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Postby rodeomom » November 3rd, 2007, 10:34 am

lifelovinaries wrote:rodeomom, here ya go... grab on to the end of this rope, i'm here to help pull you thru!! :whip: Yeah, i know it's a whip but it's the closest thing to a rope i could find. :D

I got it and am holding on with what strength I have left! Thanks!

You are doing so well!!! I am so happy to see you are in good spirits and losing losing losing!! Don't you worry about stalls, or backslides or whatever. Rejoice with every pound and deal with whatever whenever it happens. I am officially 42 days on the program and I am averaging just under a pound a day. Remember, don't just rely on the scale. Measure or at least get yourself an outfit that is a little small right now - I mean one that really doesn't fit. Then try it on at the end of each week. You will see amazing results that way even when the scale wants to be a bugger.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 4th, 2007, 2:57 pm

Ugh!! I keep wondering what the hell this thing we call life is all about. I often question what my purpose on this earth is. I must say that i am blessed and i know that my life is not as hard as it could be. Lots of things i bring on myself. It just gets so difficult to determine the things i need to take on and what needs to be left alone. I need to realize that i can't save everything or everybody. So why try? i think its in my nature to be a nurturer. Is there anything wrong with that? I think i can fix everyone's problems when deep down inside, i know i can't. I am a positive person and exude that positivity upon others. Not in a pushy way but if i keep a positive aura about me, then others tend to pick up on it. I am not quite ready to go into details here yet. I am feeling REALLY DOWN! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> I know that things will get better. I know to keep my head up, i know to focus on something positive but in the midst of everything, all of that is easier said than done. So since i need to focus on something positive, i will tell you that through it all, i have remained compliant. I have not allowed my emotional state to affect what goes into my mouth, not even once. I don't even think i had the urge ( and i am usually a stress junk eater). I put it in my head early on that this weight loss thing and MF is extremely important to me right now. I am still taking it hour by hour but each hour seems just as easy if not easier than the last. so YAY! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> for me being in control of my eating, even if i am not in complete control of my emotions.

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Postby Out*With*The*Old » November 4th, 2007, 3:14 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:....i will tell you that through it all, i have remained compliant. I have not allowed my emotional state to affect what goes into my mouth, not even once.

CELEBRATE that, girl!!! Remaining complaint is hard on GOOD days sometimes. It's even harder when life feels like its closing in on ya!!! If you're going through a ton and staying on plan then you should jump for joy every day!!

I hope things get better for you soon!!!! Know folks here are cheering you on!! :cleader:

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Postby rodeomom » November 4th, 2007, 5:23 pm

Now who needs the rope? :whip: I sent you a PM :hug:
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 4th, 2007, 9:49 pm

grabbing on...whew! feel better already! :lol: Thanks for the support guys.

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 4th, 2007, 9:52 pm

and the hugs!! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 7th, 2007, 11:00 pm

Well the past few days have been WONDERFUL even tho i have been still struggling to get all of my meals in (which i posted as a question in "WEIGHT LOSS" ~fiber, queasiness). I still need help and sggestions with that. Yesterday was cold and rainy here in south jersey but i woke up and it felt like a sunny day to me. i have been experiencing a lot of different emotions. i think it is due to the mental clarity that is coming along with the program. i am beginning to think straight again. Probably due to being so focused on the progam. i have made decisions that i knew needed to be made but i was "afraid" before. i am tying up loose ends that were previously left hanging. Thanks MF. My positive attitude towards weight loss and my dedication to the program have left me feeling extremely proud of myself. If i can tackle this and win, i can tackle anything. i see that i have many draining (physical, emotional and financial) relationships in my life that need to be let go. I guess i didn't recognize before how draining they were. Letting go of my previous relationship with food seems to be getting the ball rolling. Once again, thanks MF. But i also need to send a special thanks to ME ~ and all of you here, for the support.

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Postby bikipatra » November 8th, 2007, 2:48 am

I am proud of you too! You are providing such an excellent example of sticking to the program regardless of how you feel on any given day. We all have our issues, some rather complicated. But for right now, eating is simple 5-1-water.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 9th, 2007, 9:02 am

Ok, i think i have to lay off of my daily weigh ins. Previously i was an advocate of daily scale hopping. As of this morning, i think i beg to differ. It is becoming too stressful <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> since monday, i have been +.5, +.8, -1.7, -1.4, +.9...

