Hi everyone - 'tis me again. I don't think I have mentioned what is, for now, the biggest reason behind the needed weight loss....knee replacement. I have genetic arthritis in my right knee and the knee is pretty well kaput. I fell last month and my doctor and I were less then thrilled at the amount of deterioration in the last year. I told him on the spot, that surgery was not an option, First I am too young (52) and second I am self employed and the primary wage earner in our household. This kind of surgery carries a long recuperation time. I know I will need it someday, but am trying to hold out as long as I can. So my doctor (who supports me fully!!) agreed to let me lose the weight and re-evaluate how I do. I need to be fairly close (if not at) my goal by April. And that is why I am "nervous" over the plateau I am on. It is fantastic that I lost so much so fast, the first week. And I know my body has the final say in how fast I lose it. But if anyone has any tips that I could try that might jumpstart things I am open to all ideas.
I wish I could add some exercise to the mix - as I know it would help. However I am a domestic violence survivor and my ex-husband left me with a couple of permanent reminders of his presence in my life - a curved lower spine and bad right shoulder. These things can't be fixed and I long ago decided not to let it get me down. The good news is that I am fairly newly married to a wonderful man who would never raise a hand to me, and he loves me just as I am. And I really do have a pretty good attitude.
Sorry for the long note, guess I had a lot to say. So any advice on how to jumpstart me?
Thanks everyone for "listening"