Leopard Woman at the Candy Shoppe

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Leopard Woman at the Candy Shoppe

Postby Nancy » April 25th, 2004, 4:01 pm

Yikes! :roll: It has been so long since I scoped out the Studio and I was so thrilled to see new photos of our Forum Friends and then I realized that MY photo at Joseph Schmidt's Confection Shoppe was missing!

I wanted you all to see me on my "Anniversary Weekend" trip to San Francisco. Terry took me there to celebrate my 'one year since I reached my goal weight anniversary!'

Note that I am wearing a teensy little leather jacket that Terry got for me...best of all, it was on sale for HALF PRICE and it is a size SMALL!! That's a big deal to moi because BM* I used to wear a size XXL. Cool, eh? I loved the fact that it was half price, because I am HALF the WOMAN I used to be!
How about that fetching leopardy scarf and the leopard print gloves? I AM Leopard Woman!

*BM=Before Medithin!


Note the picture in front of the store, INSIDE the candy shoppe WITH the candy & my photo standing next to Joseph Schmidt's photo - he was in Tokyo and he missed seeing moi. Too bad!


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Postby RavenKat » April 26th, 2004, 4:52 am


You look ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!!!!!

What an inspiration you are - thank you!

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Postby Nancy » April 26th, 2004, 9:24 am

Thanks, Little Darlin'

Yes, you ARE a hottie! Isn't this fun? Don'tcha just wish you had gotten started sooner? :roll:

So often I think about how different my life would have been had I heard about Medifast sooner. But, I shall not dwell on what couldda been but focus on what IS, what WILL BE and just love every little moment of it!
Life is to be enjoyed! Life is a treasure!

Kat, you are doing something good for you and for your family every single time you rip one off, shake it up and slurp it down. Keep it up and we will all be gazing at your "after" picture very soon. You'll be glad you slurped. :D
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Postby Jeanette » April 26th, 2004, 10:39 am

Nancy, you look fantastic. I hope I look half that good at your age!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Landylue » April 26th, 2004, 4:29 pm

Nancy, Nancy, Nancy--what a beautiful woman you are! When I compare these pictures to the one of you in the pumpkin patch, it's like a magical transformation has taken place. I see the lovely woman that was hidden deep inside all along. All of us have a very beautiful someone waiting inside of us to be uncovered. Layer by layer they will emerge.

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Postby Nancy » April 26th, 2004, 7:14 pm

Landy and 'nette ~

Thank you, thank you, thank you :heart: for filling up my tank!

It is scary putting one's photo on the site. It's that old insecurity thang showing up...believe me, I totally understand how you all feel when you work up enough courage to post your photo.

I worry that when people meet me or see me in the skin that they will be disappointed in how I look. All those years of negatory self talk, running from cameras, feeling lousy about myself, loathing my bod, etc. It takes a while to lose those negative self thoughts and for the brain to catch up with the weight loss.

Yup, layer by layer, we emerge. It is really weird at times - looking at my pictures now, seeing my reflection in a mirror or window as I walk by, I still can't believe it.

My friend Bon-Bon was looking at my "Before" pictures this weekend (there are very few...) and she said she can't remember when I was that large. I'm glad. But then again, I never want to forget it either.

I love being smaller. Our bed seems so much roomier now. When Terry or Unca walks by our bedroom and I have gone to bed before they do, they say they have a hard time knowing if I am in there or not because there isn't a very big LUMP under the covers! :oops:

I still walk into the women's dept. at times, forgetting that I don't need to go there any more. If I didn't have long arms, I would be wearing a petite. Weird. Just can't believe it!

:x Bummer: I STILL wear a size 11 shoe!! I thought maybe my shoe size might shrink, too! My foot is much narrower than it used to be BM and often my shoes flop in the heel area because they are smaller but they are still LONG. In some ways, it's good that God made 'em long, when I weighed 265, I'd have tipped over if they were smaller, eh?! ;)

"Layer by layer" is certainly right - physcially, emotionally, mentally! Prepare now 'cuz you're never gonna be the same again IF ya do it right - go ALL the way to your goal before you start cheatin' and eatin', go ALL the way through transition where you begin to add back food groups properly and then work on maintenance - weighing every day, eating on time, drinking water, exercising most every day, etc.
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Postby Leigh » April 26th, 2004, 7:58 pm


Wow, I love the pics. The jacket looks awesome on you, and I have to admit I have a weakness for the leopard print myself. :D

I think you look absolutely georgous. All of the pics you've posted have really helped me to stay motivated.

Thank you!
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Postby Nite Izes » April 27th, 2004, 1:55 pm

:bow: Nancy you look beautiful and I love the glasses you are wearing.

boy oh boy, I can't wait to hit my 1st goal. My pants are feeling baggy now (they felt so tight before)
that I can sit without fear they will break at the seams. :redhead:

I also can see the day that I can feel comfortable taking a pic without me yelling
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Postby Nancy » April 27th, 2004, 5:03 pm

Why, thank you so much for the nice compliments. :oops: I'm embarrassed but I LOVE IT!!! :D :lol:
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chocolate truffles?

