] having a lower body weight than the last time we were drinking. I do remember the book saying that, in our current state, one drink can feel like three. I also know that alcohol can increase your appetite, and, for me at least, makes me crave carbohydrates like mad. I also also know that when drinking, judgement is the first thing that goes, which could be especially troublesome if one drink really does feel more like three.

Every person is different, of course, and while I'm determined to stay dry for the duration of my program (because for me, once I start cheating, the road back to compliance is long and painful), you might be the kind of person who can successfully have a one-night splurge, and be right back on track the next day. But if you had a yucky first couple of days getting your body adjusted, you may have to go through that again, post-splurge (not to mention the added likelihood of a hangover, since your body is already slightly dehydrated). Isn't the thought of sitting there with your friends NEXT year in a slimmer, trimmer body as enticing as a couple of martinis?

Nancy has had some good things to say on this subject, I recommend doing a search of the forum for "alcohol."

And a very happy birthday to you! :birthday:

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Re: a liquid question

Postby BerkshireGrl » January 22nd, 2006, 11:46 am

Hi there!

As a coffee fiend, and (cough cough) someone who has tossed back a few of the so-called adult beverages...

Coffee: On MF, we can become more sensitive to caffeine. It won't hinder your loss I don't think, BUT I've read 3 cups is the recommended max. After that, you might start getting the negatives of caffeine - fast heartbeat, sweating, shaking. In effect, too much motor action ;)

Carbonated water that's calorie/salt free = regular water in my book! Whatever gets it in you...

"Adult beverages" - the blurb about coffee is even stronger for alcohol. 1 drink will definitely feel like 3. Really. Be veeeeeery careful ;) Not only may it knock you on your butt, but it will lessen your resolve and judgement as far as the "bad foods" go. I'm speaking from personal experience here... and gathered experience of friends I turned on to Medifast. Another word of caution: if you're not hangover-prone, you may wake up with a doozy the next morning if you are on MF. The crazy dancing may make you MORE dehydrated = more hungover. If you must, have one martini, and drink plenty of water after! Like 3 cups of water for 1 drink.

At least that will help lessen the potential hangover! ;)
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Postby Jan » January 22nd, 2006, 12:15 pm

When you look at all your friends tipping up the martinis just imagine them drinking a glass of sugar. Yup that's what your body thinks its is-- (metabolically speaking) We know what sugar does to us. All those carbs -- As far as the coffee goes -- watch for the symptoms of tooo much -- shaky, rapid heart beat etc. It really depends upon how your individual body handles it. Water is Water -- flavored is just fine. There on some thoughts on carbonation -- it's a chemical thing with the 0 molecule -- and the 0 in the carbonation. (binds up the oxygen in your blood and may leave you a little weaker-- serious body builders generally avoid carbonated beverages at least what they tell me) I'd try moving more and more to non-carbonated water (flavored is fine) not YOu are doing great -- keep going and have fun with those fun loving Mardi Gras ladies -- if it were me I'd steer clear of those glasses of sugar. :D
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Postby cydj21 » January 22nd, 2006, 12:24 pm

Just out of curiousity...supposing you just have to have a drink, wouldn't it be significantly better to drink something with no carbs? Such as a vodka and diet tonic, or a flavored vodka and soda water? I know when I did Atkins (let's not go there), a bartender didn't mind if I asked them to use diet tonic that I had purchased and brought with me, as long as I still paid full price for the drink.

I know for me, I'm really not willing to take the risk of screwing myself up at this point....but I would think that if you really want a drink, it'd be best to avoid carb heavy ingredients. Jan is probably right that avoiding it is the best option, but if that isn't really in the cards for you, maybe try to make choices that minimize any potential side effects.

Just my two cents.... :D
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Postby flamingogal » January 22nd, 2006, 3:50 pm

By George and by MF, I think I've got it! You know, I was just thinking about how much I neeeeed to have some fun. If you've read my posts on Come On In, you'll understand. However, very probably, my future new dress sizes will give me such abandoned pleasure that I will deny myself a martini. Either way, I do understand and know now what the boundaries are. Thanks again!
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Postby Nancy » January 23rd, 2006, 1:13 pm

Hey, Flamingogal ~

Our dear Susynne really did set you straight!

Caffeine is what keeps me motatin', too and it is fine to have it - just know that after a week or two on the program, you may not need quite as much to get ya revved. I often have a half caf/haf de-caf because sometimes it can make you feel weirdly odd and your heart can get all pittery-pat and as raced as meeting a fine male specimen…

Set aside the adult beverages or set aside weight loss…and plan for a three day do-over...
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