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Re: Lenainie

Postby Lenainie » September 17th, 2011, 3:30 pm

It's been a long time, but I'm back and restarting. After using medifast to reach my goal weight I had been maintaining for almost a year. My husband and I decided to start a family. We started trying and became pregnant immediately. The pregnancy seemed completely normal, I was still working out at least twice a day and staying healthy. Things were just about as perfect as it gets
At the start of my 5th month we finally had our first ultrasound. The ultrasound tech put the wand on my stomach and the first thing my husband said was "I see two heads" to which the tech responded "and here's the third." Shock, joy, fear, panic more shock. It was a wild day that we'll never forget. I was told I needed to start putting on weight (I'd only gained 4 lbs at this point). It was suggested I eat around 5000 calories a day and spend most of my time resting.
At 35 weeks gestation we welcomed our identical triplet boys. Since then life has been busy to put it mildly. After a really challenging pregnancy and taking care of 3 newborns that soon became toddlers my eating habits went to crap and exercise beyond chasing kids fell to the wayside.
I've re-started to get back to a healthy weight, reestablish healthy eating habits and get to a point where I can keep up with my kiddos.

If anyone is curious here is my blog about the boys and our adventures. http://www.threeatonce.blogspot.com
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