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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 29th, 2007, 8:59 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:THAT'S JUST NASTY LOOKING!!! thanks for posting it in MY journal. Did you read the NY Times article that went along with it? It talks about the little kids (in the Delta) that love them...then at the end of the article it says "...[they are pursuing]a trademark for Koolickle, a name coined by Rick Beuning, its director of food service. “I’m a white boy from the Midwest,” said Mr. Beuning, 53. “This isn’t my food, but I know a good product when I see one.”

All i have to say is "ok, Mr. Beuning, don't try to put this one off on us. 100 years from now, koolickles will be a staple on our holiday plates, kinda like chitlins (chitterlings) are now! If you name it you claim it!

:roflmao: Honestly, I am going to wet my pants!!! My daughter keeps asking me what is so funny!!!!! I can't show her the pic for fear she'll want one - ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

I can't believe that man was stupid enough to be quoted with the 'I'm a white boy from the Midwest' statement....HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO! <hmph!> Some people's kids! I bet he doesn't have any non-White friends, huh?


and nope, I didn't read that article. This one was posted with an article about a lady who has them for sale in her store. Want me to post her pic too????? :)
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 29th, 2007, 9:15 pm

Out*With*The*Old wrote:and nope, I didn't read that article. This one was posted with an article about a lady who has them for sale in her store. Want me to post her pic too????? :)[/color]

<hmph> no need, i saw her. I will just say, that she looks more like me than like you! :roll:

See? This is why we don't have to exercise! We burn a whole lot of calories laughing at each other's stupid butts! I wonder if i can log this into my FitDay activity log?

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 29th, 2007, 9:19 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:See? This is why we don't have to exercise! We burn a whole lot of calories laughing at each other's stupid butts! I wonder if i can log this into my FitDay activity log?

<img src="" alt="" border="0">!! I was JUST wondering the same thing!! LOL I think my Abs certainly got a work out tonight!!!
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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 29th, 2007, 10:15 pm

I just finished a new bow for Savannah to wear to Church in the AM so I am off to bed! I wanted to stop in first though and wish you good luck tomorrow for roll call! I likely won't post until after Church - - unless of course I lose 2 pounds over night again :roflmao:. Since that isn't likely, I'll catch ya later in the afternoon. <img src="" alt="" border="0">
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Postby bikipatra » December 30th, 2007, 2:53 am

(Now is the time to ask Kym to post a picture dressed in red from head to toe, complete with red bow, so we can shout "Hey Kool-Aid!")
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 30th, 2007, 8:48 am

bikipatra wrote:(Now is the time to ask Kym to post a picture dressed in red from head to toe, complete with red bow, so we can shout "Hey Kool-Aid!")

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 30th, 2007, 6:25 pm

Ovary Chick wrote:
bikipatra wrote:(Now is the time to ask Kym to post a picture dressed in red from head to toe, complete with red bow, so we can shout "Hey Kool-Aid!")

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

Haven't you been paying attention? I wouldn't be wearing RED, I'd be wearing Purple in honor of Grape Kool-Aid.

(and Erica, I did some asking around today of my friends and seems you're right - lol. I had no idea! Now I feel left out that they never offered ME any Red Kool-Aid - LOL)
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 30th, 2007, 8:29 pm

Out*With*The*Old wrote:
(and Erica, I did some asking around today of my friends and seems you're right - lol. I had no idea! Now I feel left out that they never offered ME any Red Kool-Aid - LOL)

See? I told ya. I know, it sounded to crazy to actually be true, right?

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 30th, 2007, 8:38 pm

Crazy Ovary Chick wrote:
Out*With*The*Old wrote:
(and Erica, I did some asking around today of my friends and seems you're right - lol. I had no idea! Now I feel left out that they never offered ME any Red Kool-Aid - LOL)

See? I told ya. I know, it sounded to crazy to actually be true, right?

