My goodness, that scale sure has a pace of it's own. 191.6 this a.m. I won't complain because I do believe that I'm probably putting on some weight with muscle from Curves and walking the hills here at home. I have my skinnier jeans on today to make me feel better.
Got up late again today as I am wont to do on Wednesays, my day off. Been feeling a lot more tired during the day lately. I'm not sure if it's the longer work days or exercies or what, but it's odd how tired I am during the day yet I have trouble getting to sleep at night.
Well, now the big decision for the day: Curves, a walk, or another exercise option? On all the other days of the week I don't have time for more than 30 minutes so Curves is a no brainer, but today I could actually go for a long walk or do an exercise DVD or something more interesting... Hmm.
And I have to decide what to do about small group tonight. I'm in a group that gets together and eats every other Wednesday and it always turns into a feeding frenzy.

It's not so much that I won't be able to resist the pizza tonight because I know I can; it's that I hate making a big deal about not eating what everyone else is eating. I just hate how big of a deal weight and eating is in society. I skipped last time because I didn't want to deal with it and I did legitimately have some work stuff to do, but I don't want to keep making DH go by himself and I also don't want to keep being noticably absent. So, maybe I'll just take my L/G salad and just tell folks who wonder that "I'm watching what I eat" and hope that just accept it and don't beat the point to death...