OK --- I need to talk a little... I am leaving early Wed. morning for 10 days in sunny FLA.----HURRAY!!!!!
OHMIGOD - I packed yesterday and yes I did meet my commitment to not bring as much as I usually do when I travel ----as far as clothes and stuff..... BUT ... I am packing 12 days worth of MF meals, SF Davinci syrups, MY bathroom scale, my food scale and my journal & calendar that I track my progress on..... I think this is all good. However, I am scared to death to be off my regular turf and my regular schedule even though I have obviously brought everything I could possibly think of to keep me feeling connected and on program. Oh yeah, and my laptop -- gotta take that in order to be able to keep in touch with all of you for support!!!! I am also taking my digital camera SO MAYBE I will put a picture on the board --- I'm 35 lbs lighter and have a new haircut since I started BUT believe me you will be able to get the idea of what I am up against when I say I know I have a long way to go!!!!!
So, all of this organization and planning is a good thing right? My demons

Some days I wonder how I ever got here and then I think who cares --- the journey to here is over -- the journey from here is before me --- and I can use a map or just wing it --- I HAVE A CHOICE -- I know this but I am just about hyper-ventillating!!!
I can't even lift my BAG!!!!! I'll be lucky if I don't end up with a hernia --- I did load up on $5 bills because that's the only way I'm gonna get anyone to help me with this LUGGAGE-- even if it does have wheels - wish I did!!!
Then -- plane ride anxiety -- I've lost but the seat will be tight and zipping through the airport --- I am thankful I've lost 35 POUNDS or I'd keel over in the effort to board the plane!!!! Think I'm feelin' a little nuts --BINGO!!!
Once I get there I think I will be fine - I have prepared Mom and Dad for what I am doing and told them I won't be buffeting-it with the early birds this year!!! They are so thrilled I've lost 35 POUNDS that I know they won't be a problem - it's me I'm worried about -Just being outta my COMFORT ZONE!!!! God, since I moved here I have about a 10 mile range I like to stay within ---- this is a big trip for me --- but it's not a BIG ME going on the trip ( at least not as BIG).... Thank GOD for my sense of humor - without it I'd be done.....
Thanks for listening --- and well, just everything you all do for me.
WE WILL do this together!!!