by lifelovinaries » December 10th, 2007, 7:25 pm
DAY 50
As much as i would like to say day 50 of compliance, i guess i would have to be completely honest and count Thanksgiving as my non compliant for now i will just say day 50 on plan. All jokes aside. Today was a really crazy day for me as far as MF is concerned. As i have stated before in my journal, last time i was on the program for any length of time, i got down to 215. I also expressed some concern about reaching this number again but then i laughed and said i would be glad to see it come and go. Well i am now 3.1lbs away. Today, i didn't have any cravings but there was a little voice in my head that kept saying, go ahead eat it (it didn't even matter what "it" was, the voice just wanted me to eat "it", meaning EVERYTHING that wasn't OP). It wasn't extremely difficult to turn away from off plan items, it's just that the feeling that this voice inside of me caused was extremely eerie. I wanted it to go away. It didn't matter where i was or what i was doing, this voice was there, i coulda walked past a big bowl of chitlins (chitterlings) and that voice woulda said "eat it" (i HATE chitlins). A few times, i even caught myself saying out loud "i am going to get past this 215 and keep going. Nothing can stop me. 215 is not a road block, it's just another number." It's really hard to explain how i was feeling. This little voice seemed almost real. I know it sounds a little off but i am serious. (i know, thats the sad part). I think it was my inner failure mechanism that states: You are not to get below 215 on MF. That is your stopping point. That is where you fall off the wagon and DON'T get back on. That's what you did last time, that is what you will do this time. You will fail at this like you have failed at so many other "diets". I refused to let my feelings get the best of me today. I know that the little voice was actually the scared me and i showed her that i am taking no prisoners. This is not a joke, this is life. At the end of this day, i must say that i feel good because, i recognized that getting to this point has some effect on me emotionally. I didn't allow it to sway my mission. I have a race to win, or at least cross the finish line holding the cyber hands of my friends, while those that are already maintaining stand on the sidelines cheering us on...and in return, take my place on the sidelines to continue cheering others on. So MF, thank you for being the plan that i need right now. And i THANK GOD that i was brought back to this plan at this time, with renewed physical and mental strength. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason...I needed to get to a certain level mentally to accept things in my life for what they are. I needed to become happier within myself so when i make mistakes, i don't beat myself up about it, i just keep it movin. I needed to realize that i really do only fail when i stop trying. Its a beautiful thing to wake up to a brand new day. When i learned to appreciate myself, it became easier to please myself. Before, i never seemed to be good enuff for me. Well now i am, flaws and all. I'm just accepting of me. period. If i accept myself with the extra weight but appreciate the fact that i would like to lose it, it doesn't seem as much of a chore. So little voice...Go away. 215 is not a road block, it's just another number. One i will see come and go, never to be seen again. At least not while I'M standing on the scale. Bring it!!! but remember, it's no holds barred and i'm TAKING NO PRISONERS!!

restart: 01/04/10