Lara ~

Could you be allowing your scale to have more power over you than necessary?

It is a machine.
It does not

see the healthy things you do, observe the times you passby the pizza box and do not grab a slice, nor does it hear your innermost thoughts.
I’d forgetaboutdascale for a week or two…it’s making you cwazy…
Generally thyroid issues slow weight loss down but they do not make it impossible to lose. Thyroid Rx needs to be taken about an hour or so for proper absorption before you have any soy…
Some progress is better than no progress. You are eating healthy good-for-you-food.
I’m glad you deep-sixed the canned green beans…cottage cheese is a bit salty, too…
Focus on the three hour intervals rather than the ultimate down the road goal.
Little by little is how we get there.
It is not easy making changes to habits we’ve formed and practiced over a lifetime but it is possible.
Lara, as a medical professional, surely you meet people on a daily basis that are forced to make changes due to disease or accidents.
I know how hard it was for me to stop eating my daily double (two bags of Butterlicious Micro Popcorn with ½ cube belted butter drizzled over each bag each night) and super size my broccoli.
It is
still hard four years later and I do not particularly like it (watching what I eat) but the alternative: obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gastric reflux, killer pain in my knees, feet, and hips is a lot harder to deal with than eating differently.
I mourn the loss of some of my foody friends at times but I have learned to make substitutions and to better deal with my impulsive eating desires.
Hang in there, stash the scale for a while…
BTW, when you get up later than usual, still get all of the supplements in – have them a tad bit closer together, don’t skip any of ‘em; you need every vitamin, mineral and macronutrient in the packet.
We’re cheering for you!