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Postby CGal67 » December 19th, 2007, 1:16 pm


I think that Vegas is the most fun place I've ever visited as an adult...and if you can go you really should! I love it. I do have to agree with BIKI, all I really do there is shop shop shop!! (and eat too).

I have been 5 times and of course I'll be going next month and each time I go I swear I lose at least 6 pounds just from all the walking!!

You'd have a blast!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 20th, 2007, 4:42 pm

DAY 60

Well the past few days have been pretty uneventful for me. i havent had as much time to spend on the board except to pop in a few places to say hi. More time was spent reading than posting. I must say that my 213.6 was a fluke. Yesterday morning the scale said 214.2 and this morning it said 215. Oh well, i'm still doing what i am supposed to be doing so i am not worried about it. Things are getting so busy right now, as they seem to be for everyone else too. I don't know how much i will be on thru the holidays so i would like to wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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Postby bikipatra » December 21st, 2007, 4:38 am

Happy Holidays to you too, Erica. :)
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 22nd, 2007, 9:34 pm

DAY 62

I have to give myself a pat on the back. My cousin is getting married in May ( i am the matron of honor) and her mother had a little get together tonight for family and friends that had not yet met her fiance. At first i was worried about this thing because i didn't know exactly what she was going to have on the menu. Whatever it was, i was sure that 99.7% of it would not be MF compliant. It wasn't an event i could avoid so i had no choice but to suck it up. I made sure that i had a shake right before i went ( :x i had forgotten and eaten my bar earlier in the day). When i got there I saw a large fruit tray (strike one) and finger sandwiches (strike two) and a cheese and cracker tray (strike three! you're outta here!) Then i looked a little further and there was a veggie tray (jackpot! actually i guess i should say OUTTA THA PARK HOMERUN!) I ended up eating more broccoli and cauliflower than anyone else there. The carrots were off limits and i'm not a huge fan of cherry tomatoes ( i hate when they "pop" in your mouth). Pretty soon, out came the meatballs (sorry, dont eat beef), lasagne and garlic bread. None of which i could have. I realized that she had a crock pot full of stringbeans so i had some of them. Well here come the desserts...brownies, pound cake and assorted cookies. YUMMY! but NOPE. One of my other cousins said "wow! you are being so good, i wish i could be disciplined like you". I just replied, "i gotta do what i gotta do." At the end of the night, i must say that i was very proud of myself. Although i was tempted a little, it was little to no effort to fight the temptation. I realized that the temptation was based more on habit and "do as others do" more so than a true craving type temptation. At least 3 people commented on the "slimmer" me which felt great. One of those was the bride to be. She said "oh, i definitely see you slimming down". I said "did you think i was kidding?" She said "not at all, i know when you put your mind to something, you do it". I had previously told her that i was not going to order my dress until sometime in January because i was trying to lose weight. She just chuckled when i said it. Not to be mean but she found it funny that i would say that because she thought i was trying JUST for the wedding. I told her that i was doing it for ME not the wedding. Oh yeah, i almost forgot...i tried on some jeans today that definitely did not fit about 4 months ago (6 pair) 3 pair now fit, 2 pair i can button but they are a little tight and cause the muffin top effect and 1 pair still did not fit. So all in all, i had a wonderful day, lots of NSVs and i am happy about the whole thing.

ps...does anyone know about the maid/matron of honor title thing...I was married (now divorced) so am i still considered a matron of honor or do i return to maid of honor status? Not that it REALLY matters but it would be nice to know. In my eyes, the title of "maid" is kinda like virginity, once you give it up you cant get it back!.

