by Nancy » June 1st, 2006, 9:37 pm
Hi Everyone!
Greetings and thank yous from Lauradr! I spoke with Lauradr this evening and she want you all to know that she really enjoyed reading your posts and very much appreciates your prayers. She saw the doctor today and then goes in again on Monday. It is hoped that at that time the cast will be removed from her right wrist and replaced with a soft cast – like an Ace bandage. It sounds like they’ll take off the neck brace, too.
Steroids are wonderful drugs in terms of aiding the body to fight off infection, to reduce inflammation and to heal the body. They also come with side effects such as an increase in appetite, fluid retention and at times, they can interfere with sleep. Likewise, when the dosage is decreased, joint pain returns, headaches are common, moodiness may rear its ugly head and the aftermath of weight gain can just about do ya in…I am speaking from personal experience here…the steroids have left our dear Laura a bit fluffy and I just ask you all to pray for that fluffiness to vamoose ASAP!
Laura still cannot type or write and it may be a while before she is able to do so – she reads the Forum faithfully, is frustrated because she cannot reply but is happy to hear from you all. She may be ready to return to work in a couple of weeks. Her 3-year-old granddaughter, daughter and hubby are taking great care of her. Laura is one terrific person, I love her to pieces and want her to be restored to wholeness and health – again her doctor mentioned how wonderful it is that she is healthy, strong and in a much better position to heal properly because of her super weight loss success.
Laura, you are a winner! Keep on getting well!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit