Leaving program - cleaning house

Got clothes that are too big and ya wanna get rid of? If you're following a weight loss plan, you do.

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Leaving program - cleaning house

Postby nickieluv » July 11th, 2006, 8:00 pm

Hi. I've decided that at this time Medifast is not for me - interested in more, I have a post in my journal and in the weight room - but I have supplements that I don't want to see wasted.

Unfortunately, since I am not doing Medifast, I can't trade - I'm just looking to send these off. If you can take all of them, that would be easiest, but I'll split them up, too. I'm not looking to recoup my total cost of buying these, but shipping will be 4.05 flat rate envelope or 8.10 flat rate box, if they won't all fit in an envelope, so I'd at least like to recoup the shipping costs.

If anyone is willing to take that deal, let me know. I have eBay feedback under the same user name and I've done three food trades here already with good results. Here's what I have available:

3 raspberry tea
1 swiss mocha shake
3 orange cream shakes
9 minestrone
9 chili
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Postby sheila » July 12th, 2006, 1:18 am

Hi Nickie, Sorry to hear that this program isnt for you. I know it can feel like youve been on it for an eternity after some time. I sent you a pm.
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