Leaving on a Jet Plane

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

Postby shineface » March 8th, 2004, 4:50 pm

Hi Guys-----

OK --- I need to talk a little... I am leaving early Wed. morning for 10 days in sunny FLA.----HURRAY!!!!!

OHMIGOD - I packed yesterday and yes I did meet my commitment to not bring as much as I usually do when I travel ----as far as clothes and stuff..... BUT ... I am packing 12 days worth of MF meals, SF Davinci syrups, MY bathroom scale, my food scale and my journal & calendar that I track my progress on..... I think this is all good. However, I am scared to death to be off my regular turf and my regular schedule even though I have obviously brought everything I could possibly think of to keep me feeling connected and on program. Oh yeah, and my laptop -- gotta take that in order to be able to keep in touch with all of you for support!!!! I am also taking my digital camera SO MAYBE I will put a picture on the board --- I'm 35 lbs lighter and have a new haircut since I started BUT believe me you will be able to get the idea of what I am up against when I say I know I have a long way to go!!!!!

So, all of this organization and planning is a good thing right? My demons :twisted: are alive and well screaming in my ear ---- I don't think there is anything that will make me waiver from my goal --- BUT I WISH THEY"D JUST SHUT-UP!!!!!

Some days I wonder how I ever got here and then I think who cares --- the journey to here is over -- the journey from here is before me --- and I can use a map or just wing it --- I HAVE A CHOICE -- I know this but I am just about hyper-ventillating!!!

I can't even lift my BAG!!!!! I'll be lucky if I don't end up with a hernia --- I did load up on $5 bills because that's the only way I'm gonna get anyone to help me with this LUGGAGE-- even if it does have wheels - wish I did!!!

Then -- plane ride anxiety -- I've lost but the seat will be tight and zipping through the airport --- I am thankful I've lost 35 POUNDS or I'd keel over in the effort to board the plane!!!! Think I'm feelin' a little nuts --BINGO!!!

Once I get there I think I will be fine - I have prepared Mom and Dad for what I am doing and told them I won't be buffeting-it with the early birds this year!!! They are so thrilled I've lost 35 POUNDS that I know they won't be a problem - it's me I'm worried about -Just being outta my COMFORT ZONE!!!! God, since I moved here I have about a 10 mile range I like to stay within ---- this is a big trip for me --- but it's not a BIG ME going on the trip ( at least not as BIG).... Thank GOD for my sense of humor - without it I'd be done.....

Thanks for listening --- and well, just everything you all do for me.

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby TamiL » March 8th, 2004, 8:03 pm


Have a safe and GREAT trip to Florida...you will DO FINE!! check in on your Lap Top every so often...come type if you ever feel "vulnerable" or like the "evil" voices wont leave you alone!! I know its scary when you leave your "comfort" zone...I am the same way..Its almost as if that used to be an excuse to EAT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMMORROW for me..when I went on vacations...but now vacations and family visits are about STAYING CLEAN...and really taking in all you can, without the guilt overriding your brain from the Food hangovers the night before!! just a crystal clear mind...no guilt..and lots to look forward too!!

YOULL DO FINE GIRL..I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!! we are all here for you...just enjoy yourself...keep your shakes handy...PLAN PLAN PLAN and you wont Fail!!

Have a great Flight...write when you get there and keep us posted!!

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Postby Jeanette » March 8th, 2004, 8:12 pm


You have planned your work, now work your plan.


Have a blast--looking forward to a picture!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 8th, 2004, 11:56 pm

You'll do fine Shiney.
You're well equipped now with a whole new attitude. Just stay reasonable and responsible and enjoy your trip.
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Postby Starloser63 » March 9th, 2004, 6:55 am

Dear Pam,

Like Jeanette said you have planned your work, now work your plan! You will do marvesouly. I will say a prayer for your strength and perseverance. I am glad you told your parents I think they will help you stay on plan! Your demons will be there, but just tell them to be quiet and you'll give them a treat when you reach your goal. :D

Have a safe trip!

Have a great time in Florida! Read and Post as often as you can, or when necessary! :lol:

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Postby Carrie » March 9th, 2004, 8:46 am

Hey Girl,

Hmmmm, 35 pounds gone in 45 days. Sounds pretty darn good to me.


When the demons start whispering (or screaming) remind them of your tremendous accomplishment and tell them that you deserve even more of it and by golly you're gonna do it! Then tell em to take a short walk off a long plank!

You'll be fine, just keep your eye on the prize.

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