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Postby lifelovinaries » January 2nd, 2008, 9:06 pm

DAY 73 (day 1 for exercise)

Well today was day 73 for me, as well as the second day of the new year. Throughout this process of weightloss that i restarted on 10/22/07, i have learned a whole lot about myself, my strengths as well as my weaknesses. I have learned exactly how much losing weight depends on our mentality. I realized how strong my willpower actually was. I had to start to ask myself, "if you were diagnosed with a serious illness, what willpower would you have to correct the situation, if possible?" My answer was "all the willpower that it would take". Well, obesity IS a serious illness within itself as well as has the potential to cause other serious illnesses. I knew when i was starting that holidays would be difficult for me but it didn't stop me from starting 1 month before Thanksgiving and 2 mos before Christmas. I figured if i got a jump on the weightloss, it would give me more incentive thru the holidays. I know i was no where near perfect for the holidays, but i was controlled.

1. I now know my triggers.

2. I have learned the difference between hunger and just feeding a craving.

3. I have successfully eliminated emotional eating by thinking about what i am doing if i am feeling unecessarily emotional.

4. I learned to express my feelings here in the journal, even if it is EXTREME frustration.

5. This plan has now taught me (so far) to eat to live, not live to eat.

6. I have learned levels of control that even I didn't think i had.

I know that maintenance is quite a way off for me but sometimes, it DOES concern me a little. Not enuff to cause me to sway but still the concern is there. I know i should just take it as it comes and not think too far ahead. We should not concern ourselves with things that haven't happened, but this is one thing (maintenance) i KNOW will happen. I see so many of the maintainers that make it seem so easy. Then i'm sure there are those that struggle the whole time. I don't want to have to struggle. I know the battle with my weight will probably be for the rest of my life, i can only hope that i am able to take heed to all the lessons that i have learned, making the battle less violent. I am glad that i am here with all of the MF friends that i have made. I want to once again, thank all of you guys for your support and laughter.

Today was my first REAL day of adding in EXERCISE. I have made no bones about my love/hate (more hate) relationship with exercise. Of course it felt goood to get it in, but i have had that "felt good" feeling before and didn't continue. Hopefully, this time will be different. I just hope that when i don't feel like it, kym and chy push me along and vice versa. I am starting slow as to not burn myself out. We will see what happens. Pound for pound, i have not lost as many inches as some of you guys out there. Ive lost 30.9 lbs and unfortunately, i still only see it mostly in my face and that's what others tell me too. At least my clothes are looser so i know it's coming from other places. I'm thinking that maybe people are tired of telling me that they can see my weightloss because i have yo-yoed so many times. Kinda like the boy who cried wolf! Anyway, i will keep on going and EVERYONE will be able to see the end result. Thanks for listening guys.
Last edited by lifelovinaries on January 2nd, 2008, 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » January 2nd, 2008, 9:48 pm

Do you SERIOUSLY call 30 min and 2 miles starting SLOW????????????????????

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Postby lifelovinaries » January 2nd, 2008, 10:08 pm

Out*With*The*Old wrote:Do you SERIOUSLY call 30 min and 2 miles starting SLOW????????????????????

Hells Bells, you'll KILL ME!

did you do it? If u can taebo - it, you can surely walk 4mph for 30 mins! taebo seems sooo much harder to me!

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » January 2nd, 2008, 10:15 pm

I could only do the taebo for 10 minutes though :-) and it was MUCH more fun!

YES I did it and I cursed you the whole time. You'll have to read about it in my journal - I hated every minute, lol!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » January 2nd, 2008, 10:57 pm

YAYYYYYYY, i'm in the exercise club..thanks Erica and Kym :-P
Erica i'm LOVING your enthusiasim about this journey to your WILL get there and Kym won't be far behind either:+) I noticed you said yo are starting out slow with the exercising and that's real good...don't wanna burnout to quick and just quit like i did a few years ago...guess i thought i was MIDAS woman or!