Postby kimay » April 28th, 2004, 10:42 pm

Now did I understand this correctly? I think I picked up on this from your newsletter of March, but I could be wrong...but didn't your husband give you a heart-shaped box of chocolate truffles from the Joseph candy shoppe when you reached goal? And then again on your one-year anniversary of reaching goal? If so, how many did you eat one year ago? I thought you were supposed to "gradually add back healthy foods".????

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Postby Nancy » April 30th, 2004, 7:00 am

Kim, you are Very PERCEPTIVE!

Yes, Terry DID give me a heart-shaped box of truffles for Valentine's Day when I reached my goal weight and I delayed eating them for a while (until I had added back foods - it was in March when I had my first one!) and WHEN I DID eat them, I ATE one every couple of days! WITH a cup of good coffee!

He gave me truffles for my last birthday, too - that was about my six month anniversary for maintaining my weight loss - they arrived in a styrofoam cooler, packed in those white ice bags - the candy came in a beautiful bronze colored basket with leaves etched on it, filled with that boingy shredded paper stuff and a dozen truffles.

I did NOT share with Terry and Unca and I delayed eating them for several weeks - I think it was about Thanksgiving when I actualy had my first one.

Medifast has taught me HOW to delay gratification for a while. I kind of like having something and then waiting to eat it/wear it/ etc. I am in control now. Stuff does NOT control moi.

Ahh...the power of Medifast!

I was so careful about adding foods back. I was a bit nervous at first about eating regular foods again. I still have not had any popcorn. Just don't want it, don't wanna go back there - maybe I have fear of it. Haven't been to a movie either - don't wanna smell popcorn. I used to eat TWO bags of butterlicious micro popcorn almost every night with 1/2 cube of butter on top of it...no wonder I weighed so much, eh?

My highest weight that I know of (you see, I didn't weigh very often - only when I went to the doctor's office) was 265 in Jan. 2002...then I began my quest for the perfect weight loss plan.

The day I had my first Medifast shake, I weighed 258 - I managed to lose a whoppin' 7 pounds from January 2002 until July 16th, 2002 when I began my journey to health and happiness.

Anyhoo...I followed the weight loss, transition and maintenance plans to a "T" and the reason I did and continue to do so is because Medifast works! Clinical studies and the 23 years of experience of others before me have proven that this works. My experiences are proving it's true to me and to those who know me and watch me.

Kim, you are on your way!
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Postby Guest » April 30th, 2004, 1:56 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You truly are an AWESOME inspiration to me. You have given me some wonderful insight and advice as to what to do if something like that happens to me once I am There! For some reason, I keep imagining me, the day after I reach my goal, is stuffing my face into a wonderful vanilla cake with extra buttercream frosting, just once!!!!!
But, I just won't do it. I want to look like you! And be like you, you successful, sexy, little vixen you!
Two more questions:
Did you follow the "Lifestyles" way of adding back of maintenance?
And, what size clothes do you wear? I'm thinking a size 6? Am I right?
Thanks so much Nancy, you are wonderful!
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Re: Nancy

Postby Guest » April 30th, 2004, 1:59 pm

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You truly are an AWESOME inspiration to me. You have given me some wonderful insight and advice as to what to do if something like that happens to me once I am There! For some reason, I keep imagining me, the day after I reach my goal, is stuffing my face into a wonderful vanilla cake with extra buttercream frosting, just once!!!!!
But, I just won't do it. I want to look like you! And be like you, you successful, sexy, little vixen you!
Two more questions:
Did you follow the "Lifestyles" way of adding back of maintenance?
And, what size clothes do you wear? I'm thinking a size 6? Am I right?
Thanks so much Nancy, you are wonderful!
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Postby Guest » April 30th, 2004, 2:01 pm

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Postby Nancy » April 30th, 2004, 8:41 pm

Hi, Kimay ~

My, my, my....you really DO wanna know all about moi, eh? Terry always says there are no secrets about our life!

Yep, I followed the transition plan in the Success in a Shaker Jar and the Lifestyles book - both by Linda Spangle. They are wonderful and I highly recommend them both. They outline the plan perfectly.

Yep, for the most part, I DO usually wear a size 6. My leather pants are a size 4 and I have a few suits that are a size 4.

You know, there are some things that can be dieted and exercised away, others are God-given and we must accept them for the way we come.

Medifast did not take away my freckles, gray hair or face crinkles (those last two items were well-earned by life’s experiences!) :roll:

I still wear a size 11 shoe but for the first time in my life, my clothing size is smaller than my shoe size!

Medifast has not made my shoulders narrower, my ribcage smaller or eliminated my ‘woadies’ (my word for my Dolly Partons).


[Hmm..is it all right to say this about oneself? I am rather curvy.] :oops: Therefore, some jackets are more comfortable in a size 8. I prefer medium size shirts or men don’t look me in the eye. :shock:

Now Kimay, if I start getting :twisted: X-rated emails :twisted: from weird drooling men, I’ll forward them to you, okie dokie? Hah!

Mike, I will ALWAYS accept emails from vous!
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