Nancy wrote:
There are many women and men that have aprons and there is great hope for them - with the Take Shape For Life Programs and our wonderful Medifast products, people are able to safely and quickly lose weight - because Medifast is muscle-sparing, they lose the FAT and then when they reach a healthy weight, if they need or want surgery, they will be in a healthful state and able to endure surgery safely.
It is important that everyone who has been following my surgery updates understand the origination of the "need". I didn't lose weight and then realize I needed surgery. Losing weight with MF didn't "cause" me to need surgery for flabby skin. I have had the apron for 12 years since the birth of my first son. Then with excessive weight gain and loss over and over again over the past 12 years and then a second birth (both by c-section) my "apron" was horrible as you can see. Then add in the skin condition hidranitis, and the cysts and boils on my c-section scar as a result, I needed the surgery badly to have any quality of life.
It was only when my doctor said,
"Christi you have GOT to do something. Your diabetes is out of control and I'll have to put you on insulin....and you need a tummy tuck but you can't do it this overweight and with your diabetes this out of control" that I FINALLY got myself together. I knew that 15 years ago I had been successful with weight loss in a healthy way with Medifast. I knew it was safe and fast and I began my research again. NOW to my amazement there is a diabetic program and everything was falling into place for me. All that was left was for
So for the past 4 months I worked hard and got my weight off, got my diabetes under control with absolutely no medication after 12 days on the program, started exercising at Curves at 6 weeks, and was totally ready to go by the time surgery rolled around!! I lost the weight and kept my lean muscle, had control over my health, and as a result I have had an UNEVENTFUL surgery and recovery! This leads me to the answers to the rest of Nancy's questions........
Yes the incision goes completely from hip to hip and goes a little around to my back but not as much as it looks like in the picture. Because I am sitting down and partially laid back it is a little deceiving in the pictures. There was no lipo anywhere and nothing affected my back at all. I will begin weight training once I am totally healed to LEARN to SCULPT my body. I have NEVER been at a point where I needed to "sculpt" anything, because there was always too much fat to get through

I will have 10 more "lbs of fat" that I want to lose once I am healed. I have a tad of weight on my back and hips that needs to go.......and I have just the tools to do it!!
There has been very very minimal bruising anywhere. On each side of my hips there is a little bruising because that is where the stitches begin and end and there is a little pulling in those places, but nothing of any significance. There is no bruising in the front at all and no bruising around my belly button! I haven't needed pain medication during the day for the past 3 days. I take it at night because by the end of the day of walking around, and doing a little to much I must admit, I need to rest and I have some pain at night. But Motrin during the day is all I have needed. The anti-inflammatory 800mg motrin is really all I need. Overall I would say my pain level, even in the hospital was a 5! After 3 days I would say my pain level has been that of discomfort but not "pain".
My drainage was soooooooooooooooo minimal. I was REALLY impressed with that, and that is just another sign of the shape my body was in BEFORE surgery.
I honestly believe my total success has been God walking this journey with me when I asked for His help in the very beginning, the weight loss, diabetes control, exercise at Curves which is lean muscle exercise, hydrating my body with water like never before, and of course this forum and all my friends. 2+1 is never 4! You must do EVERYTHING and in life
there are no perfect rewards for imperfect effort! Do not read that as saying you must have "perfect results" means don't expect a big pay off if you're not willing to work hard enough..........don't expect something for nothing........get my meaning?
I have FINALLY been rewarded perfectly because I FINALLY went the distance!! A few more feet and I will be at the finish line.......or rather the FIRST finish line. Now I have the rest of my life to live healthy and take care of the gifts I have been given.
If you are reading this and wondering if you should give Medifast a try.....COME JOIN ME and the rest of us! We are not promised tomorrow and today looks like the perfect day!!
Have a blessed weekend everybody........LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!
Love as always,