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Postby martha » August 1st, 2005, 9:16 pm

Hi Nancy and Fat free---

Fixing to go to bed but thought I would answer you first.. No I never did call the Dr... Didn't see any need to.. Couldn't have been from moving to fast as I was sitting on the john :oops: when it happened..BUT I just talked to and old friend of mine and she thinks I am allergic to laxatives..GO FIGURE!!! I have neve been able to take them hardly at all without breaking into a sweat and having severe stomach pains.. so I never take more than 1 when I do take them.. Usually just take a stool softner but yesterday I took 2 dulcolax thinking I didn't want any complications with the eye surgery and straining..well needless to say I never heard of anyone being allergic to them.. I do remember having the sweats and all and do remember getting a funny feeling earlier but after that it's anybodies guess. I will never take another one as long as I live that's for sure.. I rarely have ever taken them anyway but since this program I stay that way(if you know what I mean) :oops: --SORRY!!!

As far as my mom goes.. she wasn't even concerned..much less would she move over in her bed for me to get in.. :mrgreen: She just said" see how things happen when you are not expecting them too"-- Such is life on this end..Only she can be sick(ha-ha) or feel bad.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .. Thanks for caring though..
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Postby Nancy » August 1st, 2005, 11:13 pm

:redhead: Martha, Martha, Martha...

I think Leopard Woman needs to come back there for a visit, wearing her :lightbeam: Nurse Sternfinger uniform, :whip: waving her finger at you...

I'd be able to :snooze: snore a lot better tonight if you would call up your doc about the wooziness and the pluggage pro-blem-mo you're having, Darlin'.

Straining is :x NOT good any time, especially after eye surgery...

I am going to copy something here for you, Folks from a previous writing of mine. I do hope it will be of value to you, Martha.

I’d like to address some things that may be helpful for you.

The dreaded “C” can occur in the early stages for people on the full fast. Medifast is virtually a vitamin premix and the body utilizes nearly all that it consumes, leaving very little waste by-products.

Our products do contain fiber but for some of us, it seems to not be quite as much as we would like!

I know from which I speak as I was on shakes only for three months. I thought I was :twisted: :twisted: gonna die… :twisted: :twisted: (once I started having Creamy Broccoli Soup and a bag of crackers, that helped somewhat.)

It is really important to drink a lot of water. :water:

Exercise and increased fluid intake can help if you have hard poopage. :weightlift:

The oatmeal is helpful as it does have some bulk. :eat:

The Medifast Plus for Women’s Health has a little bit of hiney helper in it. (Natural fiber)

Having a daily small green salad is a good idea because it provides something for the stomach to digest and then it moves on down… :runner:

Then there is everyone’s Grandma’s favorite toddy: into a glass of water mix 1-2 teaspoons of smooth-textured Metamucil :buddies: over the lips and over the gums, look out stomach, here it comes!

Some clients use :shock: stool softeners as they are not :twisted: habit forming like some laxatives can be. :oops:

Now let me say one more thing here, and please know this is strictly off the record (as much as something on the www can be ‘off the record’). This is NOT part of the Medifast protocol.

I had the Big “C” a lot and I was MOST miserable.

Trust me, ask Terry, A :twisted: cranky Leopard Woman is not a beautiful thing.

Even though I was on the full fast – all Medimeals and virtually no regular food I ate one (1) Wasa cracker every few days.

Wasa is usually sold in the cracker or the Diet Food section of most markets.

:tongue: It tastes like cardboard.

It is rough – sheesh!

You could get a serious cracker burn on your :tongue: tongue and throat if you don’t have a :water: glass of water nearby to wash it down.

I scarfed the Wasa with a cup of Medifast Fast Soup – I rather liked to experience the luxury of dunkage with my Wasa into the Robust Tomato.

I personally think that for people going on the Complete Program for weight loss, a small green salad with a small amount of low-fat salad dressing (olive oil or canola oil) is a good way to go. Particulary if you are female and in your forties and above.

People on the Complete or Full Fast Proram, MUST be under the strict supervision of a physician.

People on the Complete Meal Replacement Program, eating no regular foods for a substantial amount of time MUST follow the transition program exactly right.

See my November 2003 Newsletter for the 'how to do transition' instructions.

:coach: If a person who is on the Complete Medifast Weight Loss Program and has no regular foods and then porks out - and this is what some of you are wont to do - you are now on notice: you can wreak MAJOR problems with your gallbladder.

You may have to take a :drive: trip to the urgent care clinic if you :bib: pork-out after having had a very low fat, low calorie eating plan for a period of time and then dump a load of fat down there.

The gallbladder is the little organ that deals with fat and helps your liver.

When you are not sending fatty foods down there for it to process, it gets :snooze: lazy and sludgy in there. So if you snarf down something greasy and fatty and all that FAT shows up on the front porch of the gallbladder, :shock: it freaks out, as it just cannot handle that much grease all of a sudden so it let's you know it is NOT HAPPY... :x

I have addressed this issue in previous posts and I do not wish to have you all start a new thread about this subject. So please do a search using the little button at the top of the page.

:coach: Enough said, just consider this fair warning.

I am not a physician and therefore I am not able to diagnose, treat or provide therapy.

