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Let the games begin....................

Postby shellwipp » October 19th, 2005, 5:59 am

I just got my first MF shipment yesterday, a whole day early, which was a wonderful suprise. I am now sipping on my first MF Dutch Chocolate shake, and man is it DELICIOUS!! I was SOOOOOO worried if I was going to like the shakes or not, but the Dutch Chocolate is AWESOME!! I blended it for about 30 seconds with some crushed ice and a little Splenda and it is nice and thick. It seemed like the longer I blended, the thicker it got, so I just let it buck! If everything tastes this good, I will be a happy camper. :-P

MF Since 10/19/05
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Postby dlr2424 » October 19th, 2005, 7:55 am

Shell..... :wavie: ......welcome aboard...... :D ....and your right..... :guzzle: ...the shakes as well as the other supplements are delicious (IMO)..... :thumbup: .......they are so good you think you are cheating....... :shock: ......but not to worry cause your not and when you follow the plan and shake it up..... :yes: ....you will deflab in record time..... :goodluck: .....my best to you on this exciting journey


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Postby Guest » October 19th, 2005, 11:33 am

I love everything....even the oatmeal!! You have to cook it longer and wetter tho!!! Try some davinci sugar free syrups!!!! Holy Moly!!! I am in love with the root beer!!!!
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Postby Michelle1210 » October 19th, 2005, 9:12 pm

why do you add a sweetner to your shakes? Are they not presweetned?
I have not yet recieved my order
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Postby Nancy » October 20th, 2005, 12:47 am

Michelle1210 ~

Yep, the shakes are all sweetened - the vanilla is very sweet - IMHO. If you let the shakes sit and rest for about 10 minutes after you shake or blend them, the flavor improves considerably. Some people prefer things to be sweeter than others.

Just know that it is okie dokie to add a packet of Splenda to your shakes and oatmeal if your tastebuds like it sweet!
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