I didn't get to Walmart's today afterall, so i did my Slim In 6...going to Walmart's tomorrow. Slim In 6 is a very good exercise program...starts you out slow and gradually increases you into FULL throttle! I have only been able to do the very first part "Start It Up"'s about 25 minutes long..i'll stick with that until i can move on to "Ramp it Up" maybe next year, no just kiddin', and then on to "Burn it Up"! I think you would really love this program too.

I a so PROUD of you that you tok the leap of faith into the exercise world today honeydew:+) I like yourself will report whether i exercised or not. I think i will start out doing 3 days a week, and if i feel like it i'll do i'm happy to report i did the 24.49 min. "Getting Started" tape this afternoon. So we're off to a good start i'm thinking..and YES you can count on it that i'll be on you like white on rice if you start slackin'..and hopefully you'll do the same for me...i see you already got Kym running scared...LOL!

Ok signing out now..ttyl!

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Postby CGal67 » January 2nd, 2008, 11:10 pm

Dang, I am gone for a few days and you and Kym are hitting new weight clubs. I better get a move on so I can make the 20# club! :mrgreen: I'm slacking!


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Postby lifelovinaries » January 2nd, 2008, 11:13 pm

CGal67 wrote:Dang, I am gone for a few days and you and Kym are hitting new weight clubs. I better get a move on so I can make the 20# club! :mrgreen: I'm slacking!



don't worry, my seat is still warm and i wrote your name on it girl! I know you will be takin it REAL soon! Glad to see you back, it seems like you have been gone forever!

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Postby lifelovinaries » January 2nd, 2008, 11:33 pm

ChynnaDoll wrote:YAYYYYYYY, i'm in the exercise club..thanks Erica and Kym :-P
Erica i'm LOVING your enthusiasim about this journey to your WILL get there and Kym won't be far behind either:+) I noticed you said yo are starting out slow with the exercising and that's real good...don't wanna burnout to quick and just quit like i did a few years ago...guess i thought i was MIDAS woman or!

I didn't get to Walmart's today afterall, so i did my Slim In 6...going to Walmart's tomorrow. Slim In 6 is a very good exercise program...starts you out slow and gradually increases you into FULL throttle! I have only been able to do the very first part "Start It Up"'s about 25 minutes long..i'll stick with that until i can move on to "Ramp it Up" maybe next year, no just kiddin', and then on to "Burn it Up"! I think you would really love this program too.

I a so PROUD of you that you tok the leap of faith into the exercise world today honeydew:+) I like yourself will report whether i exercised or not. I think i will start out doing 3 days a week, and if i feel like it i'll do i'm happy to report i did the 24.49 min. "Getting Started" tape this afternoon. So we're off to a good start i'm thinking..and YES you can count on it that i'll be on you like white on rice if you start slackin'..and hopefully you'll do the same for me...i see you already got Kym running scared...LOL!

Ok signing out now..ttyl!


kym gives me a run for my money with the weightloss thang. I struggle to keep up and the only thing i can change is my activity level. So you are going for 3 days a week? Ok, i'm going for every other day and in between exercise is a bonus. We can all do this! You are really making me consider ordering the slim in 6 series. I just have so many dvds, some of which are still wrapped in their cellophane! Maybe i should keep working with what i have before expanding my library any further. My thing is, i am always looking for something FUN to keep me interested. Walk away the pounds is not exactly what i would consider entertaining but i have to start somewhere and sometimes FUN means a workout that feels like it's putting me close to death, which i am not quite ready to take on. :mrgreen: I just can't wait for the feeling of "OH NO, I CANT MISS A WORKOUT!"

