Let's Talk About Plateaus

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Let's Talk About Plateaus

Postby 24KaratGold » June 28th, 2005, 12:59 pm

(I'm on my lunch break, and there's a "tenant barbecue" in the building. Yikes!)

Let's talk about plateaus for a few minutes. They drive us crazy, and we need to have some knowledge and plan for getting through them.

As I've posted elsewhere, I just got off a very frustrating plateau: I sat at 200-201 from Tuesday, June 14, through Saturday, June 25, despite staying on plan.

Then what happened?

Saturday, June 25: 201
Sunday, June 26: 199
Monday, June 27: 7:00 a.m.: 199

Now, Monday/Tuesday (yesterday-today) I didn't sleep much; I was still up at 3 this morning for whatever reason. I could feel that my shorts were getting looser throughout the evening. I stepped on the scale at 3 a.m. just before getting into bed: 197

I got out of bed at 8:00 a.m., and weighed again: 195

Eleven days of staying at the same weight, then I've lost 6 pounds in three days!

Now the eleven day plateau frustrated me, as some of you who read my journal-type thread know, but it didn't derail me. I've given some thought to this, and the only thing I can fall back on, to get through plateaus, is: Trust The Program. We know it works, because we've seen it work for others. If we stay compliant, it will work for us too.

I had my first "stall" or plateau at weeks 4 and 5, I think it was, way back in February. Two weeks, with I think a half-pound change in the scale Sunday to Sunday to Sunday. I was new on the program at that time, and I absolutely followed the advice (for the most part!) not to weigh more than once a week, because plateaus seem even longer when you weigh every day through them than if you weigh just once or twice through them. Back in February I didn't really trust the program yet; I could see Nancy, and my local friend, but I didn't really know that it would work for me. Staying off the scale helped keep me sane, and that's why you will see me so often tell people to stay off the scale. It's not realistic to expect big losses every couple of days, or even every week, m'kay? Doing that, then jumping on the scale every day, will lead to defeatism, which will kick you off compliance in a big hurry.

Now this time, nearly six months into the program, with some success behind me, when the plateau hit I was impatient because I knew that I would soon be out of the 200s and into Onederland, but it didn't create actual anxiety or feelings that maybe this program wouldn't work for me, maybe I should just quit. By this time, I TRUST THE PROGRAM. I know it works, because it's working for me. I did get on the scale several times during the plateau, just 'cause I was impatient to cross into the 100s, but the only response the "200-201" showing on the dial was a sigh and a shrug. I was starving hungry one day, and admittedly about ready to quit emotionally (ah, PMS...) just so I could eat everything in sight, but rationally I knew to stay with it, and here I am today at 195.

If there's a moral to this long ramble, it's just to Trust The Program when you hit a plateau, and don't let it drive you crazy. There is gold at the end of that rainbow, and it sure showed up on my scale in the last couple of days.

I gotta get back to work....

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Postby Sablebaby » June 28th, 2005, 1:42 pm

Great post 24,

You are just MELTING right now aren't you? That is so cool. 8) I will keep this post in mind when I hit a plateau.
Thanks again and congrats on the loss! :goteam:
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 28th, 2005, 3:58 pm

Great post 24k,
As with anything in life, great achievements don't come easy.

You guys are all Olympic caliber stars in my eyes.
I'm sticking this post in the "Elevator" room to help our future super stars cross the finish line.....
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Postby mytime » June 28th, 2005, 6:49 pm

24k - you are soooo awesome. Thank you for the very encouraging message. I will be looking in the elevator for it. You spoke right to the heart of it for me. Thinking of you with a smile. Mytime
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Postby doglover » June 28th, 2005, 7:53 pm

24k - I REALLY need this right now. There is hope yes there is! You really hit the nail on the head. 2 weeks and floating around 139.5 for days and days. I am derailing myself and not trusting the program. I am recommitting. This really will work all the way to 135. I am so close now I can spit at it! I will get there and you will be one reason why I do!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Postby LeeannNH » June 29th, 2005, 2:38 pm


hi 24k

i am going to copy and paste this post, print it out and put it in my bathroom so when the scale isnt my friend, i can read it. i know my first plateau is coming sooner than later as i am coming up on 9 weeks without one yet.....i know i will be so nervous when it happens.

now thanks to your post i will be prepared
leeann :mrgreen:
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you are awesome!

Postby oregonrose » June 29th, 2005, 5:29 pm

24k you are great! you must be dancing in the streets! This is the only diet i've ever been on where it is possible to weigh less at the end of the day than you do at the beginning. Be Proud of staying with the program and reaping the benefits. Leaving LA area tomorrow a.m. had a nice time-- has not been hard these past few days to be good-- went with hubby to pasadena and stopped at Burrito express on Washington and I just drank my pop and didnt even feel deprived! It is this program and you people that help us all stay focused on the target - better physical and mental health. Thanks for sharing with us! probably wont sign on till sunday as we will be in the Bay area. Make room for me in ONE der land! nancy
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Postby want2Bthin » June 29th, 2005, 6:07 pm


THANKS!! Very helpful. :cool:

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