so, i stress over gaining ounces, or a pound overnight when i remain compliant. I think i am going to stick to my sunday weekly weighin. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> If i step on the scale daily and it keeps telling me that i have gone up a little, if i have remained compliant, there is nothing more that i can do. It is my job to remain compliant and i am doing that. Everything else will eventually fall into place. right? now i am believing that daily weigh-ins are WONDERFUL for the first two weeks of the plan and for those maintaining (as a tool). The first two weeks are when we experience the quickest weight loss and it is motivaing to see the scale continuously drop (when compliant) but going into about the 3rd week, when weightloss seems to slow down a little, i believe i am better off with just once weekly. With losses and gains throughout a week, i dont want to psyche myself out that the plan is not going to work. My ideas may not be for everyone, they are mine. Just an observation, and i wanted to speak on it since this has been a debate of sorts on the forum at times. So with that said, i will not weigh again until Sunday. Oh but damn it, once a scale whore, always a scale whore. Who am i fooling? I might be on the scale again tomorrow morning. WHO KNOWS? I'M SOOOO CONFUSED. Confused primarily with why the scale seems to be failing me. WHERE IS THE SCALE FAIRY WHEN YOU NEED HER??? I NEED HER EVERY DAY! Maybe next time she visits, she can leave a little extra fairy dust so i can just glue it to my scale, you know, reserves for times when she is visiting the rest of you, it doesn't effect MY weight loss.

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Postby dede4wd » November 10th, 2007, 10:03 am

I know what you mean! I'm also a scale whore...

I do try to put the scale away...but in the end, I have to PROMISE myself not to let the scale affect my day, my eating, my outlook. Because it's complete crap hour to hour! I ONLY believe it weekly, the rest of the time, it's a tool or a noose around my neck! LOL!

I was just checking in on you!

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Postby rodeomom » November 10th, 2007, 11:52 am

Chew on this for a minute (no sugar nor carbs I promise)--- it is possible that stress is hindering your progress on the scale. Really! Our bodies react to stress in many different ways, one of those is water retention. Thus a horrible cycle insues.. you are have more than the usual stress (this is true simply because you are on MF), your body fights for control and holds onto water, you weigh and realize you are not losing as you want to, you have added stress, your body fights for control..... etc etc etc. See what I mean? You can always try to get more water into your body throughout the day to combat the retention issues. Have you always weighed yourself everyday? If not then you can't know if you are one of those body types that fluctuate more than others do throughout a 24 hour period.

Measure success in everyway you can. Clothing fit, measurements, how you feel (mentally and physically), energy level and, yes, the scale are all ways we can see our progress.

If weighing everyday is a hinderance to your emotional well-being then try to stay off the scale for a day or two.

Keep your chin up, stay OP and you will lose. I believe it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to stay compliant and not lose weight and inches.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 10th, 2007, 8:50 pm

Stress could be stopping me from dropping the weight but i truly try to limit my stress level. IDK...
You can always try to get more water into your body throughout the day to combat the retention issues.
i don't see me upping my water intake any more, i already drink at least 100 oz per day, some days closer to 150 oz. So unless i plan on floating away... but as i stated before, i have the constipation thing going on so i think this is my MAIN problem. everyday when i step on the scale, it seems to be creeping up more and more. it doesn't really discourage me from the program because i also believe that it is physically impossible not to lose when compliant. im just waiting on the big WHOOSH!! after that, i will probably be in the 50# club instantaneously. it's just a horrible sight when i step on the scale and it is not going down, but it has not stopped me from staying on plan. instead of reaching for something additional to eat, i try to figure out something to get "regular". i think what keeps me OP is knowing that when that day comes, the weight goes!!! For me, it may be slightly stressful weighing everyday but it is also just as stressful being held in suspense as to whether the scale fairy has fluttered over me at night. The scale fairy is a smelly little fluttering, twinkle toed heiffer!! (That's me trying to make her mad enough to come my way!!!) <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby Charity » November 11th, 2007, 12:22 am

hehehe! Steph actually put her scale away in the closet when she made up her mind to only weigh in once a week but lo' and behold, she would dig it out!

I have time and time again through out my MF journey gotten upset with what the scaled said but in the long run, I have lost 37 # and went from a size 16/18 to an 11/12.

Even if it happens slow, be excited that it's happening! :mrgreen:

Have a great one!
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Postby Sojourner » November 11th, 2007, 12:43 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:im just waiting on the big WHOOSH!! after that, i will probably be in the 50# club instantaneously.

What a load of crap!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! OMG, that would be, like, 30-something lbs!! :shock: Have you tried the Miralax? I hear really good things about it. At least for the short-term, or immediate relief. For more long-term grandma swore by dandelion root. She would boil the root in water and make a tea. It's very mild and can be used 3 or 4xday. She would also use aloe vera juice (aloe vera leaf comes in capsule form now). I'm sure that there a million home remedies, good luck finding one that works for you!

Other than that, check your measurements and stuff to avoid being discouraged. And you're absolutely right! It IS impossible not to lose when compliant. You're at about the 4th week, aren't you? That is a "typical plateau time" for MFers. You're body is reworking itself, catching up to the losses... it'll show you some love soon, and by "love" I mean a smelly, little, fluttering, twinkle-toed heiffer! :lol:

p.s. Coffee works, too!
Last edited by Sojourner on November 11th, 2007, 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby lifelovinaries » November 11th, 2007, 12:45 pm

I ONLY believe it weekly,

good idea dede. while on plan, WHO CARES what the scale is going to tell me every morning. i will only believe it on Sunday right before roll call! Hopefully it will come with only great news!

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