Really, it did! I believed you, of course, but I was sooooo in the dark! LOL Thanks for educating me!
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 30th, 2007, 8:53 pm

DAY 70

Well today was a good MF day although i was feeling kinda blah. I think there are a multitude of reasons, won't bore you guys wih all the details. Needless to say, i didn't leave the house at all. Only washed 2 loads of laundry and ended up being a couch potato stuck in a sort of vegetative state all day long. It was just one of those "mood" days for me. lmost felt PMSish, it's just not that TOM. I was feeling "worn out", i didn't sleep well last night. No matter what time i go to bed, my darn cat ALWAYS jumps on the bed and starts meowing at 5:00am. So i have been tired ALL DAY LONG and took 2 naps. I am really feeling kinda overwhelmed with family/friends and the New Year coming in. I must say that i was truly blessed in 2007 and hopefully my blessings continue. I just feel that a lot of times, i have no "me" time. It's extremely easy to say "well you have to MAKE me time", easier said than done. Sometimes i think i spend so much time catering to the needs of so many other people that my needs go unattended. I guess maybe i need to become selfish to a certain degree. All this selflessness isnt working for me anymore. Well here we are coming up into a new year. A time for making plans for the forthcoming months. I'm not one for resolutions because they rarely work out for me. I resolve to do many things but dont keep up with too many of them. That's why i am glad that my weightloss is already underway and i dont have to worry about making that one of my resolutions. However, i am a little mad with myself for my .1 loss this week. I know the reason for it and it is all my fault. I was so close to the 30# club and i just pushed myself to the point of prolonging the process. I'm not whining, i'm just stating the facts. Tomorrow is going to be a better day. I am going to be fairly early tonight, trying to get a good nights rest and wake up refreshed in the morning, facing a new day with an oncoming new year! So as of now i will say GOOD NIGHT TO ALL! There shouldn't be much reading for me here on the forum since i think it has been down most of the day, which is a good thing for me tonight. See you guys sometime tomorrow. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » December 30th, 2007, 9:49 pm

I'm sorry you felt crummy today! Tomorrow is a new day and I hope it's a much better one for you!!

Don't beat yourself up over the .1 loss - - atleast it is a loss! Remember you could have had more of that mac and cheese but you won that battle! And you didn't gain- - in the grand scheme of the journey it won't set you back more than a week, ya know? And, didn't you have a super week after Thanksgiving?? So you may still make it up PLUS you got to enjoy that yummy dish.

I do hope you're back to your old self tomorrow! I can't bring myself to goof off with you when you're down - - it feels like kicking a dog, ya know? LOL And since this is ALL about me, CHEER UP - FEEL BETTER - CRUMMY's GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="" alt="" border="0">

Sweet Dreams!!!
<img src="" alt="" border="0">
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 31st, 2007, 8:38 am

DAY 71

ok, well today is day 71 for me. I am feeling down about the program. yeah, i know it works, yeah i am staying compliant, yeah i am getting all of my water in now and yeah, my weight is fluctuating from 211.5 (day after christmas) to 212.1(today). WTH? for the past 7 days, my weight has been:
Christmas morn: 211.2
26th 211.5
27th 212.7
28th 212.5
30th 211.7
31st 212.1

This is CRAZY!! Why is my weight fluctuating like this? I am getting my water in with the exception of the 29th (i didn't weight that day and i think the 27th my water was a little lower than my norm). On Christmas morning i was .5lbs from the 30# club. I sabotaged myself and now my body is COMPLETELY confused. I know last week's loss was low...but as kym said it was still a loss. I know it could have been much more but that didn't bother me too much. What's bothering me is this up and down BS. If i have little or no loss, i don't freak out too much but when i have to post a that's a different story. For some reason, i thought the scale was going to be kind this morning an let me post a 1.1lb loss overnight so i could take my seat in my new club. BUT NOOOO, the scale decided that it was going to be ok to show a gain. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Kym, what are we taking turns? Your good weeks are my bad weeks and vice versa? So lets see...i have lots of thoughts going on in my head right now, not good ones of course! I am probably going to my friend's house tonight, lots of food and drinks, probably nothing OP. Had i awakened to a weight of 211 or less, things would be so much easier but my fat mentality says "well you have remained compliant and still posted a gain, so what difference is tonight going to make?" Guys, don't jump all over me for that one, i am not going to's just what my fat mentality is SCREAMING!! I already see that eating off plan this time has thrown my body all outta whack. It didn't do that for Thanksgiving. WORD TO THE WISE: This just proves that you never know how your body will react to off plan indulgences. Don't think just because your body let you get away with it once that it will be ok the next time. this the reason that we are supposed to remain compliant? WHEW! When i started writing this, i was feeling blah again. After writing i am feeling better. So what, to 212.1lbs. I have fought to get here and it is still a long way from 240.6, therefore i will be fighting some more. I wanted to be in the 30# club by Jan 1st, once again, so what! I am still in my 25# club and just a short distance from 30#. Losing 25lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. And as long as i stick with it, it will only get better! I have a lot of running to do today before stores close up so i will b back later guys!

