Terry and I are taking off for the east coast for a week. We are will meet with some of our Health Advisors and clients that live in the area.
We will be in Baltimore Thursday night and at Owings Mills, MD (Medifast Diet/TSFL Corp offices on Friday morning and head for Delaware. On Saturday we will be in PA, drive Sunday morning to NY and hopefully meet with the lovely lithe Lauren.
Our plans are to attend the B’way play, the PJ Game starring Harry Connick Jr with some of our Health Advisors and drive back to Delaware Sunday night. I am on the board for TSFL and will be attending meetings Tuesday, May 2nd – Thursday, May 4th.
I will have my lappytop with me, if any of you are desperate, bip me a PM and I’ll help you as I am able.
I will do my best to post a write up about the monthly product specials for May and post it for your reading and dining pleasure.
I also want you to know there are some new products on their way to our tummies soon. You’re gonna

Now you kids be good while Leopard Woman is away!