But I DO care about my peeps, and I want ya to do the right thing, 'cuz I love ya! :stroll: :stroll: :heart: :stroll::stroll:
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Postby martha » August 2nd, 2005, 5:04 am


This little peep appreciates all your concerns and love.. I rarely do the complete--usually the 5 and 1 lean and green.. I have had the luxury of my gall bladder being taken out already from the last diet(they cut my stomach and I almost died--taking 3 pints of blood and being in hospital over 10 days) A whole other story :mrgreen: --don't have to worry about that one :mrgreen: thank GOD!! I gag at the thought of metamucil but will try the benefiber stuff this week.. I have some cream of brocolli soup but haven't tried it yet.. NOW--I promise to call the Dr 1 day this week after the eye surgery(fixing to leave in 30 minutes to go)and will keep you posted.. thanks for loving and caring.. It means sooo much to me.. Will try to behave like the good little (well almost :mrgreen: ) girl I was brought up to be :mrgreen: --I will check all the old threads as you suggested..Thanks again--martha
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Postby Nancy » August 2nd, 2005, 8:34 am

:lol: Wow! :lol:

:thumbup: What a week you're having!

Size 14's

:shock: Eye surgery

:byebye: Good-bye to :glasses: glasses,

:wave: hello to cool :shades: sunglassed

Almost ready to slip into ONEderland... :boing: :bouncie: :bounce:

What could be better than? :huh:

:scratchhead: Hmmm... maybe :rose: flowers and jewelry...

:whistle: be happy for your friends, be happy for your friends, be happy for your friends...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby want2Bthin » August 2nd, 2005, 10:35 am


I am sorry to hear about your fall. I think you should call your doctor just to be on the safe side. In the mean time I will be praying for your eye surgery & for your pain from the fall to go away quickly.

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Postby martha » August 3rd, 2005, 1:20 am


I thught I would let you all know Martha is fine.. The Lasik surgery went well-rained all the way there and back and she slept all the way home.. and all night(pills helped) I am leaving for my 1 month hitch on the boats--she goes back to New Orleans today for her after surgery check-up.. She should be back tomorrow if not sooner..I personally want to THANK all of you for her support...DOUG
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Postby Nancy » August 3rd, 2005, 6:27 am

:byebye: Hi, Doug ~

We :heart: love you, Man!

Thank you for the Martha update! :sheepjump:

Whew! So :bounce: happy to hear from you and the good report about our special friend.

We prayed for her and will for your safety as you leave for the month. :angel: Take care of yourelf, Doug. :hug:

Just want you to know how :trophy: proud we are of your weight loss and to thank you for your great support and encouragement.

This thinnin' process is not :brickwall: easy.

Martha, we can't wait to :shock: SEE you without your :glasses: glasses.

Hmmm...maybe you'll have to try some eyeshadow and mascara now!

:scratch: I wonder if she'll like the flowers and jewery now that she can see them better?

:x Drat! There goes my hopes of having them passed on to moi. :mrgreen:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby LeeannNH » August 3rd, 2005, 9:57 am

hi doug

thank you so much for the martha update! she is awesome and im happy to hear things went well for her. let her know that we are thinking of her

martha if you are reading so happy for you!

take good care
leeann :mrgreen:
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Postby sprgrammy » August 3rd, 2005, 10:04 am

So happy to hear Martha is doing well. See you soon.
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Postby want2Bthin » August 3rd, 2005, 1:31 pm


Thank you for letting us know that Martha is doing well. I have been praying that everything was ok.

Martha- Can't wait until your back to posting! Congrats- God is so awesome!

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Postby martha » August 3rd, 2005, 7:07 pm


Yes I am back.. now all I need is some reading glasses(over the counter kind) Nancy I don't know that I will ever like the makeup but am willing to try now that you can actually see my eyes for a change.. Being 50 makes it a little late to learn but hey if It's learnable I will try :mrgreen: No it will not make me like the flowers any better though--so Nancy don't give up on getting them yet :mrgreen: you just never know..

Thank all of you for your prayers..I know that helped me to get through all of this.. and I CAN SEE!!!!! it's been over 30 years wearing glasses and all day today I kept trying to adjust the darn things and they were not even there :mrgreen: How silly is that?? feels like I lost an old friend but this is one I am glad to bury :mrgreen: :mrgreen: --love you all--Martha
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Postby want2Bthin » August 3rd, 2005, 7:10 pm


WELCOME BACK!!!! I am so excited for you!

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Postby martha » August 3rd, 2005, 7:13 pm


THANKS!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sooo excited too!!!!!!!!!--- Glad to be back with all of you..Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 4th, 2005, 1:02 am

:D :D :D :D :D Oh, wow! :D :D :D :D :D

I am thrilled that you can :shock: see!

Welcome back, Girlfriend!

:sheepjump: :bananadance: :sheepjump: :bananadance: :sheepjump: :bananadance: :sheepjump: :bananadance: :sheepjump: :bananadance: :sheepjump: :bananadance:

(I really like the little sheepy lambkin and the dancin' nanner!)
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Thinking of You.

Postby Lynzi » August 4th, 2005, 9:24 am

Remarkable Martha

"I get up.
I walk.
I fall

I keep

:bananadance: Glad it's all behind you now. You deserve the goodness!
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