I know I shouldn't but...

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I know I shouldn't but...

Postby kdluster » February 18th, 2004, 6:35 am

Ok - day two down, welcome to day three! I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday - but I can't help it...so needless to say I was a little disapointed this morning when I did not lose any weight yesterday. But then I thought about it and I lost two pounds the day before and did not gain any - so it's all GOOD! When I got home last night I told my hubby about drinking 148 oz of water. He said I should be careful, there is something out there called water intoxication...anyone heard of it?
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Postby Jeanette » February 18th, 2004, 7:09 am


Would you mind the viewpoint of an "old timer" regarding the scale?

I won't tell you to NOT weigh every day, because I do this myself. HOWEVAH, I do not base the entire success or failure of my program based on the numbers that pop up in the screen.

I know that, being a woman (ALLLL WOMAN!), I am built differently than a man. Besides the obvious, women have more natural body fat due to the original purpose we were designed for (makin' babies). Due to this fact, our weight can fluctuate as much as two or three pounds every time we step on the scale.

One day as an experiment, I weighed myself several times throughout the day. Each time I stepped on the scale, the weight increased by about 1/2 a pound, giving me a 3 lb gain by the end of the day.

Why do I weigh every day? I do use it as a guage to keep me on the straight and narrow, BUT...I also do it with the knowledge that, if I see a gain, it is only temporary IF I am following the program to the letter. The same goes with plateaus. I try to judge my success by other means--the tape measure is a good one.

So you see, you cannot judge your success SOLELY on the scale. Take other things into account: how your clothes feel looser, how you have mor energy to get things done, how you can cross your legs now when you couldn't before, etc.

If the tone of our day is guaged by the numbers we see on the scale, we are setting ourselves up for sabotage.

Just some thoughts to help you not go crazy every time you step on the scale.
Jeanette :star:
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Postby explorthis » February 18th, 2004, 7:24 am

Jeanette wrote:
I know that, being a woman (ALLLL WOMAN!), I am built differently than a man. Besides the obvious, women have more natural body fat due to the original purpose we were designed for (makin' babies). Due to this fact, our weight can fluctuate as much as two or three pounds every time we step on the scale.

One day as an experiment, I weighed myself several times throughout the day. Each time I stepped on the scale, the weight increased by about 1/2 a pound, giving me a 3 lb gain by the end of the day

Ok, aside from the "all woman" part, and the fact that you are made for babies (WHATEVAH) I do additionally weigh every evening and every morning religiously. Prior to Medi-miracle the only time my arse saw a scale was at the Dr's office iffin I was sick. Scale me? NEVAH!

I regaled you with this before (darn that woman) my Dearest Mom bought me a WONDERUL gift for Christmas, a digital scale, not just a digital, but a dang one that weighs in fractions of pounds. BMI? Who cares. I have enough on my plate to worry about, without adding in some BMI factor.

Anyway's my point is, Men (or at least me anyway) fluctuate also. I literally every evening, weigh, then in the morning again - wearing my wonderful - darling - great fitting birthday suit (as I still tackle the scale while it tried to hide quivering in the corner) I DO fluctuate anywhere from 3 pounds to as much as 4.2 pounds from morning to night. I can see my weight in the evening and KNOW for a fact in the AM I will be a minimum of 3 pounds lighter in just 8-10 hours....

Beats me, but there is fluctuation from a Man's side.

Dang that scale and dang my Mom for getting it for me.....

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Postby kdluster » February 18th, 2004, 7:48 am


Thanks for the insight! I do appreciate the viewpoint of an "old timer". :D I am learning not to let the numbers on the scale dictate the kind of day I am going to have. I think I will take your advice and measure myself this evening, it will be interesting to see how the measurements change. Thank you again for your post...you are always so positive and such an INSPIRATION!
February 17, 2004
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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 18th, 2004, 7:54 am

Good Luck today! day 7 for me.
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