Let's BRAG

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Let's BRAG

Postby Jan » October 28th, 2006, 10:34 am

Hi There,
I decided we need a thread in which we could brag about our children. We allll love to do it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: And for those of you have four legged children you can join us and brag too. :D I have 2 granddogs and 3 grandcats... I think they are all wonderful... Oh I have a grandbird too. :D
I know we have some "sports heros" out there, a cute baby or two and most likely some musicians. So lets share about them
I'll start it off.. I have two children -- as son who is 30 and a 27 year old daughter and an unofficially adopted daughter.. But I count her too. Today is "daughter's day" I've got lots of bragging to do about my son tooo but Today Belongs to Mindy.. I'll share about my other daughter soon too. Mindy is doing some graduate work in pre- med. She actually doesn't have her BS yet .. lots of credits .. changed majors a couple times before she settled down. She has been blessed and is able to work with three Phds Her thing is Brain Chemisty research. She's on her way to becoming a Neurosurgeon. She loves surgery ( not me) and operates several times a week now.. just not on people :mrgreen:Now here is where I get to BRAG :mrgreen: :mrgreen: She just presented her research at the National NeuroScience Convention in Atlanta. Her research was one of the relatively few chosen to be published. It was very very well received and she has lots of e-mails from MD's and Phd's to answer. Her research had to do with stress and depression -- lack of spacial ability. I am sooo proud of her!! She has had several Medical Schools ask her to contact them also.
Ok I've done my "bragging for today" Now it's time time for someone else to share. Tell us about your children too.... 2 legged or 4 legged... we count them all and we love to ready happy things.

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Postby Jan » October 29th, 2006, 10:06 am

Ohhh you guys are making me feel bad.. :cry: I must be the only braggert around. :cry: . no one has joined me with stories of their wonderful children -- four legged or otherwise. Come on now .. I know you are all proud of your kids :mrgreen: ... Maybe someone made "student of the month" Let us know .. I want to cheer.
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Postby VictoriousNat » October 29th, 2006, 10:29 am

I wish I had to kid to brag about. :oops: No pets. But I have 7 amazing godchildren who adore me and show me so much love and respect. I have lots of nephews and neices (some of whom are my godchildren). They are all over the globe and are really wonderful and doing fantastic things at school! My neice just got named featured soloist for her children's choir and I am really proud of her!! :D :D
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Postby Mike » October 29th, 2006, 12:00 pm

Well, I we don't have any of our own, but I have about 180 12-14 year olds that I spend my mornings and afternoons with. Di has another 25 or so 10-13 year olds that she spends her 7 hours with. As with any teacher, you'll hear that we do have our favorites, but we do our best to not tell them that.
When we get home, we get to spend the rest of our time with Jules, our beloved Cockatiel. We have decided to call him our bathroom bird, due to his yearning for the "bird in the mirror", whom he sings to at length.
In addition to Jules, we have Mr. and Mrs. Finch, who keep Jules company when we are gone.
Outside, are our beloved bunnies, Mugsy and Zeebee. Mugsy is a gray Minilop, and Zeebee is a salt and pepper Minirex. They enjoy the outdoors, and find their hutch under our big tree acceptable. They may not tell us how they feel, but we t hink that they are happy.
When we meet our maker, we will get to meet the child that we lost, we named her Jane. We may not have been blessed to spend time with her on Earth, but at least we will get to spend eternity with her.
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Postby Prancer » October 29th, 2006, 12:38 pm

My children are 6, 6 & 7. I think they are amazing. We are complimented every time we go out with them by strangers as well as friends and family. I have been told many times how well behaved they are and what great kids they are. My response is always "Oh great now we need to be nice to them" :lol: Our 7 year old is much like his father, my little genius. He just started 2nd grade and is reading at a 4th grade level. Our twins, Caleb and Emily, are both learning to read right now and doing so well. It is so amazing to see children learn and grow. I love to watch them develop. They all have different interests and talents. Caleb is in a bowling league and goes every saturday to play. Emily takes ballet, tap and acro lessons every week. Jarod was playing football but his season just ended. He was the quarterback and did very well this year.

I could keep going but eventually my head will swell so much it will pop right off.
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Postby Prancer » October 29th, 2006, 12:40 pm

Mike wrote:Well, I we don't have any of our own, but I have about 180 12-14 year olds that I spend my mornings and afternoons with. Di has another 25 or so 10-13 year olds that she spends her 7 hours with. As with any teacher, you'll hear that we do have our favorites, but we do our best to not tell them that.


Mike as a parent is is very heartwarming to hear of teachers that think of the children as their children. Knowing my kids are with a person during the day that will treat them with love and kindness is so important.
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Postby mel » October 29th, 2006, 12:41 pm

We started putting our 15 month old little boy on the potty last night. He peed THREE times within 2 hours. The last time, he "told" me he needed to go. (He looked around for his potty, which was drying after the last use, and picked up his toy doll's potty and handed it to me. When I put him on the potty, he went right away!!)

I'm so proud of my little one. I also just switched him to cloth diapers, and he's taken really well to the added bulk.

