You know, since i am sitting here, mind wondering why i haven't gone to bed yet, i realized that i had a couple of people notice (finally) that i was losing weight. I am almost 20# down. I know that people usually don't notice much on me until over 20# because of my build. Either way, a few people have said "oh, i can see your loss, especially in your face" and "your skin looks so clear, you're glowing". Ok, can someone notice the weight loss in my big ass??? Oops am i allowed to say that? How about can someone else notice the loss in my thick thighs? How about my big ole boobies? Are my saddlebags shrinking? Darn it, my face IS fat, and has thinned but since i have a huge head anyway, i need the fat to come from somewhere else also! Well maybe my head won't look so large if it comes from my face first!

But then again, if my skin is glowing, maybe i look like a lightbulb! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> Why does it seem that the twins are always eager to grow but resist shrinkage? So now, with losing weight, i am going to have to be careful of falling over. Jeez, so much to worry about...a large glowing head, pooping issues, loss of balance. Once again... what's a girl to do. See all you guys in the morn for roll call!