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Postby bikipatra » December 23rd, 2007, 4:17 am

Congrats on all those NSV's. I hate the way cherry tomatoes pop in my mouth too! I skipped two Xmas parties mainly because I didn't know the people, my husband did and they were past my bedtime. My husband told me he didn't know a lot of the people too and started chatting about lime-based mortar for home preservation and tried to give a guy a website and he said he didn't believe in computers or cellular phones. Not my crowd. Also, Christmas time was my favorite time to stay drunk around the clock so didn't want to be around the booze. I didn't think I would drink but why risk it especially when I am feeling down with this cold? Congrats again and I can't believe that your cousin thought you were changing your life for her. Call Bridezillas and see if she can apply.
Last edited by bikipatra on December 23rd, 2007, 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bikipatra » December 23rd, 2007, 4:21 am

Oh, I got this off a wedding website:
The marital status of the Matron of Honor does not matter. She can be divorced, married or widowed. The term Maid of Honor is reserved for those who have never been married.
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 23rd, 2007, 7:58 am

bikipatra wrote:Oh, I got this off a wedding website:
The marital status of the Matron of Honor does not matter. She can be divorced, married or widowed. The term Maid of Honor is reserved for those who have never been married.

thanks biki, that's exactly how i though i was.

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 23rd, 2007, 8:13 am

bikipatra wrote:Congrats on all those NSV's. I hate the way cherry tomatoes pop in my mouth too! I skipped two Xmas parties mainly because I didn't know the people, my husband did and they were past my bedtime. My husband told me he didn't know a lot of the people too and started chatting about lime-based mortar for home preservation and tried to give a guy a website and he said he didn't believe in computers or cellular phones. Not my crowd. Also, Christmas time was my favorite time to stay drunk around the clock so didn't want to be around the booze. I didn't think I would drink but why risk it especially when I am feeling down with this cold? Congrats again and I can't believe that your cousin thought you were changing your life for her. Call Bridezillas and see if she can apply.

Don't believe in computers and cell phones? Jeez, i realize i am too dependent on them. Then again, without a computer, i would still be sitting on the wrong side of the scale! My cousin was more or less chuckling at the fact that soo many people say they are going to lose weight for a wedding (or some other special event). Actually, she was extremely glad to know that my weightloss wasn't event related because that leads to so many failures. I guess it's just that public health degree talking. Hey, when we were kids we knew that we would be each other's maid/matron of honor and i was fat then. Of course it didn't matter to her. She now lives all the way in Pittsburgh so the last time i saw her was in early October at our uncle's funeral, well of course i am over 25lbs lighter now. I am just so glad that i found MF again.

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Postby katieb920 » December 23rd, 2007, 8:30 am

Erica way to go on all of those great NSV's. I think you are doing awesome. And doing it for yourself not anyone else. Gosh isn't it a great feeling when you can get into clothes that you have not been able to get into in along time.

Hope you have a wonderful Holiday
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Postby bikipatra » December 23rd, 2007, 9:54 am

lifelovinaries wrote:
bikipatra wrote:Congrats on all those NSV's. I hate the way cherry tomatoes pop in my mouth too! I skipped two Xmas parties mainly because I didn't know the people, my husband did and they were past my bedtime. My husband told me he didn't know a lot of the people too and started chatting about lime-based mortar for home preservation and tried to give a guy a website and he said he didn't believe in computers or cellular phones. Not my crowd. Also, Christmas time was my favorite time to stay drunk around the clock so didn't want to be around the booze. I didn't think I would drink but why risk it especially when I am feeling down with this cold? Congrats again and I can't believe that your cousin thought you were changing your life for her. Call Bridezillas and see if she can apply.

Don't believe in computers and cell phones? Jeez, i realize i am too dependent on them. Then again, without a computer, i would still be sitting on the wrong side of the scale! My cousin was more or less chuckling at the fact that soo many people say they are going to lose weight for a wedding (or some other special event). Actually, she was extremely glad to know that my weightloss wasn't event related because that leads to so many failures. I guess it's just that public health degree talking. Hey, when we were kids we knew that we would be each other's maid/matron of honor and i was fat then. Of course it didn't matter to her. She now lives all the way in Pittsburgh so the last time i saw her was in early October at our uncle's funeral, well of course i am over 25lbs lighter now. I am just so glad that i found MF again.

