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Last Minute Questions

Postby jene115 » April 2nd, 2006, 9:25 am

So much for thinking I know everything! :mrgreen:

I have my order -- shakes and bars. I know enough about myself to know I will not do the 5 and 1. Any food and I will cheat at this point.

I'm concerned about dizziness since my doctor upped my BP meds. I intended to do 4 shakes and a bar a day, but I want to go to all shakes starting next month. The less choice I have, the better. I know we can have certain veggies, so if I need the "crunch" I can get some cucumber or celery.

My question is on the fast soups. Are they like boullion I couldn't handle the regular MF soups. I hate lumps in my soup. So if they are just like bullion, I can do that. I think the extra sodium/potassium will stave off any dizziness caused by weight loss/heat/humidty and BP meds. But before I order any, please let me know the consistency. I can't eat oatmeal because I can't stand the consistency. Can you drink the Fast Soups instead of using a spoon?

Anyone else doing just shakes? I find it easier than doing the soups and chili and stuff like I did last time. I never did enjoy the chili, so I decided bars and shakes to start, then just shakes. If I remember right, Nancy did all shakes, didn't you Nancy?

Any information would help. I need to call in to change my order this week, since I don't want to do bars through the whole thing.
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Postby jene115 » April 2nd, 2006, 9:27 am

Oops, another question. . . :oops:

How many supplements are you supposed to have on the complete program. I thought it was five, but I can't find that information right now. I know the Fast Soupls don't count.

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Postby dede4wd » April 2nd, 2006, 9:36 am

Hi Jen

I'm so happy you're ready to start! I'd hate to beat a dead horse :deadhorse: , but you DID see your doctor and they agree about the complete plan right? Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but you should be doing 6 supplements daily with the complete plan, not 5. Also, the DR might suggest an extra supplement or fast soup and want to see you more often as they may need to adjust your BP meds!

I do mostly shakes and bars with the exception of either one oatmeal or one pudding a day. But I am on the 5 +1 plan. I do like the simplicity of the MF food choices I make. I like the ease. Shakes and bars (and pudding, tee hee) make it easier for me to consider my supplements "medicine" for what's wrong with me "fat" and to treat them as such! I like the training I'm getting for maintenance by making good L & G choices.

For me, the fast soups have the consistency of the creamy soups. I fight the lumpies by shaking it up really good and THEN heating it up. I have a mini wisk too that works good. I keep the fast soups on hand for days that I work hard or out in the sun or walk a lot. I need the potassium then so I don't get the leg cramps. Remember the fast soups are considered a MF snack, not a supplement. I do drink them out of the jar, I don't use a spoon.

The celery and the pickles are GREAT for the crunch! I need my crunch sometimes!

Speak to your Health Advisor, they may be able to suggest some things that have slipped my feeble little mind and read the forum often!

Welcome back and good luck! I know you'll be cruising into Colorado at your goal weight! Hope this obscenely long novel I wrote helps!

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Postby jene115 » April 2nd, 2006, 11:29 am

You're not beating a dead horse, Dede, promise! Yes, I went to see my doctor yesterday. I told her I was starting the MediFast plan She asked about it and thought I meant the Methodist Hospital program and I told her MF was from Johns Hopkins and more of a do it yourself program than the Methodist Hospital program, which is mega expensive. The shakes do have close to the same nutritional profile, but you have to go to group meeting and such. I told her the premise is the same, that I have a health advisor I can talk to for support and this group, and I would come to see her every three months for blood work/urinalysis to check health progress and sooner if needed. She seemed pretty happy that I was finally read to start doing something for myself instead of being treated for everything I was last year.

I never could get in 6 shakes before. I have them 3 hours apart, starting at 7 a.m., so 7, 10, 1, bar at 4 and shake at 7. I'm in bed by 10, so I guess I could have one before bed, but I never could seem to be able to do that. I guess I should try though since I'm going from a bad fast food habit to basically nothing, so probably 3,000+ calories to less than 600 and I'm sure I will need the extra calories the 6th shake will bring.

I just changed up my autoship order to get the fast soups because I'm really concerned about dizziness. I take my BP meds at night to avoid being dizzy at work, but I think the extra potassium in the soups will help. Yes, I know they are snacks.

I will do my best to do 6 shakes. I know it will be better for me. Thank you for reminding me.
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Postby dede4wd » April 2nd, 2006, 12:18 pm

Hi Jen,

In my long-winded novel, I forgot to mention how happy and proud I am that you came back! :wavie: Glad to meet you! I did MF a year ago and had fantastic results, but fell off the wagon, then got dragged behind the wagon, then the wagon backed up over me. I just wasn't ready to give anything up to reach my goals. I was still looking for the "magic pill." I realized now that this is 80% mental and that I just want to train my body and mind the difference between what it wants and what it NEEDS!

I'm now well into my 5th week and realize it's OVER 80% mental. I won't let this crap beat me! Sounds like you won't either!

As for the spacing of the supplements, do every 3 hours until bed and then have one right before might be 2 hours, it might be 2 1/2, just get all your supplements in...ESPECIALLY with the complete program!

Take care and I'm so happy you're back!

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Postby jene115 » April 2nd, 2006, 12:23 pm

Well I just figured my order and I only have enough right now to do three weeks if I do 6 meals a day and I just updated my autoship for next month and that's also 3 weeks (they overlap). I tried to add enough for six meals and it was too expensive. Autoship as far as I can tell is only once per month so I pay for it monthly. Free shipping over $200 and you get 5% off your order to start. To add enough to it for 6 meals a day it would be too expensive for me. Everything I have read on this says 5-6 shakes a day on the complete program. Can anyone elaborate if it's definitely 6 a day and not 5-6? I guess I could check to see if I can split the autoship into two orders, shipping twice a month instead of two. That will take some of the monetary pressure off.
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Postby Arklahoma » April 2nd, 2006, 2:01 pm

Jen ... I am doing the complete program and it is six supplements per day. It is veryimportant that you get them all in.
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Postby scrabbler7 » April 2nd, 2006, 6:48 pm

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Postby Jan » April 2nd, 2006, 8:27 pm

Hi Jen,
We now ask people to do 6 meal replacements each day on the "complete program" We don't want to cut your caloric intake toooo low. Watch your Bp pretty carefully -- it will be coming down -- and most likely you'll need to have your medications adjusted. (Mine was quite high and came right down) If you get to feeling pretty dizzy -- off to the Dr to have your Bp checked and perhaps your meds changed. The fast soups are great -- just like bouillon. They help a lot if you are dizzy due to an salt issue (potassium etc) But if your Bp med to toooo strong -- you'll still be feeling whoosy.
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Postby Loribug » April 2nd, 2006, 9:39 pm

to repeat, 6 shakes

as to the lumps, shake, shake, shake, .... shake, shake, shake,...shake your........

seriously, cold water, blender bottle, or tupperware makes a dressing bottle with a screen in it that breaks it up. For the real stubborn shakes, pour it through a small strainer if you have to, I"ve done that before and it works.
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Postby jene115 » April 3rd, 2006, 5:33 pm

It not the shakes that had lumps, it's the soy in the soups. It's too hot for soup anyway, but I am changing up my order to get some chili because with hot sauce, it's not too bad.
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