I am starting my second week of MF and I was an exercisererer

before I started. But I quit and I didn't do anything for my first week. Today is day 1 of week 2 so I started back. Treadmill, my cindy crawford "new dimension" video (love it!) or free weights, alternating 5-6 days a week.

I read I cannot do more than 45 minutes of training of anykind - that I need to keep it to 20 minutes. Why is that? I mean I usually would do 20-60 depending on the day, but if I want to Treadmill for 6 hours

(yeah right) why can you not do that? 6 hours...yeah...that's funny....
Now my (other) question is this: Do I need to change over to the 70 shakes? I hope not, as I just ordered the next two weeks of 55s. It never even occured to me until today that if I am doing muscle training that I might need that extra protein.
BUT, I don't really get hungry between shakes (not yet anyways). Just when it is the right time for another shake.
Your shake and exercise befuddled friend
