by lifelovinaries » January 20th, 2008, 4:09 pm
DAY 91
Well today i am feeling really good about my past MF week. This has ended week 13, with the following numbers:
wk 1 -5.8
wk 2 -6.5
wk 3 -0.7
wk 4 -0.8
wk 5 -2.5
wk 6 -3.4
wk 7 -2.8
wk 8 -2.8
wk 9 -3.5
wk 10 -0.1
wk 11 -3.3
wk 12 -3.3
wk 13 -1.2
I did very well with my exercise towards the end of the week and have all intentions of exercising tonight. After posting two weeks in a row of 3.3# losses, i normally would expect to be upset or worried about only losing 1.2# THIS week. But, i'm not. It's not that i don't care but i know that my body is going thru an adjustment period right now. Not that i want it, but knowing my body, i will not be surprised if i have slow losses for the next week or two. It's funny how after being on this program, not only have i paid close attention to my food intake but the nutrient content of it and how my body reacts. My body seems to be comfortable with steady intake of everything. It doesn't approve of water or carb fluctuations and it tells me by what the SCALE SAYS! It usually comes around by weeks end but that is because i closely monitor it and am able to take a look back at my mf meal combos as well as my L&G's. I am seeing that i have an extreme carb sensitivity. Even small fluctuations seem to cause my body to start yelling at me. I'm glad that i am finding these things out now before i get to the maintenance point. Now, i'm not saying that i will be able to avoid stalls/plateaus but i am going forward more informed about my body and metabolic reactions. Some people may think that MF teaches you nothing about eating "real food". If you use the program properly and monitor yourself, it actually teaches you just about EVERYTHING you need to know. I know there are many that say "i dont want to put that much effort into it". Honestly, if you use software such as FitDay or the support in motion site, there is very little effort involved. If you are willing to invest in losing the weight, why wouldn't you be willing to invest in learning what it's going to take to keep it off?

restart: 01/04/10