by lifelovinaries » December 11th, 2007, 9:36 pm
This was day 51
What is it about this number 215???? Now i am 2.5lbs away from it and i am STILL scared to death. The program is not seeming as easy right now even though i am still plugging along. I must admit i had a cracker (about the size of a half a saltine (not that it makes it any better, a cheat is a cheat). I didn't beat myself up about it, i don't think it did any physical harm (still in ketosis) but it was weighing on me mentally for a minute. I keep asking myself "ok so does this mean that i am going to start cheating again at around 215?" What is going thru my mind is i can't let myself down, nor can i let my friends down here. I have to stay in the race. I know i can do this, i just want to see 214 to get past my taboo MF weight. I know that the choice of eating a cracker is not going to get me to my goal. What am i STUPID??? Well, no, i am not stupid, i just made a stupid decision and moved on. I need to get back to basics, i know what got me from 240.6 to 217.5 and it did not involve eating crackers or anything else that is not approved in the Quick Start Guide. Back to basics, back to basics, back to basics...I am here to admit my shortcoming, not to whine. Oh well, tomorrow will once again be a FULLY compliant day. It's best for me to go to bed now because my left shoulder hurts because someone's self proclaimed fat a$$ was on it all day and i have an ear ache on the right side because something large and green came flying outta no where and "BOP!!!"...busted me in the side of my head. Thanks guys, for catching me at one cracker...Good night.

restart: 01/04/10