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Postby lifelovinaries » November 18th, 2007, 11:51 am

Oh, i guess i gotta assume that i am sensitive to carbs too! I am a carbaholic normally and when i stop eating them, i USUALLY drop the weight. But i guess i never really paid attention to what level my carbs need to be.

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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 12:02 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:
none of this seemed too outta line. Kym had suggested between 80-85g carbs keeps her weight movin down. I was already within her range, now you say about 70 works for you? Looks like i'm gonna have to drop down and see if that works. I guess what was working for me last time OP, isn't working THIS time. I thought i was going to help myself along by not indulging in the bars. Apparently, that wasn't making a difference. So thanks for the suggestion, and thanks KYM, i hadn't forgotten about you, just wanted to get my numbers first!

I don't know...I'm just thinking about my Atkins experience I suppose. But I plan to start out doing the plan as is. Oatmeal in the am, shake, then soup, then shake then L&G, then shake. If I find that Carb level to be too high then I'll start doing soup one day, oatmeal the next. Basically if you're not working out and burning off the glucose levels in your muscles...the carbs still just sit there... holding water I assume. LOL! Since I have a "sit down" job I will just take the stairs instead of the elevators and then take my 30 minute walk each day. Other than that I only plan on doing pushups - hopefully that will be enough to use up those carbs I ingest.

I hope you figure it out, but I'm glad you're still plugging along - I need some buddies who are still going through the "beginning stages" to talk to!

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 18th, 2007, 12:09 pm

CGal67 wrote:
I hope you figure it out, but I'm glad you're still plugging along - I need some buddies who are still going through the "beginning stages" to talk to!


OH yeah, I have no intentions of going ANYWHERE. I will keep at it til the scale cooperates. I need to remeasure myself, maybe i can recognize that kind of NSV!! So i am right here with ya! Who week 2 you may have caught up to me in weight loss :mrgreen:

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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 12:24 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:
OH yeah, I have no intentions of going ANYWHERE. I will keep at it til the scale cooperates. I need to remeasure myself, maybe i can recognize that kind of NSV!! So i am right here with ya! Who week 2 you may have caught up to me in weight loss :mrgreen:

NOPE *shaking my head* You will not let that happen right?!?! I'll be trailing behind you as I should be.

But when I say I have a carb's mainly "bad" carbs (pasta, white rice, potatoes, or bread) Anything green is great for me and has never presented a problem. But I dont eat much processed foods (like pre-prepared items) so I did express some concern on my phone call with Nancy regarding the puddings and oatmeal. So knowing my body as I do, I will simply "watch" out for triggers and if I seem to have problems with cravings, I'll know its just the carbs from the oatmeal or soups. (I think I got wild rice and chicken that concerns me).

Anyway, glad you're here to talk to.

