lifelovinaries wrote: DAY 65
Yup, i originally planned to stay compliant on Christmas. Then last minute i began to think that i was fooling myself. I know my limitations. So then i PLANNED to eat small amounts (just like Thanksgiving). I did what i planned to do. However THIS time, i think my body recognized the carb overload and let me know it. I was LETHARGIC after dinner and i hadn't eaten a whole lot. I was sooo full half way thru my plate and told everyone that my body just wasn't used to ingesting that kind of food anymore. Most of the comments were something like "but you don't even have a lot on your plate"! Uh, yeah family, that's the idea! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> After dinner we were sitting around watching TV and talking, i grabbed a blanket and next thing i knew i had leaned over on my cousin with a pillow between us and fallen asleep. Jeez, the effect that sugar (carb related) has on our bodies. After Thanksgiving, i lost 2.5 for that week. I am not expecting that for this week, i will just see what comes. The food intake was not any more than TG but that doesn't mean that my body will react the same. Anyhoo, i just felt the need to come here and tell on myself, no need to hide it. As i have said before, everyone is different and i don't recommend doing what i did. So, once again, i will welcome my morning shake and water. Good nite all. I hope every one had a wonderful Christmas.
CGal67 wrote:
That lethargic thing happened to me at Thanksgiving (pre plan of course), but for Christmas I mainly ate greens & chicken and of course off plan had my sisters crab stuffed potato (which thankfully was not good). I avoided the mac & cheese that I made so not so bad this time around. I find that I prefer to be a little normal on the special times with family and friends I have not seen in a while, I still had my shakes and things on the next meals.
Congrats for not going too overboard, hope the carb slug goes away soon!
Sounds like you had a fabulous Holiday with a few NSV's thrown in there as well!
bikipatra wrote:I had a nice Christmas and can definitely relate to the carb coma. When I was MF'ing, in the beginning I used to go off plan on jam and butter sammiches. You will notice Joleen joking about them sometimes. I would eat them in the morning and they would put me right back to bed. That was just from the sugar in the jam. After no concentrated sugar for so long, it was like taking a hit of a drug. I have confidence that you CAN get back on plan and you will achieve goal. You are just so strong. You don't owe anyone an explanation-I know you were just being acountable. Hope the scale goes your way this week!
katieb920 wrote: Good for you Erica for getting back on track. You are doing so well, and onderland will be there shortly. Keep up the great work. What a Bleh day in Jersey wouldn't you think
Out*With*The*Old wrote:I'm glad you're back on plan - - ESP after the message you left in MY journal!! Oh man, I'd be jumping all over ya, chicky!
lifelovinaries wrote: but i'm sure lots of people want to jump down my throat by saying "who does she think she is? she was going off on kym like that and then she didn't even remain compliant for Christmas". I was prepared for it. I actually would have welcomed anyone's opinion. [/size][/color]
katieb920 wrote:lifelovinaries wrote: but i'm sure lots of people want to jump down my throat by saying "who does she think she is? she was going off on kym like that and then she didn't even remain compliant for Christmas". I was prepared for it. I actually would have welcomed anyone's opinion. [/size][/color]
Erica, I would never jump down your throat (that sounds kinda of wierd jumping down someones throat) I am here for support, and to support others. There were times people at work would kinda of yell at me when I went off program, Katie you lost so much weight. Why would you want to do that to yourself. The only thing I have to say erica is that I am here for you OP or OFF plan. There are many reason why people go off program. And there are a million reasons why people go on program. For me I am off program right now. It is my busy season at work right now. I have to go out to dinner 5 times a week. I have to test new foods daily when I show it to my chefs. If I told my boss in the busy time sorry I can not eat that I probably would not have a job. I need to try things so I can sell them, so I can make money for my company. So there are many reasons people go off. Food is a disease for some people. Just like smoking or drinking is for others.
I wanted to let you know that I am very proud at your desicion that you made to get back on program. And I am also very proud of your accomplishments.
Have a wonderful day.
Out*With*The*Old wrote:Look how darn close you are to the 30# club, Chicky!! Holy Smokes, I better get moving and move on out! You'll be there by roll call for sure - right on!!!
lifelovinaries wrote:Out*With*The*Old wrote:Look how darn close you are to the 30# club, Chicky!! Holy Smokes, I better get moving and move on out! You'll be there by roll call for sure - right on!!!
well hells bells kym, don't you remember i asked you to save me a seat? Well saving me a seat means that you would still be there and we would be SHARING the club. Duh, it was your cocka-mamie idea to leave me your seat! SO KYM, YOU WANNA SAVE ME A SEAT IN THE 30# CLUB!?!I'm talking all this poopy now and i might weigh in on Sunday and weight 215...maybe some leftover unmetabolized christmas mac n cheese!
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