Oh yeah, kym...thanks for not kicking this dog but WATCH OUT! <img src="" alt="" border="0"> You know i will be coming at ya at some point!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 31st, 2007, 8:39 am

DAY 71

ok, well today is day 71 for me. I am feeling down about the program. yeah, i know it works, yeah i am staying compliant, yeah i am getting all of my water in now and yeah, my weight is fluctuating from 211.5 (day after christmas) to 212.1(today). WTH? for the past 7 days, my weight has been:
Christmas morn: 211.2
26th 211.5
27th 212.7
28th 212.5
30th 211.7
31st 212.1

This is CRAZY!! Why is my weight fluctuating like this? I am getting my water in with the exception of the 29th (i didn't weight that day and i think the 27th my water was a little lower than my norm). On Christmas morning i was .5lbs from the 30# club. I sabotaged myself and now my body is COMPLETELY confused. I know last week's loss was low...but as kym said it was still a loss. I know it could have been much more but that didn't bother me too much. What's bothering me is this up and down BS. If i have little or no loss, i don't freak out too much but when i have to post a that's a different story. For some reason, i thought the scale was going to be kind this morning an let me post a 1.1lb loss overnight so i could take my seat in my new club. BUT NOOOO, the scale decided that it was going to be ok to show a gain. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Kym, what are we taking turns? Your good weeks are my bad weeks and vice versa? So lets see...i have lots of thoughts going on in my head right now, not good ones of course! I am probably going to my friend's house tonight, lots of food and drinks, probably nothing OP. Had i awakened to a weight of 211 or less, things would be so much easier but my fat mentality says "well you have remained compliant and still posted a gain, so what difference is tonight going to make?" Guys, don't jump all over me for that one, i am not going to's just what my fat mentality is SCREAMING!! I already see that eating off plan this time has thrown my body all outta whack. It didn't do that for Thanksgiving. WORD TO THE WISE: This just proves that you never know how your body will react to off plan indulgences. Don't think just because your body let you get away with it once that it will be ok the next time. this the reason that we are supposed to remain compliant? WHEW! When i started writing this, i was feeling blah again. After writing i am feeling better. So what, to 212.1lbs. I have fought to get here and it is still a long way from 240.6, therefore i will be fighting some more. I wanted to be in the 30# club by Jan 1st, once again, so what! I am still in my 25# club and just a short distance from 30#. Losing 25lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. And as long as i stick with it, it will only get better! I have a lot of running to do today before stores close up so i will b back later guys!

Oh yeah, kym...thanks for not kicking this dog but WATCH OUT! <img src="" alt="" border="0"> You know i will be coming at ya at some point!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 31st, 2007, 8:39 am

DAY 71

ok, well today is day 71 for me. I am feeling down about the program. yeah, i know it works, yeah i am staying compliant, yeah i am getting all of my water in now and yeah, my weight is fluctuating from 211.5 (day after christmas) to 212.1(today). WTH? for the past 7 days, my weight has been:
Christmas morn: 211.2
26th 211.5
27th 212.7
28th 212.5
30th 211.7
31st 212.1

