Lactose intolerant?

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Lactose intolerant?

Postby Mom23 » May 27th, 2006, 5:02 am

I have been on program for about 8.5 weeks. For the past 4 or 5 days I have been having a gurgling tummy; sometimes it's so loud that you'd swear there was an earthquake or something :headphones: going on. It doesn't usually start this until mid-afternoon (after I've had 3 or 4 MF meals). At times I feel bloated and gassy as well. Two days ago and then again this morning (about 40 minutes after having my hot cocoa), I've had to "dash" :puma: to the bathroom. :oops: Could I have suddenly developed a lactose intolerance? :scratch: Should I go to the store and get some Lactaid to take with my supplements? :?
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Postby DogMa » May 27th, 2006, 10:25 am

Can't hurt to try it. Or they also recommend Pepcid, I believe.

I'm not lactose intolerant, but I found I was getting a lot of stomach noise like that after eating the bars. So I've cut back and only eat them when I really need the convenience.

Of course, if it only just started, it COULD just be unrelated and maybe you're just having a bit of a tummy issue or stress or something.

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Postby Jan » May 27th, 2006, 10:47 am

Hi Bobbi,
Both of my children, ages 30 and 27 are lactose intolerant. They both use our products with no ill effects. But, my son headed out and had a chai latte at Starbucks and it about "did him in". Both "kids" drink the RTD's mainly but Mark has had hot cocoa at my house several times and Melinda loves the oatmeal. Your symptoms sound familiar to me. Mark generally reacts within 20 minutes. I think trying the lactaide would be fine. I'm not a Dr. of course so I don't know if you can suddenly develope lactose intolerance. Both of the "kids" have been very lactose intolerant from birth. Me too!!
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Postby lifelovinaries » May 30th, 2006, 8:15 pm

I've never been lactose intolerant but I do notice that sometimes I get the gurgling stomach sounds also. Since it hasn't been too much of a nuisance, I haven't taken the time to try to figure out if it was any particular replacement causing it. Nothing really sends me running for the bathroom, as I have always fought constipation problems. :oops: Either way, I would say try the lactaid to see if that helps if the gurgling is bothering you that much. Then again maybe it is a whey problem since the hot cocoa seemed to aggravate it. :idontknow: Hey, I say let the stomach grumble ~ maybe it will burn some extra calories~~ :lol:

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Postby Tiolazz » May 31st, 2006, 6:41 am


I had the same problem from the start, even posted about it a time or two. I finally bought some beano and Gas-X. I take the beano before every supplement, and that pretty much took care of the problem. If it does not, then comes the gas-x, and it surely does...

I was just feeling like I was going to burst every day.... it's all good now.

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Postby Mom23 » May 31st, 2006, 7:30 am

Thanks all for your replies! I've decided that it really can't be lactose intolerance since I was a big milk drinker :guzzle: before starting this journey...

Maybe it is the whey protein since it does really do it more with the Hot Cocoa. But, I'm going to be a glutton for punishment because I love, love my hot cocoa in the mornings and before I go to bed. I'm not gonna give it up! :buddies: Hubby can just fall asleep :snooze: to my tummy :whistle: 'singing' songs! ;) (especially since I get to listen to his snoring!)

I'm going to CVS today, so I'll pick-up some Gas-x and see if that helps!
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