Mike wrote:lifelovinaries wrote:DAY 53 AGAIN
BESIDES THE FACT THAT I AM REALIZING YOU GUYS HAVE SENT THAT FRIGGIN PMS BUG OVER THIS WAY!!! What???? i don't even normally suffer from PMS but it is that TOM next week. A little moody. I'VE LOST 23.SOMETHING LBS...WHY DO YOU WANNA KNOW????![]()
Hey Erica,
How much weight HAVE you lost?![]()
I had to...sorry.
I wish I could relate to how you feel. I know that when I hear that question its coming from folks who know. What I have been tired of in the past is when I haven't lost any and they say that I look different and that I've lost more. Are they REALLY seeing me, or is it that they know I'm trying and are just being nice?
Anyhow... just had to razz you a bit, before Kym had the chance.
Hi Erica! I am so glad the day went WELL for you yesterday and i see the same has happened today:+)))...so PROUD of you girl and your current mindset focusing on the ultimate end product.
LOL, THANK GOD i don't haf'ta worry about sending'ya that darn PMS you mentioned in a later entry...had my insides yanked out back in 1985..lol! s- i -g -h (sorry to be so graphic) cause it can be a "RB" in many ways..believe me i DO remember.
OH GAWDDD i too HATED when people use to ask me weight related questions and maybe they WERE just trying to be nice BUT just don't ask'me ok...maybe i was rude to some sometimes...lol!
BUT, something even WORSE than that happened to me back when i was heavier or i should say FAT, and i'tell'ya the truth, the IMPACT that i incurred from it has managed to stay with me even NOW..it has lasted in my mind allllll this time...ok, i hadn't seen this person for quite awhile and i ran into her one day...she looked me up and down and said "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED TO YOU????????"...well i was totally SPEECHLESS knowing deep inside what she was referring to...i was sooooo HURT..little did she know it was her BROTHER that helped cause me to BLOWUP like a Macy's balloon by eatin' myself ta'death...i was totally "in love" with the man at that time but he was not at my level in thinking and continued to sow his wild oates...well to make a long story short, i ended marrying him afterall (pics in my journal) but for her to say WHAT she said and HOW she said it, girl now that i look back on it i should have BEATEN HER A@@...at least i would've gotten some exercise..so i don't know what's the worst, people asking or just saying something totally OBNOXIOUS! Please forgive me for hijacking your journal Erica but your question just triggered something in me...i'll NEVER do this again+)
maybe i'll go have one of your crackers:+))))
Hi there Kym!...you guys are tooooo funny!