This is, by no means, an original concept. I believe this is one of the things taught in a clinical program (the one that begins with O).
Lapse: an episode of going off program for one time (meal). Most of the time this will not effect your loss, but it could lead you to a relapse.
Relapse: more than one episode but less than a week of going off program. You may see a temporary effect on your loss, but can do damage control when you break out of the relapse.
Collapse: when you eat off program longer than a week. Most of the time this leads to deep feelings of guilt and despair, which leads to more binges, which leads get the idea.
A confession: I recently went through a relapse. I couldn't concentrate on my program, and I thought if I had to eat one more pickle or see one more sugarfree Jello I was going to SCREAM! Why, after 4 1/2 months and 68 lbs did I do this?? I have no clue.
Mike told me something that was a lightbulb moment for me. He said (and this is taken directly from an e-mail he sent me):
There is no magic. It is a looooooooooooong drawn out process to lose the weight.
Lets look at it from a numbers side of the fence. (Mike the math guy) I know your somewhere around 38? Lets assume you live to 90 (just for conversation) 90 years is 1080 months. You are losing (can't remember) 150 pounds (again for conversation) at 4.5 pounds a week, this is 18# a month. (could be faster if you chose) This should take you 8.3 months. 8.3 is 7/10 of 1% of your total life.
Assume you had $1080 dollars (your life in months) and you had to give up 83 cents of this 1080 dollars. This is the % of time it takes you over your entire life. It is a SHORT stint in the general scheme of your overall life. Why allow yourself the chance to owe more money to the "diet bank" when you would/could pay it off sooner (lose it now, instead of losing it later)?
Ya gotta remain faithful, its NOT that long a period, is it? Look what you have to look forward to when the weight is gone, my testimony is not proof in the pudding? Yes are proof....
I have recommitted myself to my program. More than anything else, I want that orgasmic feeling of being in size 12 jeans. Vain I know...I must have hung around Mike too long!
I'm not perfect...but I am determined.