LilMsTexas is ALIVE!

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LilMsTexas is ALIVE!

Postby LilMsTexas » September 11th, 2005, 11:21 am

This is an email I wrote in response to Martha...I wanted to share it all with you as well.......

Dear Martha,

I'm so glad to hear from you. I think of you every single day!! I have been so anxious to hear from you. Are you back home? How is your Mom? And being off program during the most catastrophic natural disaster in our lifetime is SURELY ACCEPTABLE!!

I want so badly to get back on the forum, but I have a very strong reason for not doing it.......While I was in the full program phase of my weight loss I was on the forum nearly 24/7. I became so consumed with it and everyone that I neglected my job between the hours of 8-5 M-F. I needed the forum desperately. I was praised for being supportive to others, but in fact it was the opposite that was true........I was gaining support from everyone else and all of their positive energy. I stayed online constantly at work....and I mean constantly. Sadly though I neglected my job to the point that it has been horrible and unbearable digging myself out of the trenches. I have had to admit to my supervisors that I neglected my caseload and have fallen so far behind. I have been so stressed out trying to get everything back under control that I've stayed away from the forum completely. It's like I'm afraid if I go back I won't be able to stop myself again.

The bottom line is that I am an all or nothing person. I am working on some balance right now, and it is a big undertaking. I am fluctuating between 140-143.....just as I have been since my surgery. I haven't been doing maintenance in the way that maintenance is meant to be done I don't believe. I still want to get to 135 but it's been to easy for me to have ice cream and CiCi's pizza!! I'm struggling with my blood sugars being to low more than to high and I believe I'm making excuses for eating the wrong foods when my blood sugar drops. I've finally been cleared to go back to Curves and my first day back I nearly passed out and had to go home and to bed!!

Ya know Martha........I think I'm going to just cut and paste this into a thread on the forum so I can share all of this with everyone who means soooooo much to me. I AMMMMMMMMMM going to be back........for that I promise you and EVERYONE! I just need a couple more weeks to figure out how to balance my personal time and my job time. Figuring out who I am at this stage in my life is very interesting. Oh........and I cut off all my hair!! I finally felt thin enough to cut my at myself in the mirror continues to be strange for so many reasons.

Alright my'll get this email and I'll post it for everyone else. I hope everyone will understand. Please remember that I love you all and it is ONLY through your love and support that I continue to succeed. I will do everything I can to find some time, and really soon, to try and catch up with all of you.

Love and hugs,

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby ljm498 » September 11th, 2005, 1:14 pm

Christi, so glad to hear that everything is well with you. You do what you need to do to make sure you are taking care of yourself and finding who you are. It is so very important. We certainly miss you around here though!

Be well!

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Postby Mommy2girls » September 12th, 2005, 6:37 am

Oh Christi, I had no idea that you were so consumed here. I just assumed that you had the time and energy to devote to this board. I did not realize that you were neglecting your job. You said it best yourself, and I wish you much success in finding that "balance". I don't believe that you have to be an all or nothing gal, but you DO need to find that balance, because you have to prioritize the things in your life. It is okay to put this board at a lower priority than your job, your children and your life. This board will still be here when you are ready to come calling. Everything in your life needs balance, while not always easy, it is very necessary.

We love you and hope that you can get things back on track. You are doing good keeping the weight off and you will know when the time is right and 135 has your name on it. Sounds like that time is not right now, but Medifast is there for you when you are ready, and so are we!

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Postby mytime » September 12th, 2005, 8:37 pm

Christi - I am rigth there with you. Caught myself putting things off at work to check on the site, PM etc. It is hard not to want the support and friendhship of those who understand where you have been and where you want to go and well what you want to do (mostly :D ) when you get there.

The bottom line is that we do care, we are not going anywhere and I for one totally support whatever you need to do to get square with the other 99% of your life. At some point we all have to get out there and live it. You have done and continue to do awesome on MF and to be an inspiration. Now you are taking care of yourself in every aspect of your life and I am certain a huge wt has been lifted by your choice re: your work. Take care, we will miss you but want most of all for you to take care of yourself. Keep kicking booty - Mytime
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Postby kimalexrn » September 13th, 2005, 6:34 am

Christi, I'll make this short. Just wanted to say its good to see you are alive and well. Missed seeing your post. Handle what you need to handle, we all understand. When you can, give a holla to your folks in MF land. We'll still be here waiting to hear from you.



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Postby Nancy » September 16th, 2005, 12:23 am

Yup. I so totally understand...

it is not good to lose your job and your family while you lose the flabbage...

It is important to be balanced in all areas of our life, that is why I disappear at times...hafta hafta or we go cwazy :nana:

I appreciate you all for understanding and for helping out when the MakeMeThinner Folks need and take a break, too.

Keep on keeping on, Lil Mis and we trust you to figure it out and to make it work. Would love to see your new hairdo one of these days!
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