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Postby ChynnaDoll » January 3rd, 2008, 4:15 pm

WELL Erica i am finally back from Walmart's and it is now 5:40pm. What i wanted they did't have, which was the Richard Simmons "Sweating To The Oldies" tape, so i left there and went to K-Mart's to see if they might have it BUT noooooooooooooo they didn't carry it either...i was so disappointed:+(..anyhoo, i ended up buying 2 other exercise tapes bcuz i couldn't decide WHICH one i liked the! One is "The Firm" Cardio Dance & Pilates Kit which includes Sculpt & Tone Pilates, Burn and Shape, and Cardio Dance Slim Down, it also has The Firm Pilates Band included..i'm beginning to feel like a twisted up pretzel already..LOL!...ok, the other tape is Denise Austin Fat Burning Dance has 4 Fun Dance Routines which are the Latin Groove, Jazz & Pop, Club Funk, and Ballet Sculpt, but if i recall correctly, i don't think Denise can keep a beat and i'm SERIOUS here...i use to tune in to her 30 minute morning workouts on Lifetime Channel some years ago and i SWARE she couldn't keep the beat..LOL!! we'll have to wait and see if she's improved any..but i love now i'm THOROUHGLY equipped now..i already have the Leslie Sansone tapes and the Slim in 6, SO if the sun'll come ouuuut tomorrow bet'cha bottom dollar ahhh, you know the rest..ROTFLMAO
I'm copying this into Kym's journal

Isn't 3 days a week sorta like every other day?..if not, i'll be doing every other day too ok?


PS: I can..LOL!
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Postby lifelovinaries » January 3rd, 2008, 5:13 pm

ChynnaDoll wrote:too:+)

Isn't 3 days a week sorta like every other day?..if not, i'll be doing every other day too ok?


PS: I can..LOL!

Well sort of...Out of one week, doing 3 days, you get 3 days of workouts (ex. M, W, F...M,W,F) but EOD, you get 4 days one week, 3 days the next (ex. S,T,TH,Sat,...M,W,F). It won't matter much because hopefully i will take advantage of my "bonuses". Havent decided if i will be working out tonight or not since i did the tape this morning. I dont want to try too much and throw my body outta whack. I know i said before that exercise never seemed to cause my body to stall with weightloss but then again, when i was exercising regularly before, i was not on a VLCD. So who knows how my body may react.

I'm not a big Denise Austin fan, although i do have a couple of her dvds. I'm thinkin i might try turbojam tomorrow. But i really like the idea of squeezing my workout in all in 30 minutes.

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Postby lifelovinaries » January 3rd, 2008, 9:21 pm

DAY 74 (day 2 of exercise)

Well today was pretty uneventful. But, this exercise competition thing is kinda fun. OWTO and i both got our exercise in this morning. Chy went and picked up a couple of dvds (hope you did one tonight chy!) In a perfect world, i would exercise in the morning again but this world has taught me that it is not so perfect. I originally did not have to work tomorrow but i HAVE to go in to take care of some things sooo...I can not guarantee that i will get up a little before 5 am to exercise and be ready to shower and stuff by 5:45. THAT was not in the cards yet, but then again, i didnt think exercise would be in the cards yet either, so WHO KNOWS! Hopefully, i will have it in me. We had a nice time on the chat tonight, giving Unca a hard time. Deep down, i think he enjoyed it. :lol: He had science guy to help him out for a minute but science guy had to run out for a bit. HEY UNCA...WHERE DID SCIENCE GUY GO? :mrgreen: :twisted:

i thought i was going to bed at 10:30 but here it is..11:19 and i am still awake. I REALLY am going to take a shower now and go to bed. So to all i will say <img src="" alt="" border="0">

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » January 3rd, 2008, 9:45 pm

Hey Chicky! I found this for ya tonight on Amazon - - it comes in assorted colors so maybe you'll find white! :roflmao:
<img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
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Postby socalgal » January 3rd, 2008, 9:50 pm

Thanks for stopping by my journal to say hi! Sounds like you are doing greatl! Congrats on Day 2 of exercise!
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Postby lifelovinaries » January 3rd, 2008, 9:55 pm

Out*With*The*Old wrote:Hey Chicky! I found this for ya tonight on Amazon - - it comes in assorted colors so maybe you'll find white! :roflmao:
<img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

you ain't right, you ain't right, you ain't right...and you know it. Oh, but that one has the little cup for the water! How much was it?

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » January 3rd, 2008, 9:57 pm

OMG I am PMP - I can't BELIEVE you asked how much!!! :roflmao:

I didn't bother to look at the price - :roflmao:
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