by lifelovinaries » December 31st, 2007, 8:38 am
DAY 71
ok, well today is day 71 for me. I am feeling down about the program. yeah, i know it works, yeah i am staying compliant, yeah i am getting all of my water in now and yeah, my weight is fluctuating from 211.5 (day after christmas) to 212.1(today). WTH? for the past 7 days, my weight has been:
Christmas morn: 211.2
26th 211.5
27th 212.7
28th 212.5
30th 211.7
31st 212.1
This is CRAZY!! Why is my weight fluctuating like this? I am getting my water in with the exception of the 29th (i didn't weight that day and i think the 27th my water was a little lower than my norm). On Christmas morning i was .5lbs from the 30# club. I sabotaged myself and now my body is COMPLETELY confused. I know last week's loss was low...but as kym said it was still a loss. I know it could have been much more but that didn't bother me too much. What's bothering me is this up and down BS. If i have little or no loss, i don't freak out too much but when i have to post a that's a different story. For some reason, i thought the scale was going to be kind this morning an let me post a 1.1lb loss overnight so i could take my seat in my new club. BUT NOOOO, the scale decided that it was going to be ok to show a gain. THIS IS NOT FAIR!!! Kym, what are we taking turns? Your good weeks are my bad weeks and vice versa? So lets see...i have lots of thoughts going on in my head right now, not good ones of course! I am probably going to my friend's house tonight, lots of food and drinks, probably nothing OP. Had i awakened to a weight of 211 or less, things would be so much easier but my fat mentality says "well you have remained compliant and still posted a gain, so what difference is tonight going to make?" Guys, don't jump all over me for that one, i am not going to's just what my fat mentality is SCREAMING!! I already see that eating off plan this time has thrown my body all outta whack. It didn't do that for Thanksgiving. WORD TO THE WISE: This just proves that you never know how your body will react to off plan indulgences. Don't think just because your body let you get away with it once that it will be ok the next time. this the reason that we are supposed to remain compliant? WHEW! When i started writing this, i was feeling blah again. After writing i am feeling better. So what, to 212.1lbs. I have fought to get here and it is still a long way from 240.6, therefore i will be fighting some more. I wanted to be in the 30# club by Jan 1st, once again, so what! I am still in my 25# club and just a short distance from 30#. Losing 25lbs is nothing to shake a stick at. And as long as i stick with it, it will only get better! I have a lot of running to do today before stores close up so i will b back later guys!
Oh yeah, kym...thanks for not kicking this dog but WATCH OUT! <img src="" alt="" border="0"> You know i will be coming at ya at some point!

restart: 01/04/10