As promised (many times), I finally got my friends to take some pics of me. I've sent the email to Unca, and he'll get them up here when he gets his day going.
I wanted to mention something that I mentioned in my original before pictures - that those "before" pics were the very best of me at that weight - because who wants to put awful pics of them up to the public!?? But, I realized that they don't really show what bad shape I was in, so I have dug deep and sent Unca a horrible pic of me from this past summer, just a couple months before starting MF, holding my friend's new baby. I was just off the beach, hence no makeup and really greasy hair! :-) But, I think you get a much better sense of the weight that needed to go.

Then there are 3 new ones (from this weekend), which are DURING photos, at 83 pounds lost, from my friends' apartment.

I PROMISE to post more photos when I near completion - but now you can all stop harassing me! ha! ;-)