My life will be different in 2005

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My life will be different in 2005

Postby purplepansy » January 1st, 2005, 8:18 am

Hello all and happy new year!
I have a long road ahead of me but I have taken the first step. My life will surely be different this year. For one I will see my goal weight and weight I haven't seen in a very long time. second, I will be kinder to myself. I always give out advice as I am a health care provider, but I don't do it for myself. I want to exercsie this year, get my blood moving for a healthier heart and most importantly, I want to value everyday and enjoy it to the fullest as life is short and these moments are precious.
Be safe and healthy in 2005
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Postby Nancy » January 1st, 2005, 2:57 pm

Purple Pansy ~

It is interesting to discover that many people that are in the health care or people caring fields are terrific about giving and providing quality care to others but that we short-change ourselves. Your goals for this year are wonderful.

When you are in better health, you will be a better friend, a better family member and a better health care provider - everyone wins!

I imagine you with a cheery face and disposition - I am thankful for your decision to value every day and to live every moment to its fullest. Have you read my newsletters? From the MakeMeThinner Homepage is a link to the archives.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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reply to purple

Postby churchie » January 2nd, 2005, 7:59 am

Dear Purple,

I am glad to meet a health care professional that is working on their health. Fortunately or unfortunately I deal with lots of them on a regular basis. I have lots of friends in the medical field with many unhealthy as I say not as I do. It is amazing how many people particularly in the United States do not eat healthy or exercise even though there is the latest craze, diet etc out there. I also have worked in extreme industries, prisons, mental health etc stress and health involved too.
Welcome and good luck and thank you for your post and honesty.
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