Oh good. Nice to know she isn't a Bridezilla. Hope I wasn't offensive implying she was.
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 23rd, 2007, 10:08 pm

i wasn't offended at all biki. I just wanted to clarify, i didn't want everyone to get the wrong idea. She's a great woman who i am proud to say is my cousin AND a very good friend!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 23rd, 2007, 10:09 pm

katieb920 wrote:Erica way to go on all of those great NSV's. I think you are doing awesome. And doing it for yourself not anyone else. Gosh isn't it a great feeling when you can get into clothes that you have not been able to get into in along time.

Hope you have a wonderful Holiday

katie, it IS a wonderful feeling and i must admit that a couple of tears dropped! and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to u too!

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 23rd, 2007, 11:35 pm

DAY 63

Another scary holiday approaching for me. I have to remain focused which, at times, is easier said than done. I know what i did on thanksgiving and i know what the scale did afterwards. Even though it worked in my favor, that doesn't give me the green light to go off plan for Christmas. My numbers look pretty good so far, even though i would like to lose more per week, my body is doing the best that it can, i guess. Maybe it knows that anything more aggressive (such as 5lbs per week) would not be healthy for ME. We all just want to rush to goal so quickly and sometimes lose sight of the fact that regardless, the weight is still coming off. I, myself, am guilty of it. I want sooo bad to be in the 30# club, then in the 40# club the next week. I know it doesn't work like that but I JUST WANNA BE THIN! I have to realize that i am on my way. I know this next statement sounds so cliche didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight either. My two really slow weeks got me down for a minute and i would be kidding myself if i thought that it couldn't happen again. It just might. I am using FitDay which gives me a four week projected weight. I may or may not be there by the software's date, but i will be there. Do i struggle? Of course i do sometimes, a couple of weeks ago, i thought there was the possibility of almost losing my mind because of the scale and a particular weight. I kept telling myself...AND THIS TOO, SHALL PASS. Guess what? It did pass. We know MF works, we just have to believe in ourselves and our abilities. If we have the ability to be FAT, we have the ability to be THIN. As long as we have the God given ability to wake up, we have the God given ability to make choices about our weight. I have made the choice to be on this plan and i will let it work for me. It's 1:34 am here so i will say "Good Night to all".

w1 -5.8
w2 -6.5
w3 -.7
w4 -.8
w5 -2.5
w6 -3.4
w7 -2.8
w8 -2.8
w9 -3.5

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Postby bikipatra » December 24th, 2007, 3:51 am

I just wanted to state that while remaining perfectly compliant I had weeks when I gained (usually TOM), stayed the same for many days in a row and posted 5 or even 7 pounds losses and not in the beginning either. I didn't do anything differently when I got those very different results. I just was compliant. All I could do was stay compliant and patient, 5-1 and water with some exercise thrown in. I had no control over the results, only my actions. Take right action long enough and you will get the results you desire. I can't wait to celebrate your reaching GOAL! It works! But you know that! :)
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 25th, 2007, 10:41 pm

DAY 65

Yup, i originally planned to stay compliant on Christmas. Then last minute i began to think that i was fooling myself. I know my limitations. So then i PLANNED to eat small amounts (just like Thanksgiving). I did what i planned to do. However THIS time, i think my body recognized the carb overload and let me know it. I was LETHARGIC after dinner and i hadn't eaten a whole lot. I was sooo full half way thru my plate and told everyone that my body just wasn't used to ingesting that kind of food anymore. Most of the comments were something like "but you don't even have a lot on your plate"! Uh, yeah family, that's the idea! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> After dinner we were sitting around watching TV and talking, i grabbed a blanket and next thing i knew i had leaned over on my cousin with a pillow between us and fallen asleep. Jeez, the effect that sugar (carb related) has on our bodies. After Thanksgiving, i lost 2.5 for that week. I am not expecting that for this week, i will just see what comes. The food intake was not any more than TG but that doesn't mean that my body will react the same. Anyhoo, i just felt the need to come here and tell on myself, no need to hide it. As i have said before, everyone is different and i don't recommend doing what i did. So, once again, i will welcome my morning shake and water. Good nite all. I hope every one had a wonderful Christmas.

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