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 24th, 2007, 9:31 am

Ok, so here goes...well i was extremely afraid of thanksgiving. i was going to cincinnati (to moms) tuesday thru friday and i thought it would be hard for me to stay on plan. Well, as a (wo)man thinketh, so is (s)he! But, i must say it was no where near as bad as it could have been. I got there early tues. morn and remained compliant for the rest of that day. Turned down the mixed drinks and held my ground in the restaurant. We went to this place named Skips for lunch which is known for their great bagels, sandwiches, etc. I had a grilled chicken salad (in a bagel bowl which i had to leave) the salad was DELICIOUS. It had dried cranberries and carrots in it (i picked out ALL of the carrots and most of the cranberries) I got the basamic vinagarette on the side and just kept dipping my fork in it. So, i did pretty well. Weds, i remained compliant, once again, we went to a restaurant, Mimi's (this time for dinner). I ordered the chicken piccata, it came with asparagus and mashed potatoes so i canceled the potatoes and ordered extra asparagus, when it came, there was only about a cup of asparagus so i then ordered a side salad. I stayed away from the bread (which everyone said was delicious) in the beginning but then i pinched off a piece of the zucchini bread about the size of a dime and ate that. i know, i know, i should have left it alone completely but everyone was RAVING about it so i finally tried it. It was good but NOT OP so i was stisfied with my pinch. Then came THANKSGIVING...uh, well, different story. Well, weds. night, i had baked my pineapple eggnog cake and jack daniel's pecan pie (jeez you can get drunk off of that thing). When i went to put the icing on my cake (cream cheese icing), i thought i would cheat this time and buy the duncan hines whipped cream cheese icing. Big Mistake!! It tasted horrible and i kept trying to doctor it up to make it taste better before putting it on the cake. So needless to say, i kept tasting the icing. Long story short after ingesting a million grams of sugar, i ended up making my own. We went to mom's friend's house for dinner, i had already decided that i knew i was not going to be completely compliant and i wasn't going to stress over it anymore. But i promised myself that i would jump right back on plan. My plate had primarily turkey and greens, i got teaspoonful of other things (mac n cheese, stuffing, cranberry sauce, i chose mashed cauliflower ~thanks mom for making that trying to help~ instead of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce) Yeah, it sounds like a lot but my plate actually looked fairly healthy. Especially compared to other Thanksgivings :D However, i knew i would try the desserts so i got EXTREMELY SMALL pieces of it just to taste. All in all, i was proud of myself. Friday i ended up having a turkey sandwich, yes, BREAD. and another SMALL piece of cake. Well it's now saturday, i weighed myself this morning and i am up .7. Its not a deal breaker, i did it to myself but i am right back on plan this morning. My weightloss had been VERY slow so i am actually hoping that the extra calories and carbs for a couple of days will help kick things back in. I am not beating myself up about it, i actually feel good about it and feel GREAT about being back on plan. Maybe by christmas, i will have even more strength. Sorry this was soooo long but i felt that i needed to hold myself accountable here. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » November 24th, 2007, 9:46 am

Hiya, Ovary Chick!!!

Sheesh you can flush that .7 out with tons of water so start drinking!!! I am glad that you've found the resolve to not beat yourself up and to get back on plan!! Good luck with the next few days while you get back into ketosis! Best wishes for more losin'.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 24th, 2007, 10:13 am

Hey OWTO, i missed you! I missed being on the forum. My moms computer was so slow, it was too frustrating to use. I have been keeping up on my water intake and i plan to up it to help this move along. I also forgot to add in that i did get a lot of walking in. Even though, i didn't take any of mom's aerobics classes, she was choreographing and practicing for her ZUMBA class so i was doing it with her. So i got more exercise in than i was getting at home. i am still in a happy place and it makes restarting so much easier. i'm still ready to do this, no matter how slow!

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Postby katieb920 » November 24th, 2007, 11:55 am

I think you did great for being out of your norm. Going away and having to go to restaurants his a hard thing. I totally agree drink you water and you will lose that and then some.

Ps What part of Jersey are you from.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 24th, 2007, 12:03 pm

Originally from the wonderful city of Trenton. :D Needed a change and moved about 25 minutes south of there. How bout you?

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 24th, 2007, 12:18 pm

Ok so i figured it out...32 days of complete compliance + 2 days break in service (34 days total), 14.5lbs lost, average of .43 lbs per day. :D now i'm back on track and ready to bring that average up! Kym, now i don't feel so bad, when i look at my averages...things seem even brighter!

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Postby Mike » November 24th, 2007, 1:30 pm

You did a great job braving the holiday. Keep it up and the pounds will continue to just melt away. :mrgreen:
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Postby Out*With*The*Old » November 24th, 2007, 1:30 pm

That is a TERRIFIC average! Mine isn't a ton higher and you think I'm rockin so there ya go :roll: !

Now go down that :water: and watch that .7 go down the drain!
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 24th, 2007, 1:34 pm

thanks guys for the support! That's why i missed this place, even if it was only a couple of days!

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Postby jskm » November 25th, 2007, 12:21 am

I think you did fine, and you enjoyed your holiday at the same time. Sounds like the best compromise you could have accomplished. And obviously if you are only up less than a pound after all is said and done you must not have done too bad...

I'm glad you had a nice holiday.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 25th, 2007, 8:17 am

jskm wrote:I think you did fine, and you enjoyed your holiday at the same time. Sounds like the best compromise you could have accomplished. And obviously if you are only up less than a pound after all is said and done you must not have done too bad...

I'm glad you had a nice holiday.

That's how i feel about it. Thanks for reinforcing that thought. I had gotten t a point where i just said "IM NOT GONNA STRESS ABOUT THIS ANYMORE, JUST REMAIN IN CONTROL" thats what worked for me.

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