Ladies I need help......

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Ladies I need help......

Postby Tankie » June 7th, 2006, 11:43 pm

Well it's that time of the month and I think I'm gonna lose it.....
All I want to do is go to the grocery store buy a pint of Hagen Daz, a bag of Doritos, get home put my jammies on and call Pizza Hut! Even knowing in reality I won't do any of those things I just want to eat every and anything in sight. I have drank so much water today to try to kill these cravings that I think I might float off at any second! HELP!!! :aarggh:
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Postby MusicalMomma Reloaded » June 8th, 2006, 4:33 am

Hey there Tankie :) I totally relate (and so do most of the women on this board). My DH said something last night that created yet another "ah-ha" moment for me and I will pass it along to you so perhaps it will help put things into perspective.

He said: "I'm miserable when I'm dieting...I'm miserable when I over eat...the misery of dieting passes...the misery of over eating only gets worse...I think I better choose the temporary misery!"

Believe me, that was QUITE deep for my loving husband and it really made me think! He's RIGHT!!

SO, hang in there sweetie...this too shall pass :)
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Postby falisamarie » June 8th, 2006, 6:19 am

I know your pain. Big hugs to you and just know that this time will pass.

What Joyce responded to you was wonderful. I am planning on printing that out on my inspiration list that hangs on my fridge.

PM me if you want and I will send you a copy of my inspiration list.

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Postby Sarya » June 8th, 2006, 7:43 am

Also, I try to tailor my food towards my cravings when I'm in pms (or other) mode. Thick dutch chocolate shakes made in the blender with ice (it's like a frosty); a peanut butter, caramel nut, or chocolate divine bar; you could make cookies out of the oatmeal. I also try to have steak during that time because of my iron getting low. If cravings are too much I have the crackers and soy crisps to choose a snack from.

I know it's not the same, but if I tell myself I am having a treat by really packing in the chocolate flavored mf supplements then I get through it ok. And it's amazing how well the soy crisps kill my craving for crunch and salt.

The other thing, besides tailoring my days meal plan to my needs, is that I try to keep busy. Playing a video game (I am a total wow addict), going window shopping at the mall, going to the movies (you can take your pack of soy crisps and get a diet soda.. mm movie goodness. Or you could bring a bar and eat that during the movie like a candy bar. I'm more the soda and popcorn type, hence the soy crisps), going for a walk, other exercise..

Really it's the combination of keeping myself busy and carefully constructing my meal plan for the day to combat any cravings I know will come up.

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Postby jump4joy » June 8th, 2006, 10:25 am

Oh Tankie, I've been there and I'll BE there again next week, so I know how hard it is! :cry:

I love what Joyce's husband said and I'll use that one.., I think I'll choose the temporary misery, I think I'll choose the temporary misery, I'll CHOOSE the temporary new mantra. :)
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Postby Nova » June 11th, 2006, 3:24 pm

I've been there and know exactly how you're feeling. A month ago I wanted to do the exact same thing, go to the store, buy a big cake and a lot of ice cream and sit on the couch with a spoon and devour it all. I mean, I could taste the chocolate. I would go stare at the frig, stare at my medifast, think about the ice cream. I posted here looking for encouragement and I got so much good advice and just plain ol 'hang in there's' that it made a difference. I didn't cheat. I didn't eat ice cream. I had a chocolate shake, then chocolate pudding, and the next morning I was so proud of myself because I didn't give in to my temporary craving.

Try to stay busy, think of anything that's a treat that's not food and do that. It's so hard to train ourselves not to think of food as comfort and reward, but it will happen, and you'll feel so much better for it.

Stay strong!

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Postby Tankie » June 12th, 2006, 1:01 am

Thank you so much ladies!!!!!! I am now officially out of the "danger zone" and am happy to say with your ideas and words of support I managed to make it through without 1 slip up!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! :bighug:

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Postby falisamarie » June 12th, 2006, 4:25 am


That is great! I am so glad that you made it through victorious over those monthly cravings

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