This is CRAZY!! Why is my weight fluctuating like this? I am getting my water in with the exception of the 29th (i didn't weight that day and i think the 27th my water was a little lower than my norm). On Christmas morning i was .5lbs from the 30# club. I sabotaged myself and now my body is COMPLETELY confused. I know last week's loss was low...but as kym said it was still a loss. I know it could have been much more but that didn't bother me too much. What's bothering me is this up and down BS. If i have little or no loss, i don't freak out too much but when i have to post a that's a different story. For some reason, i thought the scale was going to be kind this morning an let me post a 1.1lb loss overnight so i could take my seat in my new club. BUT NOOOO, the scale decided that it was going to be ok to show a gain. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Kym, what are we taking turns? Your good weeks are my bad weeks and vice versa? So lets see...i have lots of thoughts going on in my head right now, not good ones of course! I am probably going to my friend's house tonight, lots of food and drinks, probably nothing OP. Had i awakened to a weight of 211 or less, things would be so much easier but my fat mentality says "well you have remained compliant and still posted a gain, so what difference is tonight going to make?" Guys, don't jump all over me for that one, i am not going to's just what my fat mentality is SCREAMING!! I already see that eating off plan this time has thrown my body all outta whack. It didn't do that for Thanksgiving. WORD TO THE WISE: This just proves that you never know how your body will react to off plan indulgences. Don't think just because your body let you get away with it once that it will be ok the next time. this the reason that we are supposed to remain compliant? WHEW! When i started writing this, i was feeling blah again. After writing i am feeling better. So what, to 212.1lbs. I have fought to get here and it is still a long way from 240.6, therefore i will be fighting some more. I wanted to be in the 30# club by Jan 1st, once again, so what! I am still in my 25# club and just a short distance from 30#. Losing 25lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. And as long as i stick with it, it will only get better! I have a lot of running to do today before stores close up so i will b back later guys!

Oh yeah, kym...thanks for not kicking this dog but WATCH OUT! <img src="" alt="" border="0"> You know i will be coming at ya at some point!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 31st, 2007, 8:41 am

DAY 71

ok, well today is day 71 for me. I am feeling down about the program. yeah, i know it works, yeah i am staying compliant, yeah i am getting all of my water in now and yeah, my weight is fluctuating from 211.5 (day after christmas) to 212.1(today). WTH? for the past 7 days, my weight has been:
Christmas morn: 211.2
26th 211.5
27th 212.7
28th 212.5
30th 211.7
31st 212.1

This is CRAZY!! Why is my weight fluctuating like this? I am getting my water in with the exception of the 29th (i didn't weight that day and i think the 27th my water was a little lower than my norm). On Christmas morning i was .5lbs from the 30# club. I sabotaged myself and now my body is COMPLETELY confused. I know last week's loss was low...but as kym said it was still a loss. I know it could have been much more but that didn't bother me too much. What's bothering me is this up and down BS. If i have little or no loss, i don't freak out too much but when i have to post a that's a different story. For some reason, i thought the scale was going to be kind this morning an let me post a 1.1lb loss overnight so i could take my seat in my new club. BUT NOOOO, the scale decided that it was going to be ok to show a gain. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Kym, what are we taking turns? Your good weeks are my bad weeks and vice versa? So lets see...i have lots of thoughts going on in my head right now, not good ones of course! I am probably going to my friend's house tonight, lots of food and drinks, probably nothing OP. Had i awakened to a weight of 211 or less, things would be so much easier but my fat mentality says "well you have remained compliant and still posted a gain, so what difference is tonight going to make?" Guys, don't jump all over me for that one, i am not going to's just what my fat mentality is SCREAMING!! I already see that eating off plan this time has thrown my body all outta whack. It didn't do that for Thanksgiving. WORD TO THE WISE: This just proves that you never know how your body will react to off plan indulgences. Don't think just because your body let you get away with it once that it will be ok the next time. this the reason that we are supposed to remain compliant? WHEW! When i started writing this, i was feeling blah again. After writing i am feeling better. So what, to 212.1lbs. I have fought to get here and it is still a long way from 240.6, therefore i will be fighting some more. I wanted to be in the 30# club by Jan 1st, once again, so what! I am still in my 25# club and just a short distance from 30#. Losing 25lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. And as long as i stick with it, it will only get better! I have a lot of running to do today before stores close up so i will b back later guys!

Oh yeah, kym...thanks for not kicking this dog but WATCH OUT! <img src="" alt="" border="0"> You know i will be coming at ya at some point!

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