Leg Cramps

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Leg Cramps

Postby pumkiepoo » October 17th, 2005, 2:44 pm

what can i do about leg cramps. They haven't gotten bad yet but i can feel them coming. Right now it's the little twitch but i have a history of leg cramps in the middle of the night that hurt so bad they wake me up. what can i do to try to keep that from happening?
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Postby Unca_Tim » October 17th, 2005, 3:41 pm

Hi Pumkie,
Potassium generally does the trick for cramps.

Banana's are a good source, course they're off the program, but the fast soups have a good amount.

You can also take an additional supplement of potassium. You probably should talk it over with your MD, or call our Nurse's line.
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Postby Nancy » October 18th, 2005, 12:58 am

Pumkiepoo ~

Many people experience leg cramps during the first few days/weeks on the program. Typically, it is because of all the water we are drinking, Medifast tends to dehydrate and is very low in sodium and our body is detoxifying. Thus: crampage! I suggest that people order some Fast Soup because it is potassium-fortified. Yes, it is sort of like a glorified bouillon but the extra potassium is sure helpful especially about 1 AM when you are stomping around the hallway and the bedroom trying to straighten out your toes. The sodium and potassium help to restore your electrolytes.

Banana's are a good source

Unca, don’t even mention bananas to these folks - No bananners for leg cramps…sheesh! Pretty soon they’d be having banana splits every night!
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