He's also starting to communicate more. He'll beckon me to his crib when he wants a nap, or point to the sink when he wants his milk. He's so great. I could go on for hours and hours, but I'll spare you...
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Postby DogMa » October 29th, 2006, 1:39 pm

My "kids" tell me when they need to potty or they want something to eat or drink, too. :lol:

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Postby Serendipity » October 29th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Ok, Jan, but if I get started, you might not be able to get me to stop.....

My oldest son graduated 4th in his high school class. He then graduated from Cornell University (code name "break the bank U") with a degree in Computer Engineering. Even though we come from a small (tiny) town, he always had his sights set on the city. He now lives in the east village, NYC and works for a research company that was recently bought out by McGraw Hill. He told me when he was in 8th grade that he would never have a job where he had to wear a suit to work.....well, he's living his dream. Dress code nonexistant.....they like their brains to be comfortable, lol. Oh and he also plays a mean guitar.

Aside from his brains, though, he has become a very thoughtful and generous man. He's a man any mother would be proud of.

Our youngest son was very social in high school. He got by with B's & C's, but was content as long as he could have friends around. He was the easy one to raise.....always a joy. While my oldest was very type A personality, Sam, was voted "most laid back" by his classmates. He went to Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and something clicked at the end of his first year. He ended up graduating suma cum laude. He is married (he's dad to the Jakester and there's another on the way) to a beautiful and loving woman who is like a daughter to me. He recently passed his CPA exam and works for a big accounting firm in Pittsburgh. I'm so proud of him for the way he takes care of his family, always putting them first. Oh, and he, too, plays a mean guitar.

Both of my children became independent at relatively young ages. Of course, their parents take all the credit for all of their accomplishments.
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Postby kendra_m » October 30th, 2006, 6:03 am

I'll hop on the bragging train! I've talked about my kids a lot in my journal, but not really just braggin on them!

My son Daniel is 18 and a senior in high school. He has Down syndrome and has had many medical problems in his life. Was born weighing 4 lbs and with his trachea & esophagus joined together, so had surgery when he was a day old. Then open heart surgery at 7 months. Then at age 11, started having hip problems and has 4 hip surgeries and spent about 3 years in a wheelchair. Last summer, he had a hip replacement and is doing great with it. All of that said, Daniel is an incredible soul. He loves deeply and without conditions. He loves Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash with a vengence. He has a dry sense of humor that catches me off guard even now. He's often shy, but has a way of drawing people to him that I can only think is some special arrangement between him and God. He is just this week starting to take guitar lessons. His graduation from high school will be quite an accomplishment for him (and for me). He was totally included in regular classes until high school. In high school, he's taken some special ed classes for academic subjects. He wants a trip to Las Vegas for his graduation present... I have a feeling he just might get it!

My youngest son Ben is 10 yrs old. He's very bright and articulate and ponders things that are way beyond his years. He's blessed with the gift of gab and can talk to anyone about anything. He goes to a Catholic grade school and loves it. He switched there two years ago at his own request... we decided to actually listen to what he was telling us he needed... and he has blossomed. He's already surpassed my mathmatical abilities, which I'm very proud of and slightly embarrassed about. He plays football and this fall, learned a lot about the challenges of being on a team. I was proud that he stuck with it, despite some disappointments. He plays the drums and seems to have some God given talent with it. His musical taste leans toward Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.... go figure.


I'm sending Unca a pic of the darlins to post here... not sure how to do that. Fun post Jan, thanks!

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Postby VictoriousNat » October 30th, 2006, 8:26 am

Ok all of you are making me cry, especially Jo and Kendra. I am touched reading your "billet doux" to your children. I really, really, really hope to be a mom....soon. :D I really, really want to be a great mom.

And, Mike, my teachers saved my life in junior high and high school when my parents were falling apart and getting a divorce. The attention, praise and love I got at school kept me sane at home. So thanks to you, Di and all teachers who do this job for love, cause Lord knows they don't pay you enough.
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Postby MISSANNE » October 30th, 2006, 9:40 am

I have a daughter thats almost 12 and a son who is 8.


If they live to see their next birthdays it will be a miracle.

Enough said.

I'll send a pic to Unca
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Postby Mike » October 30th, 2006, 12:28 pm

VictoriousNat wrote:So thanks to you, Di and all teachers who do this job for love, cause Lord knows they don't pay you enough.

Amen sister!!!. Dayna is a teacher too. :mrgreen:
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Postby VictoriousNat » October 30th, 2006, 12:58 pm

MISSANNE wrote:I have a daughter thats almost 12 and a son who is 8.


If they live to see their next birthdays it will be a miracle.

Enough said.

I'll send a pic to Unca

HOW CUTE!!! I can't believe they cause any trouble at all! :lol:
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Postby kmr » October 30th, 2006, 1:05 pm

All I can say is "I'm blessed." Bragging is not in my nature, so I won't even get started. I'm glad that it's not in my nature because I would never be able to stop bragging about them if it was! My 7 yr. old twin boys are more than I could ever hope, dream, or ask for and they never cease to amaze me and give me never ending reasons to be EXTREMELY proud of them. Even though I am proud of them just for being themselves! :heart:
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